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Posts posted by joseph.chen0312

  1. Hello


    I think point is not which type of camera you desired to deployed, but does it needs safty consideration at "GAS Station".


    You know if is there an potential explosion place you should more carefully.

  2. Dear Folks,


    As for Star light camera, basically, it is deployed SONY ex-view CCD and utilized loww lux lens such as board lens f=3.6/F1.0 or lower.


    Which is better getting color image while enviroment is becoming dark and on the hand is it video is more truely in orginal color than other IR camera.

  3. There are something seems wrong first is you mean you need LPR camera and you need interlacne DVR. I think is nor related.


    If you need LPR it means you have two solution one is ANPR( all-in-on inculding camera and data recorder) or LPR camera and one stanalone/PC based/ software/ featured verificated the LP function.

  4. As you questioned, I think you should deveide into two issue one is how high TVL for the camera does it need IR or just low lux ( starlight camera) and second is the DVR you it seems you need D1 resolution to run high image.


    If you need you could contact me and I would like to refer an friend who is in this poor and He would be glade to help you estimate and even install those equippment in perfect spot.

  5. I am not sure does SONY has 1/2" ex-view CCD sensor, I have to do home work check the datasheets. WDR has two way to do all is same to DSP and CCD sensor. one is make two times scan to devide the brightness contradistinction. It is default rate in parameter but you know some time is average rat for all characterisc to gain perfect synergy.


    The angle for IR Led is depend s one how long distance you paln to project i.g. more longer distance the all LED angle need lower for focus straigt, and there are many angle for different distance 10, 20, 30.. and/or mix up.


    But not only for distance sometimes you need estimate best length otherwise IR bounce to the sensor it effects bad picture. Maybe you could try when you toward to an red wall you will finding some thing is interesting .


    Too much to talk.

  6. now days mostly company is consign the OEM/ODM to the manufacturer in ASIA, such as in China, Taiwan, Korea. But you know if ever one need unique one UI (User inteface) it means needs huge man power in the software developer and engineer.


    Do you know even Pelco, GE, Honywell.. also makes in ASIA. Some time it based one whose Brand Value, marketing cost and etc.
