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Everything posted by ssmith10pn

  1. I generally shoot for one I frame per second. The interface is worded differently from one system to another so the way you achieve that may be different. It may also change as you change the total frame rate also. I would set your total frame rate first.
  2. Why are you wasting hard drive space recording at 20fps? Are you a casino? Anything over 10fps is a waste on a fixed camera.
  3. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Avigilon+Sales+Locator
  4. I sent Wireguys a test PM and he responded within 10 minutes. Maybe this clown should have just picked up the phone.
  5. So what motivates developers to constantly improve and fix free software? Think about that for a second.
  6. Sounds like network latency. Describe the network from the camera to the recorder. I have over 30 of these installed with no issue. They really are an awesome camera.
  7. That is how the professionals do it. Yep. We use the GE 1" DPDT recessed contacts.
  8. You could bring the door contact back to a digital input and send it out on a digital output to the alarm panel. They also make double pole contacts. http://www.interlogix.com/intrusion/product/1078-1076-series
  9. Our average customer is 500 readers and 20,000 card holders. You have to use a proven product or your done.
  10. Exactly.. Hardware is hardware. Software is the key.
  11. To use 3rd party IP cameras in most cases you will need 3rd party software on a dedicated Windows PC. Hikvision will support some Axis and Arecont, but the choices are very limited.
  12. My, What am I going to do with all these customers that bought 7k (7360 X 4128) cameras when they read this? " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> So I guess that means if your going to put 4 cameras on the screen they can only be 960 x 540.....
  13. ssmith10pn

    Maintenance Contract Quote

    You could give them X amount of Service hours for X amount of dollars and then any additional hours will be at the discounted rate of X per hour. Parts get a discount because of Service contract. They pay you for the X amount of service hours monthly if they use them or not.
  14. I noticed you said you used "Intensifier" cameras. I have a couple of those on an encoder and the rest of my cameras are IP Mega Pixel. I noticed in extremely low light the Mega Pixel cameras will pickup people in the scene but the intensifiers will pick up nothing. Just be aware.
  15. ssmith10pn

    Focus on mega pixel camera

    The higher the shutter speed the more light you need. High shutter speeds need LOTS of light.
  16. It's still controlled by the software.
  17. Short the door contact together and call it a day.
  18. Is it relocking on time or door contact?
  19. Yes I am still there. I will miss the small footprint of the Micro. We have already done a bunch of the Mercury boards in Micro Equipment.
  20. ssmith10pn

    Focus on mega pixel camera

    The camera has dual streams. A low res stream while the camera is in tile view and full res when it's full screen. It is still recording in full res. This is a feature to conserve bandwidth and can probably be turned off. This if you had 16 5MP cameras on one screen what the bandwidth would be.
  21. Hope you are doing well Alex. Scott
  22. There are no flood lights. Those are solar panels to charge the batteries. These units are totally self contained. Even has built in 4gLTE Cellular. My state deploys them at rest areas, and just along side of the interstate to observe traffic. The trailer is about 4' x 7'
  23. If the contractor has the budget I would recommend this. https://www.earthcam.net/products/trailercamseries.php