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Single port, multi-channel (24 channel) IP Camera System

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Dear forumers,


I am new to this forum. I am an IT professional; I am given a project to install an IP-camera system in a factory, and to this end, I need your help.


I have a project to install 24 IP-cameras in a factory compound. The factory is 100 meter by 200 meter in dimention. The 24 cameras are distributed within the compound in an irregular manner. To reduce the cabling, I would like to use a single cable from the viewing computer (or DVR), and divide the cable at each Camera location using a POE Switches. For ecample, when I reach camera A, I use a Switch to split the cable and send one cable to Camera A, and the other cable will keep on going until I reach camera B. Then I split the cable using another POE switch, send one cable to Camera B and go on until I reach camera B, and so on.


- Can someone please tell me if this is possible ? Will the computer be able to identify the signals from each camera and display the video separately ? (remember that only one cable was taken from the computer initially which was then divided using Switches)


- Will the network cable have enough bandwidth to accommodate all those signals ?


Also, please tell me which IP camera System from which campany will fit my project.


Thank you very much



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Your an IT Professional?

Seems kind of strange you would ask this. If you were installing computers instead of IP cameras would you do this?


I have done plenty of large plants.


The server would install in the data center and connect to the local switch.

Then there would be other switches out in the plant connected by fiber. Pull the camera to the nearest switch as long as it's within 100 meters.

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Almost every 2megapixel h264 camera produces a max of 6mbit stream, so if you will have a constant max stream of 144mbits from the cameras.

Now you can not give power to 24 cameras and to poe switches through one utp cable. Its impossible because cameras consume much more power than ip phones and other small poe devices. Now if you use one utp for network and one power cable for powering the cameras and the switches you will have to buy less expensive switches and you will get 1gb link between the nvr and the cameras.

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Thanks cctvikidis.


What I would like to design is like the diagram shown in the attachment, with the Combiners and Extrtacters replaced by Switches, the Coax replaced by a Ethernet cable, and the CCTV camera and Video Injectors replaced by IP cameras. Is it possible ?


Almost every 2megapixel h264 camera produces a max of 6mbit stream, so if you will have a constant max stream of 144mbits from the cameras.

Now you can not give power to 24 cameras and to poe switches through one utp cable. Its impossible because cameras consume much more power than ip phones and other small poe devices. Now if you use one utp for network and one power cable for powering the cameras and the switches you will have to buy less expensive switches and you will get 1gb link between the nvr and the cameras.


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You diagram does not say how all this are powered and you didn't tell me if you accept the extra power cable line solution that i proposed?

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The cameras are located in groups of three or four far from the monitoring station. I can use some POE switches for them.


You diagram does not say how all this are powered and you didn't tell me if you accept the extra power cable line solution that i proposed?

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