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Posts posted by tomcctv

  1. Generic rs-232 to 485 connectors with comm lights working on the test bench today between a borrowed pos system and my demo unit. These are the closest thing I could find to a rs-232 signal amplifier with out going $$$$$$$$$. Fingers crossed ready for action too bad problems only occurs when installing 2+ hours away.





    Hi for the distance of 150ft you are going to need powered rs232 - rs485. for $50 i would go for the moxa.


  2. Hello everyone,

    Got a new project to mount PTZ speed domes in a forest. The problem is that there is no posibility to get power cables to places where the cameras will be mounted. Need some kind of autonomous power source. Also will need to transmit signals to the recording server, so will need to power the antenas as well. Distances are from 0.5 to 10 miles.

    Any sugestions on how to make it happen?


    two options wind power or if you can replace battery once a week with a rapid deploy ptz. like this 3g with no airtime costs







  3. It was initially connected to UPS but then i tried with direct AC supply. But the problem persists.



    what size is your power supply and how many amps is it. 15m should not give you any image problems so you need to look at other things like what cable are you using. did you make your own or did you use lead kits

  4. OK, maybe I didn't make myself clear: I AM A MORON! " title="Applause" />


    The cam has two wires: A green one with a little box and a yellow wire with a connector that looks kinda like an RCA jack.

    Am I supposed to take speaker wire and connect the green wire to the transformer? After that, how do I connect the camera?




    the green one is your power for the camera. and the yellow is just a little test lead so as you can focus and set your camera while at the camera end. (you remove it before you replace the camera cover.

  5. I have a client that has a laptop acer asphire 3810T, the problem is why i can't playback the AV VIEWER and the IE or Internet Explorer software. What is the cause and the solution of this?


    Hi which dvr do you have and have you done all the ports in the router ??

  6. Hi Tom,


    Thanks for your reply. Yes, the idea is to use a central NVR solution and connect customer's camera's to it over the internet using a VPN. The advantage for the customer would be that they don't need any hardware except the camera, and their footage is being stored in a secure location. We would charge the customer based on the number of camera's and number of stored recorded days.





    Hi if you are looking at setting up a cental monitoring station. then you need to look at the legal side of things first. it not a good idea to take full control of your customers camera. without having some sort of recording at there home.

  7. Hi all,


    I'm planning to offer a hosted IP camera solution to my customers and want them to be able to login to their account and see both live and recorded data of their hosted camera's. What platform would suit my needs best? I've looked into Milestone, ExacqVision etc. and I'm enthousiastic about Exacq, but would I be able to set it up so that my end users see only their specific camera's securely?


    Thanks in advance!




    Hi caribsecure. it just seems to be a lot of work that is not neeed. you would have to put your customers system over the internet anyway so your customers only need to log into there systems direct. is this something you will be charging for.

  8. What are you recording with?




    If you think $2k is expensive for mobotix... wait until you see the final project costs on that arecont setup you got going...


    Well, ZoneMinder is free, and so is manual review of the captured footage. If/when I go to automated capture, I'll be developing the software myself as a ZoneMinder plug-in. There is at least one open source ANPR package I can use as a starting point. But all that is beside the point; regardless of what kind of camera is feeding the images into the system, the back end hardware and software (and their costs) are going to be the same.




    dvarpala. this is a subject that always gets to me. when people say thay want to build there own ANPR system. ANPR is a database system and you have to be licenced to use it. are you looking to catch number plates or are you looking for a true ANPR system.

  9. Hello yall,

    I'm looking into building a security system with up to 32 cameras. I was wondering if it is worth getting 8 separate DVR's multiplexer's instead of one 32 camera DVR Multiplexer. My theory is, if one 8 DVR Multiplexer fails, i still will have 24 other cameras operational. Is this something I should Consider.



    Thank You






    buying 8 and being able to view all together you will be a bit limited. you would be better off using 2 x 16 way dvrs. you can get dvrs that link together so you still only need 1 monitor and works just like having a 32 way

  10. Hey guys,


    I was just wondering what other useful purposes a surveillance system could serve, such as providing data for market research? That's really all that I can come up with.






    i dont see how cctv is used for market reseach. cctv is usefull in many ways not just to catch the bad boys. it can also help protect your company in many ways.


    say in a warehouse. you have a member of staff playing around on a folklift truck it hits a rack system that falls onto someone and kills them. without cctv it would be hard to say if it was a a bad rack system that caused the death or an idiot on a forklift truck.



    if you have a shop selling liquor. you have an age restriction. the police call to your store and say they have just talked with a 14 year old down the street drinking beer he says he bought from your store. without cctv you are going to have a hard time proving he did not buy it from your store.



    you just look at cctv being a secound set of eyes watching 24/7

  11. I need this password cause i bought it for specific reasons. I used the main board for it's mmc record function in a homemade dvr system. I have it so why should i dump it ? Anyway yes it is true that is not the second but the fifth time that i buy useless stuff from ebay but i don't care as soon as it is cheap. I use it for parts. I really want to make a use from this dlr and my question is if anyone knows if password is in the eeprom or the flash ?

