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how to make Lorex NVR safer

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I have purchased the Costco LNR800 system. Beside 2 out of the 6 camera are DOA, the rest of the cameras are OK, Camera resolution are good. network viewing, remote mobile viewing are all good.


But since all recording is on the NVR, if someone come into the house, I would imagine they want to yank away and take the NVR with them so to remove evidence of the break in. I am thinking, since the NVR is on the same network, could the NVR hard drive be mirrors with another larger drive on a network computer? tried to GOOGLE but does not find similar topics.


Could some expert jump in and comment or give me some links to research if I am asking redundant question?

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Step 1) DVR lockbox. Rough cost 100-150.00 ebay

Step 2) Install second harddrive for mirroring

Step 3) Off load data from NVR to local NFS share

Step 4) Off load from NAS to cloud.

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Thanks. Set up 3) on nvr is what I'm looking for. Appreciate if any links.


NFS share must be public. Setup quota on your nas, as it will fill the drive...I dont recall if it records directly to the nfs or backs it up or what

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Thanks. Set up 3) on nvr is what I'm looking for. Appreciate if any links.


NFS share must be public. Setup quota on your nas, as it will fill the drive...I dont recall if it records directly to the nfs or backs it up or what


You can set it up either way.


The NFS do have to be public, no id/password allowed.

But on some NAS-NFS servers you can configure access only from certain IP addresses, which is something, better than nothing.

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It's pretty robust it won't stop everybody but it damn sure will slow them down especially when it's in a stealth location

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Thanks for all the reply, now there is hope that I can set up a NAS and configure it as a mirroring hard drive. I will need to figure out

how to do this when I have some time, but this give me hope to make this system really useful. I think if a thief is smart enough to understand IT, he won't be in the break-in business.


I see that there are many variaty of NAS out there (WD, QNAP, snology ... ), just so I don't buy the wrong one. Could anyone share which brand/model that had worked for you (with Lorex LNR200 serious of NVR)? Thanks

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