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Posts posted by yakky

  1. I've purchased plenty of stuff directly from China at a retail level. However for Security products it doesn't make sense. Most of the stuff is no-name brand or if it is name brand, it is only a few dollars cheaper and the support isn't nearly as good. Shipping takes quite a long time as well.


    The worst are the no name brand products that advertise "Sony CCD" or "Sony DSP", those are the worst buy there is, if a company won't stamp their name on it, I won't buy it.

  2. If you are still interested YES you can run vitaminD on the paspberry pi. Even though the pi is Linux based you can download a program called "wine".


    Sudo apt-get install wine1.4


    Copy and paste this into a terminal and it will download and install wine then you will be able to install vitamin D.


    Hope this helps.


    Run yes, use for video analysis, no.

  3. Its too hard to generalize like that. I've sampled just about every newer model of CNB Analog cameras and they range from not so hot, to top of the charts. Samsung is certainly able to produce a good quality camera, however they aren't very popular around here.

  4. FTR the model might as well be known


    It is a Night Owl 88550c bought through TigerDirect. It was an 8 camera/500 Gig DVR for $287.00. I still don't regret buying it because I can at least monitor my home now. I see myself moving into an HD unit in the near future but I wanted to get something up and running now.


    I have Wirehshark, ettercap and C&A. Was thinking of trying John for telnet. Starting off I'm going to base this on "root" as the username. Any additional info would be appreciated.


    My hopes are that somebody out there has this unit and could do some snooping and see if the behaviour is platform specific.


    There are a couple of passwords that floated around for the Nightowl, not of those worked for me. I tried mine with all numeric combos from 0-999999, nothing worked. I also ran john for about a month IIRC, no hits either, it was a POS and I sent it back.

  5. I'm no expert but I do play a corrupt software engineer on a Mexican soap opera.... my thoughts:


    -Take the tinfoil hat off for a moment and catch your breath...

    -Its not Dahua as those provide a log of who logs in, but if it was doing covert activity, it surely would clear this out.

    -Let us know how quickly you "guess" the telnet password, even if its numeric, it'll take a long time.

    -Its likely the unit it calling home to set its time/ddns/check firmware updates

    -Someone who builds a unit like this isn't going to do some beginner attempt at snooping only connecting back to the camera mfg's home base.

    -And last but not least, you can use something like tcpdump or wireshark to figure out exactly how benign its activity is.

  6. The DVR not in happy moment mode ;(, but i, yes .


    Yes, on the screen popup H.264 logo, then beeping one time, than blank monitor.

    It restart again and again... i curious what reboot button for, then after i click it,

    i know what it is... A BLANK MONITOR..


    The DVR working perfect before i click the REBOOT button.. wait, maybe i can make the

    problem video.


    So it was working fine until you hit the reboot button, or it only got to the boot logo? Does it have a harddrive in it? If so have you tried unplugging the drive? If it has a CMOS battery, you might try taking it out for a 15 minutes and try again as well.

  7. I'd be interested in hearing a good solid recommendation for an 8ch full D1 analog DVR that has saved video almost as good as live for a reasonable enough price that makes it attractive versus low-end IP.


    I agree, that's the biggest drawback to all the current budget D1 DVRs, the live quality is so much better than the recorded. After reading the specs on the video encoder, I'm inclined to believe it is something to do with the implementation. It seems they are using a single 240fps encoder and slicing it up among cameras. I wonder if its able to do true motion detection for compression sake when every frame the encoder sees is completely different.

  8. You can do the same with regular quality wired cameras. You can run the video signal and power of the CAT5, and just hang it out a window sill. I've done this before, I mounted the cameras on small 2x4x4 blocks of wood and just used some goop or RTV to hold them to the window sill. The only gotcha is waterproofing the connections, but you can make a makeshift junction box.