    Thank you






    John. its 10 years old you are also going to need firmware. you can buy a good dvr card for $80 . but good luck anyway.

  12. Why don't you reply to me? Is this dlr really unknown to all of you ?



    Hi johnyp. looking back on your posts you have been stung by Ebay twice. ok stuff is cheap IF IT WORKS if it does not work then you have wasted your money and you have done that twice.


    ok you have bought a 1 channel DVR. 1 channel dvrs are cheap enough to buy new and not have the problems you are having.



    here is the manual for your dvr. if the username and password have been changed from factory then dont waste any more money on a 10 year old dvr.


  13. hi, that pic is exactly what my dvr looks like and in the book it says it does support rs232/485 for ptz. in the menus i can set up protocol, address,baud etc for each channel.

    i have linked the data+/- to the 485a/b with no response at all.

    the dvr is configured to pelco-d and looking on th net i have also configured the camera the same




    you will also need to set up the baud rate on both your dvr and the ptz 9600 on both. and you will also need to set the address of your ptz i.e 001.

  14. have a sentient h264 ptz dvr and a vcl orb0006(honeywell i believe) and am having trouble connecting them.on the back of my dvr the interface has these connctions "+5,gnd,485b,485a,gnd,1no,1nc,gnd"

    on the cctv camera i have "s.gnd,sync,data-,data+,0vs,+vs,vgnd,vid…

    i have established that the 0vs and +vs on camera are a 12v supply and the vgnd and video are the videio line.

    i have connected these and have a picture, but am unable to get the PTZ side to work.

    any help is greatly appreciated.





    you have your power and video set up but you also need to get the data cables connected which are 485A and 485B


    your problem is going to be your recorder the sentient dont all have ptz controls on board also if yours is from maplins it will only have a 250 H/Drive installed and using a ptz with 3 other cameras you will get about two days recording.


    the VCL ptz is old some you could change the protocol and some had to get data from a VCL data box and then a controller.


    does your dvr look like this


  15. Been lurkin around around on and off for about 12mths now.


    Was going to build it with mobotix but at this stage just want to go with something reasonable that wont break the bank. Just to give it a try if not much interest then not much lost i guess. If it goes well MKII will see a vast improvement on specs.


    So looks like the VBB-31VF x 5 is the go.


    The pole will be made from square tube and going to make a "Head Piece" to mount everything onto will also aid in transport and will provide solid weather proof mounting.


    So any better DVR recommendations for 8 Channel full D1 recording across all Channels ?

    Is the DH-DVR0804HE-T a reasonable unit ?




    we see lots of trailer temp units here in the uk and yes if done right they make good money. but you should never use fixed cameras (only to look over the trailer base you should use them)


    lets say you use 5 VBB-31VF everytime you go to set your trailer up you will be up and down with your mast for hours getting it right. then someone will ask can you train a camera on something for a short time at an event oooops down comes your mast again. also at that hight you are not going to get a good range to get a face shot


    and also when building mobile units less is best. using 5 cameras and a dvr you also have power problems.


    you are not to far away with your idea of a mobotix camera. 1 Q24 external will cover far more than 5 CNB cameras and will also be much easier to power.


    just while typing this i have come up with a good idea for a system


    1 Q24 steel external

    1 CNB 33x zoom PTZ

    all mounted 25ft controlled by the new aver 1004 nano onto a wireless router and controll everything with a IPAD

  16. thanks a lot for your response.


    A last question: I have this DVR, but I dont have a Monitor, I use just à PC (on a switch) to get this web interface and configure it. In fact, I made a stupidity: I changed the IP configuration of the DVR from the factory Fixed IP( to DHCP. So now, I can't get access to DVR anymore.

    Do you know how the get the DVR back to the factory configuration (make a factory reset) ? I tried to remove battery that is inside the DVR and put it again after a minute, but it doesn't get back the default IP configuration (it just changes the time configuration I suppose)






    Hi your dvr will not come with a factory ip address it collects it from your router. you are best connecting your dvr up to a monitor and switching off DHCP and re entre your ip if you dont do this then you will need to do all your ports on your router to get your remote mobile viewing.

