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Swann SWHDK-882004-US

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Hey there guys, just about had enough of researching for answers on all systems and finally decided to sign up on the forums here to get some answers. With the recent happenings around my house, I am no longer satisfied with not having eyes on it 24/7 so I started looking last week for a quality system. Almost every system Ive found under $1000 bucks has mixed reviews, which I normally don't mind too much of, but the bad reviews are all pretty much the same issue: not having good enough quality in the product for longevity, low quality resolutions, and horrible customer service. So today I just decided to bite the bullet and get the Swann SWHDK-882004-US. I want good quality for facial recognition, license plate/Car, audio recording, quality night vision, etc. I am probably going about this backwards, but I get tired of looking and just buy stuff then get into the details later lol. So for all you experts, here are my questions:

-Is this is a good system overall?

-I will be needing more cameras (hoping just 2, but will get more if need be), which ones will work with the system besides the ones that came with this bundle?

-When placing the cameras, is there an ideal location or situation that they will work best in? I want to mount them as high as I can to my parapet walls. (See Pics)

-I read somewhere I can use cat5 to wire the cameras up instead of the supplied, too short, RCA cables? If so, what connectors do I need, and how far can I run them on it?

-I see on the back, there is audio in, and video in, again; can all this be ran through a single cat5 cable or equivalent?

-Being a computer "geek" I'm not too worried about setting up the network to run these to mobile devices, but are there any tips for setting these up? I've read mixed reviews on network settings and port forwarding that has to be done.


Thanks for all the help guys.

Eric from Tucson,AZ.


Here are the Pics, where would be the best places to place them without any blind spots? Depending on how wide the angle of the camera lens is will be a little of the determining factor I assume?









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