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Noob with a Merit/Lilin PDRL-DVR-16PE-300

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I've inherited a Merit/Lilin PDRL-DVR-16PE-300 from a high end resort that upgraded and am curious if anyone has any experience/knowledge of the system. From what I've found in extremely limited google results is that it's a fairly descent setup (Retails for ~$2500), but would like some pro's to chime in an tell me what I've got, features/shortcomings/performance etc. There's almost no literature available online about it from what I can tell as Lilin has phased this model out. It's a 16cam, 1tb dvr computer based machine. That's all I know. The setting's are a little archaic and I cant figure out how to input the web settings to be able to view it remotely via a browser.


It is being used at my house and I'm new to the cctv subject. At the moment I have a Swann 771 Dome and 5 Swann Pro-760's wired and hooked up. The dome has descent night vision, but the 760's are a little grainy for driveway/side yard surveillance at roughly 40-60ft. What are some better camera options aside from the stuff in normal stores? Would it be best to just add stand alone IR's where necessary? I've got a fairly liberal budget and am curious what else is available and where to buy it.


Thanks! I'm looking forward to learning more about my setup and available options.

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