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Geo continuos recording at night

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Hey guys


I am having a couple of issues with a geo system that hopefully you can shed some light on.


I have 2 x cameras that are located inside shipping containers that are inside a warehouse. Of an evening the container doors are closed so it is pitch black inside.

The cameras are not day/night and create like snowy interference like an out of tune TV on the screen once it goes dark.

This of course triggers the motion detection and gives us 10hours recording of nothing.


I know this sounds like more of a camera issue but is there anything I can do within geo to stop this apart from scheduling it to not record.


Also in one of the video folders where each cam has it own folder for recorded data. A folder called "database" has been created it has approx 87gb of data. the file names are like "pos20051012" as well as a few others. No POS solution has ever been setup on this box and i am not sure what it is the other DVR's do not have it and i am considering deleteing it.


Any help is appreciated.

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Yes they are perfect in every other way except when in darkness


the "interference" if you can even call it that is not that bad. I can't even be certain that is what is triggering the recording. But what else could it be?



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Anything that causes noise in the video will trip the motion recording even if you have a sensitivity adjustment on the DVR.


A GEO will do this easily if it is set for 720x480. Some type of bug.


Try 640x480 if you haven't tried that.


But it sound like something is creating noise in the video. Could be several things causing that. Cheap camera, little bit of light, settings, wiring, etc.

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It sounds like your issue is with gain control, when the camera has to view dark, it no longer has as strong a signal, to boost the signal the camera will add an automatic gain to the video, the trade off is that the noise associated with the gain will be magnified.


Firstly I would try adjusting sensitivity then adjusting the gain settings on the Geo system or get a camera that has DNR, Dynamic Noise Reduction, this will sample every frame and only send the one with the least noise.


My suggestion would be that there is only one way into the container (correct?) and if it is unlikely that it can be entered in any other way, I would set Geo up to record after hours only when the door is opened or a true motion detector is activated, it is not expensive to do, just requires some extra wiring and the I/O option.

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