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ACD-1500 install

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I need help getting a ACD-1500 online with a Everfocus DVR. I have spoke to EF and made sure I have the right pins connected and I did not notice any dip switches on the camera to set. Does anyone have any input that could help me out?





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The switches are on the big board in the camera housing.

The manual is here www dot cctvdealers dot com/customer/intsys/PDF/ACD-1500-LG27%20Manual dot pdf

Replace the dots with periods... This is for the LG version.

This unit communicates, Pelco D, Pelco P, Santachi, Hunda600 & Longcomity.

Good Luck!

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I really appreciate your help, but I have not been able to get it working yet. I set the dip switches just as the manual said to and I spoke to the manufacture of the DVR and everything is installed correctly. When I unplug the camera and pug it back in it goes through a cycle like it's supose to do. I'm open to any suggestions that you may have.





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