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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. Jasper

    Geovision ver 8.0

    Their release dates are like Microsoft, but at least Microsoft lets you know ahead of time. I wonder if they are just going to be shipping version 8 out initially before they update their site with the uprade version? They should at least update their web site with a status report.
  2. Jasper

    How to check for Geovision version installed

    Place your cursor over the file in question and it should show you the version of the file.
  3. Jasper


    Has the whole country gone crazy? Everybody I talk too is scheduling their lives around watching AMERICAN IDOL.
  4. Jasper


    Now Simon Cowell is involved with the launching of a new show called "AMERICAN INVENTOR" Saw the first episode and I have to say there are many crazy people who think they have developed the perfect invention. One guy basically had one where he put a plastic cover over his body so he could urinate in public.
  5. Jasper

    Geovision 7.0.5 full software available?

    OK. Can't you get the software from the people you bought the card from?
  6. Jasper

    swapping new hard drives

    is this a PC based system? And if it is does it have SATA support on the motherboard? Because you could run external SATA drives that would allow you to do this.
  7. Jasper

    Geovision 7.0.5 full software available?

    Does somebody have a full version of 6.0 or above that he can download so he can then download the 7.05 updates from Geo to restore his system. I have a complete version of 7.02 that I could archive and FTP to a server for you to download unless someone has something else they can make avaiable? It would take me awhile to upload as I only have a 384kps upload. Let me know.
  8. Jasper

    Geovision 7.0.5 full software available?

    I don' see version 8 yet. Here is the link for the download page which still has all the 7.05 versions. Download them all and archive them so you have them. http://www.geovision.com.tw/english/5_0.asp
  9. Jasper

    Geovision ver 8.0

    I new I was going to get caught on that. I realized that right after I pressed the post button, but thought, close enough. Same time zone.
  10. Jasper

    Geovision ver 8.0

    Well today is supposed to be the day. Just visited their website and it doesn't look like they have it available for download yet? It is 5:27PM in China so I don't know what is going on. Are they only going to do actually CD shipments first, then downloads later. Or are they just behind schedule?
  11. Jasper

    check out this hottie on a treadmill!

    In the kitchen.
  12. Jasper

    IR PTZ

    Reminds me of the Robot Johnny 5 from the movie "Short Circuit"
  13. Jasper

    This is funny!

    Now, too me this is funny: http://cctv.files4u.info/Reptile%20Attacks%20-%20Jumping%20Lizard.asf
  14. Jasper

    This is funny!

    One of my favorite movies of all time.
  15. Jasper

    This is funny!

    Stupid, but not funny.
  16. Jasper

    check out this hottie on a treadmill!

    Its not nice to make fun of fat people.
  17. Jasper


    Very well put together presentation.
  18. Jasper

    forum problems

    Dealer Section is not visible to me. How many others don't see it? Googles Web Accelerator program seems to be the cause of the new posts flags not working. I removed it from my computer and now the flags appear to be working again. The program didn't speed up anything for me anyway.
  19. Jasper

    Geovision Modem Server Questions

    ATSØ=2 [CR] - this plugs in the number 2 into the "S" register which controls how many rings before the modem answers. The [CR] stands for pressing the enter key so don't type that in. You do these command from a DOS window or some type of modem terminal program. Windows has one. Here is a reference of AT commands: http://members.tripod.com/michaelgellis/modem.html This link shows examples of AT syntax used: http://www.zoltrix.com/support_html/modem/USEMODEM.HTM
  20. It has been working a couple days now, no problem yet. From what I have Googled on the net this router seems to be a hit or miss proposition when it comes to it working or not. Fragmented packets, I will have to check and see if I have that adjustment. At the very least I will become more familar with the settings of the router.
  21. Jasper


    Sounds like you might have taken offense to my use of the word "Toys" What I meant is that you are accumulating all the latest technological tools to aid in your profession. And when you enjoy your profession, which I believe you do, it is like Christmas when you get something new like that. I'm a gadget guy. I love my gadgets (toys).
  22. Jasper

    forum problems

    Geez! I didn't even notice that. The whole Dealer Section is missing. That is really weird. No announcement of any kind?
  23. Jasper

    forum problems

    It just did it too me again. And I don't have any kind of SQL server running. Anyone else experiencing this or am I the lucky one tonight.
  24. Jasper

    Need b/w vandal proof domes for bar

    What you want to do is check a domes Ingress Protection rating. I had a chart somewhere, but can't find it at the moment. You can search google for it or maybe somebody else can post it. Rating of IP66 is good for outdoors.
  25. Jasper


    Your accumulating all the nice toys aren't you? This one sounds like a good one. When I first saw the CM2 it was like you writing EMC2 on a blackboard and walking off. I didn't have a clue on what you were talking about.