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difference between multiplexer and dvr

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Hi everyone.


I just need to know exactly difference between a video multiplexer and a dvr.



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A multiplexer is used to allow multiple cameras to be recorded onto one recording device. It itself does not do the recording, it just outputs the multiple cameras in a fast sequence (which may be fixed, or prioritised so cams with motion get more fields).


Multiplexers output in full screen to the vcr/dvr/whatever (well to be honest, many actually crop the image slightly, but they wont tell you that in the marketing blurb) and the more cameras connected to a multipexer the slower each cameras frame rate will be (unless you use one with motion detection or alarm input so it gives the one with motion / alarm more priority).


A DVR is a digital video recorder, it will do the actual recording of whatever input it gets, many dvrs include there own multiplexer, some single channel dvrs can accept the input from a multiplexer so you can record more than the 1 cam its capable of usually.


As all manufacturers offer different functions its impossible to say exactly what the differences are, as many functions are available on some dvr's and some multiplexer (such as quad views, picture in picture, motion detection, alarm inputs/outputs).


DVRs often have additional facilities such as remote viewing over the internet, backup facilities.


But basically a dvr records, a multiplexer is a building block to allow you to record more on a recording device (it has other uses to, but thats the main one)

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