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AVC 760 network backup speed very slow 1.7 mbps (212.5 KBPS)

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I bought avc 760 last week and when I try to backup, it takes a long time to finish the download. I connected my dvr and my pc through a switch router. And DU meter said the transfer rate is about 1.7 mbps (maximum). (I used AP Client software

Its confusing me since the manual said that dvr support 10/100 base T while the backup transfer very slow, not even 10 mbps.

My PC LAN CARD is 100 mbps. Any body may help to explain, is that the standard transfer rate of AVC 760 or maybe there is something wrong with my DVR.

Thanks in advance.

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What kind of computer are you using, and what are the specs, and what operating system are you using?


Have you tried connecting to the DVR with a cross over cable for comparison?

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As a reference point, on my 782 the Video Server E application indicates average network speed is about 1860 kbps when viewing live video.


A 5 MB download takes 27 seconds, about 1520 kbps.


I don't think there is anything wrong with your system. I can't see any reason why the network hardware speed should necessarily be the limiting bottleneck - it could be the DVR processor for example.

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What kind of computer are you using, and what are the specs, and what operating system are you using?


Have you tried connecting to the DVR with a cross over cable for comparison?


My computer is Pentium E2160 dual core, memory 2 GB, OS XP Pro SP2, I tried with cross over cable too but still the same.


As a reference point, on my 782 the Video Server E application indicates average network speed is about 1860 kbps when viewing live video.


A 5 MB download takes 27 seconds, about 1520 kbps.


I don't think there is anything wrong with your system. I can't see any reason why the network hardware speed should necessarily be the limiting bottleneck - it could be the DVR processor for example.


Thanks kiwi, according to your speed that's almost the same with my download speed.

Download 1520 kbps= 1.5 mbps,

live view 1860 kbps=1.86 mbps.

When I ping my DVR


F:\Documents and Settings\ultimate>ping -l 1000


Pinging with 1000 bytes of data:


Reply from bytes=1000 time=3ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=1000 time=2ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=1000 time=2ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=1000 time=2ms TTL=128


Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 2ms, Maximum = 3ms, Average = 2ms


When I ping my DVR with load -l 2000 its time out


F:\Documents and Settings\ultimate>ping -l 2000


Pinging with 2000 bytes of data:


Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.


Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),


Kiwi: could you ping your AVC 782 DVR

Ping -l 2000

will you get RTO too. thanks.


Anybody could ping ur AVC dvr with load " -l 2000 " ?

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Yes, I get RTO.


I haven't used that parameter before, what does that tell us?


Thx kiwi.

About the parameter my ISP told me how to check the bandwith with load. And I tried to ping my router and other computer in LAN even with maximal load (65500) and I never get RTO, I think the DVR firmware just limit the bandwith for some reasons because the DVR use RTL 8201C chipset (10/100 mbps).

And this make the download, control the DVR, and live view very slow.


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