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2-3 cameras "live streaming" thru SIM card to android ???

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Hi all,


I need assistance with design of Remote monitoring of summerhouse.


Idea is to connect minimum 2, maximum 3 cameras(motion activated), horn and speaker if possible. Problem is it has to go over SIM card because there is not even a possibility to make it thru fixed phone line(nearest one is 3-5kilometers away).


I want to see real-time picture when I want on android phone, and of course that I'm informed when cameras are triggered by motion.


Can anyone tell me which camera,horn,speaker to use which "main unit" or even exact brands and types of equipment which can work over SIM card???


Any help appreciated

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There are some individual cameras that have a sim-card option, but they're typically direct-from-China-no-support (or instructions) kind of thing. Plus, if you're looking at 2-3 cams...then that means...2-3 sim cards? (plus 2-3 logins from your Android phone).


For construction sites I do and other remote locations, I go with:

* Regular ol'NVR (or DVR) camera system of however many cameras wired to the NVR or DVR.

* NVR/DVR is plugged into a router with USB/4G (or 3G) input plug

* USB internet dongle from Verizon (or whatever ISP) is plugged into the router


Then I log into the NVR using the Android app for that particular NVR and I can see all the cams.


While it's not a "sim card" specific solution, there might be routers that accept a sim card out there. It was just easier for me to grab a router with a USB/4G input, and not pricey either.


As for trigger motion...

Most current NVR/DVR systems will do it.

The cams and NVR/DVR are still a basic computer. Motion recording is very good and I can sift through the motion-events real well to find things when I need to.

I recommend motion recording for most situation.


But as for relying on 2016 technology to accurately alert me when there's something real going on and not a tree branch during a storm or a moth that flies right up to the camera....at least for me, the 2016 motion technology isn't up to snuff for getting live alerts for an outdoor cam. For an indoor cam...possibly. But for an outdoor cam, the alerts happen way too often even when I turn down the sensitivity and "mask" areas I don't want to alert on.

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Thanks, it is great idea. now I have to find Router capable to work with either SIM card or USB dongle and routing the "internet" to LAN connection (RJ45).


Or even to set up some old laptop/computer to route the internet from dongle to LAN connection, maybe via Connectify app....


Can you recommend DVR set with cameras capable of remotely activating horn when I see "intruder" on cam?

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