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Posts posted by Zohan

  1. So, I don't think anyone has said yes this works, which is the ino I'm looking for..can anyone positively confirm I can record to a nas, because this is what I was told by ts:


    "Yes, that setting is available but not on the model that we have been discussing. None of our Linux based DVRs can do this. Only the Windows based units can record to mapped network drives"

  2. What if i ordered dvr with no hard drive (because aver wants ridiculous money to put in hard drive, i can get way cheaper on amazon and put in myself)....so how do i get os in that scenario?



    the OS is on the dvr its only the SA units that have a plug in O/s




    will you nas be off site ??? the other reason i ask about why no H/d is you will have no remote software control over your unit. no recorded footage to mobile no playback from a pc


    Wow, good info....nas will be on site.....so for me to remote view etc, I need nas on site with hard drive in dvr?

    If nas is offsite (didn't know this was a possibility) then no remote viewing?

  3. still unclear on the os situation and if this is doable as i want to do it.

    dont want to buy the dvr, nas and switch and find out it wont work.


    1. Where would the os reside?


    2. What if i ordered dvr with no hard drive (because aver wants ridiculous money to put in hard drive, i can get way cheaper on amazon and put in myself)....so how do i get os in that scenario?


    3. Does that mirroring work if only 250g HD in dvr and 1 tb in nas...do they have to be the same size?

  4. so now im confused. if they sell you an eh series hybrid dvr without a hard drive, which is how it comes unless you order with hd or put one in yourself how does the os run?

    does the dvr ship with a flash drive with os on it? how do you get os on dvr running?

    i assume smart record means motion recording? 2tb would be max, most like i'd go with 1 tb.

    sorry for all the questions...i'd hate to spend over 1000.00 and find out it wont do what i thought it would.

    im taking this as yes it will work with a 250g hd in it but recording to a nas. but please explain the os options and how to make this work?

    I also assume this has been done, not just assuming it can be done.....thanks

  5. Think my reply got messed up...I will ask again


    Have you actually had eh series dvr record to nas without a hard driver in dvr.....mark at tech support says won't work....to me this is important, please confirm or deny, thanks



    The OS in the NVR has to run on something......


    i suppose it does

    So, if I have a 250gig hard drive in the dvr the os would run on that and then it would allow me to choose to record to a separate nas?

  6. Been looking at aver hybrid dvrs...for storage options I can go 3 different ways...

    1. Hard drive in the dvr

    2. Esata.

    3. Nas


    I want to go with #3 question is on the setup...do I just connect nas to same switch as dvr? Should it be connected to mb port or gb port? I read in the aver manual there is a setting to choose what storage option I am using? Is there any other configuring with this? If going like this I don't need any hard drive at all in the dvr?



    Tom have you actually run a nas off this dvr with no hard drive, recording everything to nas?

    Tech support (mark) tells me it won't work


    on the avr the gb port on unit (it has both) just select network storage in system.


    If going like this I don't need any hard drive at all in the dvr?


    no you dont need a HD. but its always best to have something in. even if its just a 250g and you only get a few days recording it will be a backup if your external fails or your network goes down.

  7. once you add a NAS to the NVR operating system you can choose that new drive path as any local drives. just make sure the connection is established on boot up.

    I personally always prefer to store the actual recording on a NAS if I can VS locally. and defiantly over fastest possible link.

    Not sure about Aver per se but some NVRs let you store locally for performance and transfer only archive files older then x-hours to the NAS.


    I was just told this is not possible on Linux based dvrs only their windows based....have you actually done this on the eh series hybrid dvrs?

    I was told by aver tech support

  8. Been looking at aver hybrid dvrs...for storage options I can go 3 different ways...

    1. Hard drive in the dvr

    2. Esata.

    3. Nas


    I want to go with #3 question is on the setup...do I just connect nas to same switch as dvr? Should it be connected to mb port or gb port? I read in the aver manual there is a setting to choose what storage option I am using? Is there any other configuring with this? If going like this I don't need any hard drive at all in the dvr?




    on the avr the gb port on unit (it has both) just select network storage in system.


    If going like this I don't need any hard drive at all in the dvr?


    no you dont need a HD. but its always best to have something in. even if its just a 250g and you only get a few days recording it will be a backup if your external fails or your network goes down.


    just to make sure, can i do this even if only using analog cameras?

    no switch, just directly to nas?

  9. Yeah, I just saw that vac at KMS Tools today... must be new, they didn't have one at all when I was looking at Home Depot a couple months ago.


    However, I've found those little "Handy-Vac" types really don't work well for pulling string through conduit - they just don't have the "oomph" of a good canister vac.


    true, but they are so much easier to carry around...

  10. I was looking at getting into a Makita system, but they don't have a vacuum, and I want a system that has a vacuum. My coworker picked up a six-tool Ryobi One+ package a few years ago and has been steadily adding to it, including most recently, a really nice little canister vac that's GREAT for pulling string through conduit.


    The One+ system is nice because the entire line works with the same batteries, whether NiCad or Lithium, whereas everyone else has at least two or three different styles/levels/voltages of batteries... and they seem to have a wider assortment of tools than any of the other big names, including a wicked six-at-once battery charger/conditioner (most I've seen from anyone else is a two-slot charger).


    Only drawback to the Ryobi stuff is, it tends to be more of a "handyman-grade" tool... which is great for stuff that doesn't get used a lot, but for those go-to tools that you need all the time, it doesn't stand up so well (the drill that came with his kit sort of self-destructed on him a little while back...)


    Forget the ryobi if you want to get your work done with tools that can handle it, not ones that are for light duty homeowner stuff.

    I have 98% makita....here is a link to the vac (yes, they do have one) i have it and it's great...they have either vac only, if you already own makita battery and charger or they sell full kit...



    Check out this pic of my enclosed work trailer....2 shelves of mostly makita power tools (cordless)...also have some corded sds drills and what not, not in this pic..

    You can see the vac in this pic though


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  11. thanks tom...are you an integrator or a dealer, or both?

    What do you mean you 'make' a fob?

    Are you worried about liability in case that fob doesnt work the one time it has to?

    Are you worried about the audio recording legalities?

    How does that fob communicate to the camera?

    What is the ir range and how bad is the night image?

    Is there a wireless version?

    I am curious about this setup now..

  12. Does anyone do cameras to keep an eye on the elderly?

    I got a call from someone who wants to do a couple of cams to keep an eye on her 90+ year old mother.

    1. I don't even think I want to be involved in that...i'm thinking of any liability issue

    2. just out of curiosity if I were to do, what do you guys use, the small ip cams in a couple rooms, no recording just streaming or do you put in dvr?


