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Posts posted by tomcctv

  1. Thank Rory:


    How does the unit compare on user friendliness:

    is the unit easy to setup in comparison?

    How do you rate the CMS/Network software in comparison


    Now that's the kind of response I was looking for!



    hi. so thats what you are asking questions like that


    How does the unit compare on user friendliness:

    is the unit easy to setup in comparison?

    How do you rate the CMS/Network software in comparison

  2. Well lets see --- firstly you are implying that i claimed to be TVT



    well sorry i did not look at your website. i just know TVT as a company that i have been too.


    It seems to me you are trying to use this thread to plug your product!


    i have not mentioned Avermedia at all.


    dahua, TVT, Hikvision, geovision --- what does that matter - I want to develop a questinoaire to send to my customers to determine where the product I am selling them....falls short of their expectation.



    then that is the point at which you start for your questionnaire. but to be honest i dont see why you need to send your customer a questionnaire if the product you sold falls low of there expectations.




    If we exclude the petty - I am sure we could come up with a pretty decent survey/questionnaire that could be used by any distributor , regardless of the brand they represent.


    that would mean the distributor would have to stock lots of brands and that cant happen. as you know one product will not do it all.


    so what are you asking. should we compairing TVT against dahua geo aver hik Q see. i just dont see how that will help your questionnair

  3. Tom, I gather that you seem to be antagonizing!



    dont see why you see it like that. but i was right. you are a distributor and not TVT. and thats all my point was.



    your question has many replies. i gave it on the dahua side. never used the Q see so cant comment.


    but i cant see how you can compare. TVT they all use the same O/S.

  4. hi. am starting to get a bit confused on your posts. TVT is not your product you may be a stockest but TVT are a company in there own right.


    and share a common O/S with the likes of Q see and dahua. dahua being the company that is getting to stand out from the rest with working with the O/S and bringing there products forward. (new range from dahua out in mid june)



    i dont see much you can compare to the TVT range. both dahua and Q see have a good tech support

  5. I cannot imagen that I am the only one having difficulties setting up a stream server accessable for mobile phone (iPhone's, Adroid's and BlackBerry's)



    hi. i can see this being a long post. so you dont have any of the above ??? you are looking to get images from a avtech onto your samsung. ???

  6. hello all,


    I cannot imagen that I am the only one having difficulties setting up a stream server accessable for mobile phone (iPhone's, Adroid's and BlackBerry's)


    perhaps someone past a "reference" page while surfing internet?


    like to know what to put in adressbar, as






    rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/stream.264 HMHMHM ARGgg.. I'm lost


    why doesn't the manufacturer put the correct streamadress-strings in there manual including ports to trigger/ map/ forward


    all hints and suggestions are VERY WELCOME


    Greetings, Lampy



    hi. what dvr /nvr or direct ip are you using iphone/android you will need a app

  7. I was GIVEN a $4000+ Sony SNC-RZ50N IP camera/wireless card & antenna, inside a UNIORS7C1W housing.


    I want to set it up in ONE high spot inside our fabrication shop to be viewed at 1 peer-to-peer station.


    Can a simple $40 24VAC 100VA transformer like this be used to power the housing which will then convert the current to 12VDC?






    it would be best just buying a regulated 12v 2amp power. give your camera protection.

  8. Actually the entire gist of the article originated within an extremely price sensitive environment where DIY installs are the order of the day



    Hi tesc. 4 years to reply thats not bad. but have things changed in that time .... yes they have very much with better cards and better display cards.


    just had a quick look at your site. reading your blogs from 3-4 years ago. i just find it interesting why you first dvr product listed after all you put into your blogs is a basic cif dvr. 4 years ago you talked about quality and now you sell cif

  9. Hello,


    I have a client who purchased Sanyo Cameras and a Generic DVR. When I plug everything in and than power up, the cameras are displayed for a brief 5 seconds and than they shut off. Just guessing but could it be that Sanyo Cameras are only compatible with Sanyo DVR's/DVR Software?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated





    Hello Everyone,


    I have known about the site for a while now and I figured I should register and say hello.


    I have been in this industry for about 5 year now. I have my own company that sells, installs and wholesales. So I am just peaking around if anyone needs help I can help answer some questions as well. Hope to see you around.






    cbellissimo. dont take this the wrong way but why are you stuck on such a basic question. you own a cctv install company and also a cctv wholesale company. both of which you should know the basics of cctv being an installer and a sales company.



    your problem could be anything from a short in just 1 BNC giving the dvr a short and switching off to your cameras are under or over powered.


    first test plug your cameras into a tv or test monitor see what you have.


    bell out all your cables i.e check all BNC conectors. check that all pos and neg on power are all the same


    plug 1 camera at a time back into your dvr

  10. Hi

    I'm having the same problem with my sentient cctv system I have formated the USB to Fats2 and it still wouldnt open on my laptop and as I'm quite a novice with these systems I'm at an end of what to try next as I need to down load the images so he police can have the copy. nothing I try seems to help any ideas would be appreciated.




    Hi would this be the maplins dvr under the name of sentient. formatting in fat32 is what you need. but your pc will not open the files you also need to load the viewing software onto your pc. look for file on software then direct it to your pen drive. but you will have another problem the police will also need the software to view your footage. it depends on your footage to if they will bother doing so. they dont like loading software onto there system




  11. I'm wording it wrong I guess, I know the DVR/NVR is supporting the input... how about we help this guy out.

    I'm just commenting on equipment I know and I know ICRealtime has a nice product and does everything and more that this man is looking for.

