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Camera tplink h.264 and panasonic blc160a

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I want to know if this cameras are good or not? outdoor or indoor? Can I use my computer monitor?

Why this cameras don´t have optical zoom?


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I have to ask the obvious question have you done any research on either camera you are asking about? Or are you simply looking for someone on this board to do the legwork for you.


Can you use your computer monitor, well yes but this depends on how you plan to use it, can you directly attach the camera to your computer monitor most likely no, if its an analog camera you could look for a BNC to VGA converter which would allow you to connect directly to a computer monitor.


Are the cameras any good, I am sure they are, but this question all depends on what you want to do with them, then the answer may very well be no. You have to provide some detail on the intended application of the camera.


They are most likely both indoor cameras, can the be put into housing and put outside, Im sure you could find a way to make it work.


Why don't they have optical zoom, well most likely because they are entry level cameras and you are asking for a more advanced feature.

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