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Everything posted by ak357

  1. ak357

    avigilon ip bullet camera reboot

    Where are u located ?
  2. Where in Alberta ? I am in Edmonton
  3. Do you really think anybody here cares about your "objection" ?
  4. Camera brand? Network Sw? What is Avigilon support opinion ?
  5. Yep, it's serial data line to control PTZ
  6. Exactly, I'm talking about RF 2.4 Gig Analog transmission used on video cameras, like the one shown below: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-RC802-Wireless-Video-Audio-AV-FPV-2-4Ghz-Receiver-RX-W-Channel-Digital-Number-Display/1909843986.html?spm=2114.01020208.3.19.IWHVLj&ws_ab_test=201556_2,201527_1_71_72_73_74_75,0_0 In general 4 Ch but I have seen 8 ch ( rare )
  7. I have feeling He is talking about RF 2.4 Gig ( Analog ) Not Wi-Fi
  8. thanks buddy, so i got to power those cameras locally correct? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Ohms+Law
  9. Yes, you have to use LTS firmware You have something against their firmware ?
  10. ak357

    Camera / bitrate / RAID6 calculations

    1.drop down bitrate to 4096 kbps 2.set unit to VBR Not CBR You will save some recording space
  11. I would split 3 pair evenly 3 wires for ( + ) 3 wires for ( - )
  12. new version is out on App store already
  13. ak357

    CCTV with Text Insertion via TCP

    Have a look Avigilon POS integration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b_FD_1n4eM
  14. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=What+is+IP+%2F+MAC+filtering
  15. It's 2 step login process First log in is to access mobile App second to access server meaning YOU create new users on Server Get it ?
  16. It's also help to read help manual and watch YouTube training video
  17. I mention before Google host monitoring and start monitor your Server and cameras
  18. You right Trooper Avigilon rocks
  19. ak357

    Please help me pick the best choice:

    Sunny seriously do you really believe that people in North America want to buy Analog camera ? Plz stop !