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Posts posted by rebel998

  1. I have a client who needs to convert H264 files into something more PC friendly. We upgraded his old system but they had an incident and although we've downloaded the file we cannot open it even after trying a few converters.


    I need an application that can convert H264 files. (20141119_110000_ps.h264)


    Any assistance would be appreciated!

  2. As far as I can read, Sky do not offer a static IP, monthly fee or not.


    Sky also, do not allow any router to be used other than their own, they do have a DynDNS service, but DynDNS is no longer free, nor can you have an account for longer than 14 days without paying. Those who did register before the change in 2013, can use the free account if they log in monthly.


    What about this No-IP, I'm assuming it can't get my dynamic IP from the Router, but rather a computer let's say - which has to be on 24/7?



    What type of router is it?


    No-ip works great!

  3. And do you supply these free with every install or do you charge the client?


    I either charge for them, or give them for free in our installations with our logo and web site URL on it.


    And how effective is this as a marketing tool?


    I considered putting name/logo etc on the sign but thought this might be seen as an advert rather than warning sign.
