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Posts posted by mcs

  1. I dont know get on their site and email them for specifics,

    this is jhust something that was emailed to me,


    yeah I think they tested the most USED models and brands


    as the samsung 730 and 740 are a cut above the 415, but heck for 199 the 415 suits my budget and is and does more then msot cameras suppliers sell. and 2 yr wty to

  2. Camera resolution seems to be the biggest LIE.


    Now some of these newer cameras and claiming over 600 lines.


    Is there anywhere that does reviews on CCTV cameras??



    Yes you are correct, but to a point

    are we talking ccd or cmos with the smeary objects...


    600 lines is possible, are you viewing on a monitor that does 600+ lines with a 600 line camera direct feed video?


    Prob is most dvrs dont do LIVE view-


    Prob is its like everything everyone jumps on the bandwagon to make a buck...


    TEST + TRY for yourself, buy a few dif models. this will help you make the most informed decision,


    When my new office is built ill setup some testingareas and will post back, *when is the only prob*




    Click here for 2006 review

  3. The amount of pixels is what your looking for

    also the horizontal lines,

    not just the res-


    Post here anything your worried about and well check it for you.


    I am over sales man pitches, and have tried and tested most brands, and know what I use.


    Not just for price (although I do get a good price)

    But mainly for quality

    I loose jobs regularly cause the locksmith or the electrician go in 1/2 the price I am with ****,

    and then the people whinge cause they meant to have 30 days recroding, and blah fkn blah


    I end up getting them, Im not here for the love of it.

    Im here to make money and no ones friends in business and trust me the favours are NEVER returned






    Thanks for them 20 cameras we sent you accidentally, that were on back order which we filled.......................................................................... My bad

  4. Do a test on the Samsung 740- and post back results,


    Ill be testing one 740 and a 730 and 415 over the weekend and Ill post footage off the Geo when I get back from My course wed next week.

    So stay tuned to this thread this time next week.


    Subscribe (to this thread- NOTIFY ME WHEN A REPLY IS POSTED, tick below) to have an email reply so you dont miss out.

  5. Same I run a Windows xp Wstation next to my Linux box- ie Quickbooks wont run on Linux...


    To many variables. Sux


    M$oft- stop ripping people off, fix what you have instead of stealing MORE money.

  6. Get a bug lamp thingy, install it away from the camera-

    One of them UV ones.


    I had this on a car yard once, guy never paid me the full amount, so I lost out on that one.


    Turn ur sens to about7 and test it walking thru fast and slow- maybe map alot of zones so the object has to be larger to trigger. ....

  7. How long until GEO can support vista u rekon- im going to hang out b4 I buy vista. I heard to much bad stuff about it already I wish Bill gates would fk off and leave it alone. Fix XP and everyone would buy it and support it.


    I wish theyd work on a linux disty

    Its free and im sure they can find people to get geo onto linux...

    Wish i had the itme anr resources to code it myself, prob is got mortgage and 4 kids to feed. Otherwise I would.


    Plus we messing with IP PBX to get that going off here, so not enough time and money.

    Save all the issue.

    I wonder if you can run Geo under Wine on linux...

  8. Didnt they check the serial or origin of purchase,


    I bought some cards from hong kong company (as I got ptz and others cams from them also) so close to real also cept the sw came on disc with no version and no dongle when v7 was out, it was v6 ..


    was sus, then all these issues std and so I returned them and got refund cause I threatened to fly there and sort it out, they were sold fakes as OEM


    When did you buy your card and who from


    might help otheres from ebing bitten

  9. No I know Rory

    whats im saying is that if your going to the trouble of modding XP then you might as well use linux, means you have to use a dif card and all,


    You dont need to learn code, you can use Live cd Unbuntoo its easy to,


    If you setup a PC correctly as you know you can run windows and geo in a stable environment


    Prob is people cheap skate on crap and expect it to work, if you want something like that buy a standalone.


    YOU cant have it all,

    I use standalones to 8chs then its not worth it, PC based is faster and has more features. Its the same story over and over.

  10. May I ask why you want raid

    is this a bank, jeweller?


    I have heaps of systems running, if you over spec the pc you wont have issue

    Use a ups (decent inline), more ram then needed, fast vga card...


    All you have to do is pu the OS and geovision prog on a small HDD and ghost that drive


    quick backup, takes 30 mins to install if the drive fails...


    I am using xbox hdd's as they are cheap and range from 8-20gb and norm new as most people hack their box early



  11. also check the monitor all feature in the config..

    this has to be ticked for any machine to record on reboot


    I didnt see that posted anytwhere here. sorry just in case someones looking later to fix a prob, thats ur answer





    I was answering the RECORD ( monitor) feature...


    sorry for dragging up old threads i was searching for something and found this and saw no real reply was made.

    In case someone drags it up looking for an answer I thought Id put my 2c in



  12. Computer Case: Antec slkb3000

    Power Supply *: Antec TRUE power 480w PS

    Motherboard *: Gigabyte p775 core 2 duo

    CPU *: Intel p4 c2duo 3ghz

    Memory *: 1gb Corsair

    Video Card *: Nvidia Geforce 7300 pciE

    Hard Drive: OS on 10GB SG; Video on 3 x 500gb Seagate (5yr wty)


    Optical Drive: Pioneer 16x

    Cooling: Stock Intel CPU fan; Case uses 2 x 120mm

    Monitor: Samsung 740n narrow bezel


    Operating System *: Win XP Pro

    Service Pack (if applicable): SP2 w/all security patches


    GeoVision Card *: GV-1480

    GeoVision Software Version *: 8.1

    Screen Resolution *: 1280x1024

    Video Size *: 720x576 de-interlace

    Motion/Continuous *: Motion, 1 cam on till 24/7

    FPS (if applicable): 25fps


    Environment (eg. Office, Heat, etc): Service stn- pc is in office

    Length of Tested Period *: app 4 months running 24/7

    No of cams: 12


    Any other notes.

    System is rock solid and stable. All latest drivers installed. PC is dedicated to GeoVision, . Very quiet system. CPU temps ?.

  13. also check the monitor all feature in the config..

    this has to be ticked for any machine to record on reboot


    I didnt see that posted anytwhere here. sorry just in case someones looking later to fix a prob, thats ur answer


    also azureus is the best kazaa sucks dk

    firefox rocks so does thunderbird


    ad-aware pe



    or just dont get on the net




  14. Get zoneminder

    or email comart and they might give u number to unlock- if you provide serial of card


    think ur dealer is rough, he should have a record of ur serial to relase ur code..


    or ur a pirate,


    comart sells to the public but unless u buy software ur not going to get the system working,


    I have hicap 200 and I hated old v5 sw keeps glitching so use geo but I still have old hicap 200 card i want to use somewhere,, So im in the same boat