    Here he goes again pushing exacq You already said this buddy. He's still asking about the 2 DVRs.

    ICRealtime has a Hybrid DVR that can store 16TB max (8 2TB HD's). You can also add in 4 MP or IP cams plus the 16 CHs of analog cams. So total of 20 cams.



    people are trying to help. and good information has been given. in all products listed. but out of all listed avers and the exacq are good. ic is a little lower in FPS and res if needing HIgher FPS. and the other problem IC will only run 1 type of ip. unlike avers and exacq. which have 100s.



    Exacq ip list http://www.exacq.com/support/ipcams.php

    avermedia ip list http://www.aver.com/surveillance/download/NV-NX-NXU-SA-XR-IWH-IP-Camera-Support-List.pdf

  12. Here he goes again pushing exacq You already said this buddy. He's still asking about the 2 DVRs.

    ICRealtime has a Hybrid DVR that can store 16TB max (8 2TB HD's). You can also add in 4 MP or IP cams plus the 16 CHs of analog cams. So total of 20 cams.

    I understand this but are you saying sanyo can support icrealtime




    you said icrealtime has a hybrid. its the other way round its not the camera supporting the dvr/nvr its if the dvr/nvr can use say a sanyo or axis. to which ic cant at the moment.

  13. I think I just broke my big toe, WHILE SITTING DOWN USING THE PHONE!!


    The pain is intense, I cant move it at all. I was on a long phone call, when I got up my toe started to hurt ALOT. I mean I didnt even notice stubbing it ... guess it means more $$ to the doctor tomorrow .. the throbbing pain is crazy, and trying to stand up or walk is almost unbearable ..


    Anyway enough details, this ever happen to anyone else?

    BTW I walk barefoot alot and this is a first!




    One night when this women came home she wanted some but the husband said that he was to tired. So when he went to sleep she got on his big toe and got what she wanted.




    The mans toe stared sweling the next day so he went to the docter. The doctor came in and stared examing the man. Finally he said "sir, you have gonareay of the big toe." The man just could not believe this so he asked the docter if he knew how he got it. And the docter said, "don't ask me cause I don't, but believe it or not a women came in here today and had atletes on her woman bits.



  14. We did not install the equipment.



    do you know the login for your mobotix cameras. i.e can you get into set-up


    am in the uk so not much help to you. if you have not worked with mobotix before then save pulling your hair out you are best contacting a mobotix agent just to talk you though some settings first to make sure you are not locked out from your camera.


    the wireguy is a mobotix tech. drop him a email or pm. memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=5992

  15. the problem will still exist with the mobotix. if the ip has changed then the mobotix will need a reset . (though engineers code) so if he did not install in the first place and does not know the password then thats going to be a problem.


    and if the ip checker is right above. then the camera has also not be moved from a local location but to another country.



    so if that is correct. towermaintenance can you please pm me if you are from danisco. you allready have a number of mobotix in the group.

  16. Here he goes again pushing exacq You already said this buddy. He's still asking about the 2 DVRs.

    ICRealtime has a Hybrid DVR that can store 16TB max (8 2TB HD's). You can also add in 4 MP or IP cams plus the 16 CHs of analog cams. So total of 20 cams.




    the problem with icrealtime i.e dahua. hybrid is it only supports 1 make of ip at the moment.

    Can someone tell me what the best DVR is for the 16 cam, 8-16TB storage and the best bang for the buck. It needs to be the best.


    what is your budget

  17. I'm here to learn, so could you explain why Sentient bullet cameras in particular, won't work please



    Hi its not just sentient its any camera with built in IR. they just dont make good covert cameras. the IR lights up at night like a tourch.


    making your cameras (ir type) covert into a bird box does not work. this is also why you dont see them for sale other than in nature cams.

  18. :? I am wits end with this video system. System is (4) mobotix cameras, qnap459, cisco wireless router, computer and monitor to only display the camera.


    This was a working system at building we purchased.


    Wireless router ip address is and cameras are from to 228.


    Prior to moving the system, to access the 1st camera, I just had to type….


    I moved this system to our current building which as multiple switches and routers in the 169.23.1.X range.


    With the viewing computer, when I connected one wire from existing switch to port 2 of the cisco wireless router, able to get internet. However, I can’t access individual Mobotix cameras like before.


    When I disconnect the wire between the switch and port 2, no internet, but able to access the cameras.


    Advance gratitude for your help.





    Hi. did you install the mobotix at your first location ??? do the mobotix show up at all

  19. Hi Coleslaw. making covert camera as in birdbox or bits of pipe can be done but they do need a different camera than that of Sentient. making a covert camera with IR is only covert for a few hours night time they stick out like anything. once spotted it no longer covert. plus if you are going to put cctv signs up then you may as well let them see you have cameras.


    Having neighbours from hell is not a nice thing to deal with and as you may know there is not alot of help that you as the victim can get ... infact its now starting to cost you money. are the neighbours you are having problems with owners or rental.

  20. Hi. just have a look under camera settings in system and make sure they are not set to ip or dvr. cam is top one. and also same screen top left you will see active click all then active again.


    did you use the software that came with your card ??? press F1 and list what you have.
