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Posts posted by Campbell

  1. I'm looking into IP camera technology to be connected to divis hybrid DVRs.


    What cameras give the most bang for the buck?






    Here's the one I'm considering: Vivotek FD8161



    Any other suggestions so I don't have to fill my shelves with more crap like usual?



    I highly recommend Vivotek for indoors. I've found in general they give the most bang for your buck here in Aus. Areconts for outdoors.

  2. Gee it's not easy writing this with Koalas and Kangaroos climbing all over the place and messing with the furniture!! Just kidding. Funny how such misconceptions develop.


    Anyway Hi. I joined this forum as I am trying to fix a DM DS2A for a friend who runs a really great bakery - Yum, but easy to get fat! I normally work in IT and Electronic Engineering and because of these skills I find myself working on all sorts of things and designing all sorts of things. I have worked on a couple of other brands in this area of security too.


    I found there was excellent information available here although having posted a request for help I have not had a single response yet. Anyone out there??


    What city are you in mate and what's wrong with the thing?

  3. I wouldn't say an i7 is needed. I've used i5's with 4 gig of DDR3 and 20-30 x MPs without too much fuss as long as you only use it as an NVR.


    I've also used AMD X4's to the same effect. Wouldn't go below those to be fair though as it starts to get a mite laggy.


    FWIW in order to fit into budgetary constraints I do have a Core 2 Duo running 25 x 1.3MPs. It required a LOT of tweaking of the cameras to get that to run efficiently... but it works.


    Dependent on how long you want to record for and if you're ROM or always recording. 2TB minimum. I'd go with 4 though since the drives are pretty cheap these days.


    Finally in terms of hardware, onboard video will do fine.




    In terms of software, I prefer NUUO over the Geovision software. Never used Exacq. Licensing wise, I think GV is a more cost effective solution (at least is Aus) because if you use their cameras, you don't even need a license where as NUUO charge the same amount per channel irrespective of whether you have 1 or 100. Milestone is ridiculously expensive to expand.


    That's my take from Aus anyways.

  4. I don't think they make cameras which are FTP capable


    My suggestion to you here is that you get some cameras which will auto snapshot at a given time (or software which does it for you) which then saves it to a certain location. You would then need to write a script or set up your PC to do the uploads yourself. Cameras are good these days but I don't think you'll find an FTP server in one of them.

  5. I have 2 suggestions. Dependent on your IT know how.


    You could run with some IP megapixel cameras (this is my preferred option). You'll need less of them to cover the same area that you would compared with standard analogs and it will require less cabling. The resolution is much better for the megapixels. This would require you to invest in some software (Geovision, NUUO etc) but in my opinion is far better than using a bunch of crap analogs. You would also need to know some basic networking. Additionally, its more futureproof than a 16 camera dvr coax system. Let's face it, why shouldnt you get the same detail out of your surveillance cameras that you can get out of your mobile phone?


    Alternatively, you can stick with the analog system. This may end up being a cheaper solution, again you'd still need to invest in some software but also a DVR card as well.


    As someone said before me. You can have a much more effective surveillance set up with the cameras positioned in the right places. Things to look for are light sources (flood lights, sun etc) main passages of traffic. Remember that you don't need to see every inch of floor from every direction.


    One thing I would make sure of in a retail environment is to have a camera directly above your register and in your store rooms. This will help deter some dishonest employees from helping themselves to your takings and stock.


    If you need any further advice, feel free to PM mate.

  6. I find my biggest challenge is actually figuring out how to get the data OUT of the POS. Getting the DVR or text-overlay box to capture it from there is almost trivial, but a lot of POS systems I've seen have little to no documentation on both output ports, and how to configure them and/or the software to spit out the information you need. Maybe you're more versed in those


    And you know what they say: documentation is like sex - when it's good, it's really good, but when it's bad, it's still better than nothing!


    Completely agree. Here here and all that. I've noticed a lot of the more modern systems (especially scales) seem to have no ability to output to RS232 (which seems to be the standardised form of POS box) I've got one system here I can't do POS integration for as I'd need to set up a separate PC for each scale/register.

  7. Let's face it, you're running a simple system. You have no need of running RAID5 to speed things up.


    Dependent on how far back you want to go with your recordings. I'd run with a single 1TB or 2TB drive. They're pretty cheap these days.


    Western Digital have released a range of surveillance specific drives. I believe they're the EVDS series. Worth a look as they're quite cheap too.

  8. Hi, I'm trying to connect an Axis M3014 to the GV-1480 without success. The camera is not in the IP camera list in the settings, or in the support list in the website. Is there a way the card could recognize it without being in the list or am I screwed? The card is still in version 8.2, should I upgrade to the newer 8.3?


    You can get away with selecting a similar model that's not necessarily the latest. I had this problem with some Vivotek FD7160's before 8.3.4 was released. Just select the nearest model to it. It should work regardless.

  9. i want to design a geovision system using geovision 1.3mp ip camera, but i don't know how many hard disk capacity require if i want to keep 1 month recording video file. Is there any formula to calculate it?


    That all depends on what you're recording. Are you recording 24/7? Or are you only recording on movement? Are you only recording movement in a certain area? During a certain time of day. There are a lot of factors which determine how much space you need.


    That said... 1TB is pretty cheap these days. I'd start with a 1Tb drive and if you find you need more, just buy another one. Should only set you back about 50 bucks.


    FWIW, I just installed a system at a bar/bistro environment. 5 x 2MP cameras. I get 11 days with 1 TB. Only recording when movement is detected and the recycle limit set to 10%.
