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Posts posted by mcs

  1. Ive gone back to Geovision

    Nothing beats a decent built machine running a 1480 card


    Im over linux dvr's

    they lack funcationality and they do look old and out of date (the gui's)


    zoneminder is for someone who wants to play with stuff or a control room, not a commercially available dvr


    In my mind that is

  2. OK

    I had to reboot the lappy and its working via remote view/playback,


    Ill resave the files to my HDD and alls good,


    Im going to install the TUT off the GEO disc (v8) on his pc so he can view the taiwanese people being recorded and backed up.


    Thanks for your help to btw Rory.

  3. Had a client "back" some footage up off the system I installed (gv1480 v8.01) and cant get it to play with media player on my lappy


    asks for codec? anyone know


    I used to use indigo5 with gv1000 systems v6+ when footage was backed up this way.


    I have tried to run my remote view player on my system but its buggered?

  4. I have installed a decent amount of DVR's being geo and the likes

    the octopus cables supplied have never failed me


    I have 48 camera on one site with 3 gv1000 cards in rack cases,

    installed mid 2004 never an issue


    Make sure your bncs dont touch if you have a ground loop also, maybe wrap some tape around them or sleeve heat shrink


    hope that helps

  5. GEOVISION rocks

    I have customised my GUI in V8.01 so that when I preload it

    the camera lost image is my log says CALL ****** security camera lost

    the blank cameras have a different colour to the std blue - its green like my logo


    I have overlayed some pics in the main grid with my log and company number so the customer always sees it


    I love the new features of v8, its to easy and to reliable when the pc's are built rite

    No cheapscating and your system will work marvelous


    Lasty system I did recently had 3 samsung 500gb industrial sata drives rock on. H264 is wild to with the res and running shc730 cams or 740's from Samsung is the BEST


    Nothing BEATS geo.

  6. Altech are not the only distributor and unless you are building them yourselves I suggest you consider their return policy...



    All care no responsibility

    Ever dealt with them for an order let alone support


    UMM id think twice about dealing with altech if you want SERVICE.

  7. Bought some Geovision cards off a company in Hoing kong, they are dodgy one didnt even work when I booted the pc.


    sent back got refund



    I have used heaps of GEO and am after a legit distributor who wont rip me off,

    I have to keep costs down to compete,


    Got some comart cards other day finds out your limited to what MB you use and it may get worse with the amalgamation of the two companies who manufacture the MB's in Taiwan



    Any one


    email me


    middy01 (@) gmail.com




  8. We used heaps of Avtech gear for low cost installs, 1ch dvr had issues with PS,


    4, 9, 16 are all ok, cheap and do the job.


    We mainly use them on domestic's and low cost 4-8cam jobs,


    They are now Cpcam in taiwan... use a few 4ch lan dvr's for cost, nothing else around before now for under a grand or even 1500.... and they were doing the same job as named stuff..



    You do get what you pay for.......

  9. Would recommend,


    Asus or Abit MB

    1gb corsair ram,

    Fx5200 - 128mb vga


    UPS- with usb or serial link to shutdown on PFail



    Install geo card in 3 or 4th pci,


    Part you hdd for c: data and prog and video storage on dif part or hdd,


    turn off all sound if not recording audio



    I have built heaps of systems gv800-gv900-gv1000 and never had issue,