  17. Well, can't find anything stating one way or another - except a couple wikipedia references that are extremely vague - so I'll take your word for it. You already proved me dramatically wrong once this month I don't think I could take it twice


    And I think the rep said it did because he thought they were interchangable terms too.


    I KNOW my D1 box is 30 Frames @ D1 so no issue for me



    Hi chris. no one is wrong. we all learn on here.





    just sent you a pm i need help .

  18. +1 to what tom just said... these software companies have done this before and know what you will be needing storage wise and network wise. They should be able to assist greatly and give you better idea on the big picture.


    Sorry, I do not agree.


    Consider this, go to a software vendor and say this is project, and guess which software they will design into the project?


    Go to a camera manufacturer and guess which camera will be suggested as being the best fit for the application?


    From the brief description of the requirement I could make a good guess at which systems might be appropriate given 20 odd years exprience in large complex CCTV systems, but I would not offer an opinion until the full operational requirement was devloped. Otherwise the guess that would be made would almost certainly not be appropriate to the end user's needs.


    My suggestion is that you need a good independent consultant to ensure you will not be embarassed.








    sorry ilkie. i have known you a long time but sorry not a consultant. i was in london last week with a company who also brought in a consultant he was usless ..... and had never installed in his life. sorry i think a true consultant is a guy who has been on the tools most of his life and is getting to old to get up the ladder. someone who has been through everything not a guy who just reads spec sheets.


    and this type of install is not down to the customers needs it down to the state regulations and the stricked codes.


    from what i can remember from working in west virginia everything is linked together accsses control / cctv / face recognition / and body scan


    this is why i said Avigilon. they have been the leaders of this type of equipment for some time now even in the uk they are helping companys win contracts at airports because they have a system that does everything

  19. like were you have got your information from. you say its a 480 fps at 4cif it true recording is 240fps.


    samsung spec SRD-1670 NTCS 480 ips is not the same as fps you have to half anything that says ips to give you to true fps.


    Correct me if I'm wrong but it's it:


    IPS(Images per Second) = PPS(Pictures per Second) = FPS(Frames per Second.).

    But then there is also Fields Per Second(also known as FPS) that = 2 Fields to a Frame(picture/image/frame).


    It's been a couple years since I've had to explain this(thank you for finally going away VCRs!) and I might be a little jumbled up, but I'm pretty sure this is accurate.


    And unless multiple Samsung Reps have lied to me(a possibility, but doubtful), that is a 480FPS @ D1 unit.



    well you need to beat the rep up. the link posted is from there site (Samsung) and its clear IPS.



    IPS means images per second ..... also known as FPS fields per second. both of which are used to make a spec of a dvr look good.


    and then you have true FPS frames per second.

    Some manufacturers use different expressions when identifying the speed capabilities of their product. It will become increasingly apparent why this is misleading.


    ● Thirty (30) “frames-per-second”(abbreviated as “fps”) is “real-time,” ”real-motion” video in the NTSC (North America) video standard.


    ● Twenty-five (25) “frames-per-second”(abbreviated as “fps”) is “real-time,” ”real-motion” video in the PAL (International) standard.


    This is not to be confused with “fields-per-second” (also abbreviated as “fps”). Unfortunately, two (2) fields equal one (1) frame. So when a manufacturer states “30 fps” on their literature are they talking fields or frames? Are they talking about each channel of video or total capacity of the system? Are they talking about the system limitation or the operating capability?

  20. it will a bit** to run a serial port cable all the way from the cash register to the computer.it's like 40 ft away.that's why i am trying to use the cat5.any help?thanks




    can you press f1 and list your software please if it is below 0055 you will need to alter some things.


    · General Protocol: For general protocol (Epson’s protocol), users can connect AVerDiGi Series DVR


    · Non-General Protocol: For non-general protocol, please refer to the list of POS machine we have

    integrated as below.

    Brand Model


    Epson TM-T88


    IQ IQ2000

    Posiflex Posiflex 4212

    Samsung Samsung - SPS2000

    Sharp Sharp ER-A530

    Toshiba TOSHIBA ST-60-C

    Wincor Nixdorf Wincor Nixdorf BA63




    on your register you will see network. and in there you will see pos B/O and you will see your registers ip address and a port number - change the port number to 5051. back on your dvr go to system and on the right hand side you will see pos settings click UTP and you will see the port 5051 below that entre your registers ip then use the test set-up 90% will work with general. post how far you get .
