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HikVision NVR outside LAN

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Hi all,


I have a hikvision NVR, using the live view webpage it works fine from within the LAN. Outside the LAN the page loads OK, when I click on the "Start all cameras" Live view button nothing happens. I've port forwarded ports 80/8000/554 to the NVR but not having much success with the live view?


Any ideas?



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Have you run a port scan to verify the ports are responding? You also might want to change port 80 to something else in case the router has something else running on 80. What is the router model?

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Hi the ports appear to be open, as if I run the iVMS desktop software it can view the cameras OK outside of LAN.

The router is an Asus RT-N12, I've forwarded port 9080 from the router to port 80 of the NVR.


Here is a screenshot from outside the LAN, when I click start all, SOME cameras appear not all, sometimes I get 2 cameras, other times 3, but there should be 6.



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as if I run the iVMS desktop software it can view the cameras OK outside of LAN.


So iVMS-4200/4000 works outside LAN?


Are you live viewing the main stream or sub stream? You need to have the bandwidth to view those remotely. Can you enable/disable one camera at a time to make sure at least they work first vs just letting it throw them all up at once.


Check ip, gateway, etc settings for each camera again. Do it through the ivms software to make it easy.

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Configuration -> Local configuration -> Stream type, set it to Sub stream. Your internet connection probably does not have enough upload bandwidth to stream all cameras at the Main stream at the same time.

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Configuration -> Local configuration -> Stream type, set it to Sub stream. Your internet connection probably does not have enough upload bandwidth to stream all cameras at the Main stream at the same time.


It worked!!!! Thanks so much, I owe you a beer

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