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Posts posted by a94cobra

  1. So I upgraded boards to get more processing power. I was using a P4 2.8 and went to a Core 2 Duo 6300.


    Using a GV1000. I had 400gb storage using the IDE RAID. I also wanted to upgrade the storage space to something larger. SATA drives are pretty cheap nowadays. So I got 2 500gb SATA drives.


    The new board I got is the ASUS P5B. IT has the Intel 965 chipset. Everything works good. Except...


    The board has 6 SATA ports. But only 2 can used via RAID. One internal and one external. What is the point in that? Why would a person need and external drive hooked up to a RAID array?


    I didn't realize this little tidbit till after trying to install the drives in RAID. So now I need a way to get the two drives in a RAID array or new board.


    I like ASUS products(till now), but which one do I get at this point? Does the Geo work with Nforce boards? What is the difference between the 945 and 965 chipsets?


    Is there a way to make a nested drive some how for the Geo software, so that it sees one big drive? I know I can specify more than one storage location, but another program I have causes storage issues. Geo only recycles on the current drive it is recording on.

  2. I am trying to add the data capture to some GV systems.


    Got the newest data capture 3VE.


    But I am running older software.


    How can I make this work? Is there a patch?

  3. The guy bragged about no computer needed and no costly internet required. We already have internet at that location, using it to remote into the computers there and VOIP. So we didn't have a regular POTS line. He was pretty arrogant about his knowledge, my dad showed him the internet modem we have and they argued about it for five minutes. He said that was only a router and not the internet. Internet modems were different. Blah, Blah. I wish I could have been there for that argument.


    Anyway I am rambling on. We chose a local internet gig and VOIP as a way to reduce the business phone expense. And going back to a POTS line would really defeat what we were doing at that location. And then when I finally got some info about the system from the guy, details like what exactly what I was getting for $12k. It is tape based, 31 tapes, one for each day. I am used to the ease of a DVR, no way will I ever go back to tape. I just couldn't believe the cost for some old, in my opinion, antiquated hardware. Maybe I'm wrong there. But just can't grasp why anyone would ever buy his crap at that cost, unless they just don't know.


    Thanks for all the product references guy. He will be calling me back to try to sell me again. I now know what he is selling, I can ask more intelligent questions. He probably won't like me anymore, oh well.

  4. I am not doubting my Geovision system, I gotten tons of comments on how great it is. Quality and such. And I put it together for a lot less than he wanted.


    I was hoping someone here has seen the product that does what he is advertising, so I could see why on earth he would want $12k for it. He will be calling me back, I afraid, and I want to burst his bubble a little.


    On another note, are the digital recordings off of all these fine DVR's court worthy? He claimed that they don't stand up in court yet. Tape based is the only way to go. I know Geovision has a digital watermark. Why bother with that if they don't allow them? This has not ever become and issue for me yet. I have given several DVD's of shoplifters to Police and they never said one way or the other.

  5. I am using a couple Geovision systems, so I know all about those.


    But I had this guy call and come by trying to sell me on his video setup. The system goes over the phone line, you can dial up anywhere and watch live video over the phone and a tv.


    I couldn't ever get the guy to give me a brand for his equipment, and he was saying that this is way better than any DVR system on the planet. He was really pissing me off trying to sell this to me. They want $12k for 4-6 cams, vhs tape recording.


    I want to find out what he is trying to sell me. Does this ring a bell to anyone here?

  6. This is one instance where quality does matter.


    When I put these two systems together, I didn't know what I was doing on the camera/lens side. So I experimented. I bought some new cameras and some used cameras off eBay. All the used cameras were name brand, cost me less than half of the new, no name, camera price. And they are all still working. I havn't had any of the used name brand cameras fail. I put in about 10 cameras at both locations. 5 have failed. All being new no name units.

  7. I am using a power box for all the cameras. I didn't check the power box they were on to see what the voltage was. I did however have a 24v wallwart type from ratshack that I used to test them after I got them back to the shop. They exhibited the same problem there. That leads me to believe the voltage is good, but I will double check to be sure.
