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  1. scorpion, thanks for all the info. I will look into the metal detector. It is brand new and they do not want the building touched, that is why I am doing to pole mounts and pointing them toward the house. I can go over the 10k. I need wifi from the guest house to the main house because It is 1500 feet.
  2. I am trying to draw up a install for a log cabin at a ranch. I am running into a few design flaws. This is the gear list please give me brand suggestions. 4 outdoor pole mounted cameras. 2 outdoor dome 1 outdoor wall mounted with big zoom, trying to see gate that is ~650 feet away. 4+ wireless receiver from guest house. Guest house 4 outdoor dome 4+ wireless link ~1500 feet LOS to main house. I need a DVR that can be mounted in the garage. It is insulated but pretty hot being in Texas. They are havening the front gate redone and want to be able to. 1. Buzz people in using the house phone. 2. Be alerted when someone presses the buzzer to trips a ir 3. View the gate camera PNP style on the house TV. (sat system with 2 GIANT HD Plasma screens) How can I tie in the video to the existing tv system for viewing? 4 of the runs are 600+ feet. Who makes the best active blaun? How hot can a power supply get before it fails? I have never done a wireless link, any suggestions. They did not blink at a 10,000 dollar materials only so I want to get the best gear. If the DVR must go inside I would need to do it wifi also. No wires on the log cabin at any cost. Thanks for the help.
  3. joe4

    GV-1480 and Duo Core

    I am buying a Dell Optiplex 745 with the following spec. ntel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor E6600 (2.40GHz, 4M, 1066MHz FSB) 2.0GB DDR2 Non-ECC SDRAM, 667MHz, (2DIMM) 256MB ATI Radeon X1300PRO, Dual Monitor DVI or VGA (TV-out), FH Will the proc be enough for the 1480? The geo site does not have a spec for Duo just Pentium. Thanks
  4. Price and spec on this dome look good. Has anyone used them? http://www.surveilux.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=79&category_id=24&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=7
  5. Can someone please help me located 1000 foot of Siamese RG59 UV Rated Outdoor cable. It is going on top of a canopy not direct burial. and 4000 foot Siamese RG59 Plenum. Also, do they make blauns that have video and power in them? It would solve my need for the UV Rated Siamese. I wish Mohawk made a RG59, I love there CAT5 cable. It is all I use now, one of my vendors told me about it. They used over 10,000 feet a month.
  6. I could not even get it to work. A local Houston news paper had a write-up slamming the entire project. I wish a news crew would do a fake boarder crossing and see what happens if someone reports them. If you had anyone close enough to respond to a problem why not just use him with a set of binoculars? BTW Rory, I spent a week in your country for vacation.... when can I move in
  7. Check this out.... http://www.texasborderwatch.com Also take a look at the patents the site says it uses. http://www.texasborderwatch.com/patents.php 5,798,458 5,912,902 6,009,356 6,130,917 6,181,954 6,246,320 6,253,064 6,366,311 6,392,692 6,518,881 6,545,601 6,636,748 6,853,302 6,970,183 7,023,913 7,049,953 You can look them up here http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm This is the company the state used http://www.e-watchinc.com What a waste of MONEY.
  8. joe4

    Hydraulic/telescoping/lowering poles

    I know the slang is a jack over pole but if you google tilt over mast you get lots of results. Here is how to build one for $250 http://www.wv7u.com/mast/mast.html http://www.iol.ie/~bravo/Crank-up%20Tilt-over%20Tower.htm We have some where I work so you can change the lights bulbs without renting a cherry picker. Or dyeing on a ladder.
  9. joe4

    Says vs. Safety Vision --- Mobile DVR

    Thanks rory, I wanted to spend $1500 - $2500 per bus.
  10. Can someone please give me there two cents on: www.safetyvision.com vs. www.saysecurity.com I am looking for a 4 channel MDVR with at lease 30 fps and WIFI option for downloading video. Wifi is not required but would be nice. It is for elementary school buses. I could also use some help on vandal dome vs. bullet vs. mini hidden cameras. I like the vandal dome but they are large and seem pricey Bullets are better on price and the form factor seems like a good fit Mini, I am scared the quality will be low but they should last a long time being hidden. Thanks
  11. joe4

    Big storage

    I do not think the iSCSI is going to be fast enough for the Geovision so I plan on using the local hard drive as a buffer for the iSCSI. If all goes well it should fill the Geo drive then at night do a dump to the iSCSI, this way I have unlimited long term storage and only the current day on the local. Similar to a D2D2T backup (disk to disk to tape) you could even take it to tape after the iSCSI and keep years of video. If anyone would be interested I could develop this further, not sure if anyone is doing it yet.
  12. joe4

    Big storage

    I just thought this would have some interesting purpose for storing video. http://www.cleversafe.com/technology/storage_retrieval I just installed two iSCSI SAN at work and wanted to share. ATAOE http://www.coraid.com like iSCSI but non routable. (it could be routed but has no native support) iSCSI Poormans SAN, routable block access. Very nice, all the options of a true fiber SAN with none of the cost. All you need is a gigabit switch, nic, and storage target. This is what I installed (two) http://www.emc.com/products/systems/clariion/ax150/index.jsp I like that it is emc and under 5 million dollars but the spec is not that great. It is running Microsoft storage server, Celeron proc, and 512 ram. EMC must do some major tweaking because it is very fast. Next time I will role my own on Linux. Strange thing about my install the EMC is the only Microsoft product in the entire rack. It would be nice to start seeing embedded DVR with a iSCSI initiator. I plan on hooking my Geovision up to the iSCSI SAN to test it out and will post the results.
  13. joe4

    Going to Bahamas - What to do rory?

    Rory, Thanks for all the info. Both my kids are under 3 so taxis and rental cars are a pain (car seats). I hope to hang out at the hotel allot buy my kids love boats so we plan on doing a ferry ride. It would be cool if we could find a sail boat also. I am trying to avoid 8 dollar waters at the hotel and our room has a refrigerator. Do you know where there is a grocery store that has normal prices?
  14. joe4

    Going to Bahamas - What to do rory?

    The Atlantis Do they make a kevlar speedo?