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Everything posted by scorpion

  1. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=21196 Thanks for you input at the other thread!
  2. scorpion

    avtech KPD674 firmware upgrade????

    I do not know the extent of your troubles. I do believe that your problems are not related to a firmware. I have not seen this problem therefore I have no solution.
  3. Not sure what kind of camera you are describing. You can bring a small POE switch as a tool in your bag. You can connect to the IP Cams that may not be powered due to power panel not installed, or in the process of being installed. You have a separate power wire ran according to your post. You can use a long cat 6 to connect to your laptop. You will need to wire it for crossover when you put the connectors on your wire. There are some cams that may have a composite video output, and you can connect with a battery powered CCTV monitor. I do not find using two people and walkie talkies, or cell phones to set focus. "keep turning....keep turning....no....go back... no, to far.......almost there.....keep going...ooops go back.....I think it is in focus?...why dont you get off the ladder, and come take a look....Hey the horizon is crooked! You are better looking at an IP cam with a laptop right then, and there. Quick and effecient. If it does not look right then you can make the changes to get the view you want. Note: Look in to the background of your cameras view. Is there a ladies bathroom door that you are pointed at, or some other feature you wish to avoid? (corridor / halway mount)
  4. It would depend on a monitor / laptop to view the camera angle, and make changes, or get down off the ladder and walk to the head end, or a nearest computer to view then walk back to make the changes, and go back to view the changes made. It would depend of the level of "perfection" required, and the budget the customer is spending. I would continue the install untill it is done right, and have received feedback from the customer that they are satisfied. I would "schedule" one hour for install.
  5. scorpion

    avtech KPD674 firmware upgrade????

    If you insert another firmware it will do the same thing.
  6. Apple products hate Microsoft, and Active X is used to interact with DVRs with Apple not using Microsoft Active X then you will not be able to use Apple products. Avtech DVRs can use Quicktime to live view video. You can setup wine to interact with your DVRs. There are some limited java aps that you can use and there is an Apple product call Security View E. About Security View E http://security-view.com/Home.html Download http://movies.apple.com/downloads/macosx/home_learning/securityviewe.html JAVA Apps http://scorpiontheater.com/javaapp.aspx
  7. scorpion

    avtech KPD674 firmware upgrade????

    tomcctv you said you would never reveal my secrets!! LOL! I would not upgrade the firmware! What problems are you having?
  8. scorpion

    problem avc 760z

    It sounds like a chips is going bad, or an oscillator circuit is going out. The only other problem might me lack of cooling? Is the DVR in a tight space? Can you add a fan to flow more air? Can you put the DVR out in to the open to see if it runs better?
  9. The title was over the top! A bill is being introduced, and may pass. It makes it illegal to use caller ID spoofing. This is great to protect us from companies that call with fake caller ID's. http://energycommerce.house.gov/Press_111/20100310/hr1258.text.as.amended.pdf Who will this bill hurt? Spy shops, and novelty shops that sell "Spoof Cards" that are used for practical jokes such as calling your family members with a fake caller ID that would create a source of fun entertainment. Spoof cards were used by investigators to insert your cell phone telephone number and they would call that number. What happens is the cell provider sees the caller ID being the "owner" of that number and automatically takes you to voice mail. Those that do not use a password then others can listen to your recorded messages! This became illegal for Private Investigators recently over the years (Hewlett Packard case was the final ax). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_spying_scandal Spoof Card http://www.spoofcard.com/ What do you think?
  10. scorpion

    problem avc 760z

    Hello! There is not enough information to resolve your problem. The date problem would point to a bad battery on the bottom side of the PC board. If the DVR is underwarranty then send it back right away. Next would be to perform a hardware reset: http://scorpiontheater.com/reset.aspx If this does not fix your problem then you have more problems with the DVR then you can fix. It may have a bad oscillator that is sending a bad closk signal? Can you see live video OK? Is it only the recorded images that are bad? Can you see good video on a computer? I am trying to determine if some parts of the video process is good, and a later circuit is bad, or if all points of video are bad.
  11. scorpion

    comet 9 power supply

    Where did you find that animation?? LOL!
  12. scorpion

    comet 9 power supply

    Hello! Did someone say "Scorpion"?? Comet 9 same as AVC776 same as DVR 9004, DVR 9014 DMR 9, DGN 209 I cannot find a supplier for those power supplys. If I can get 100 people to order one then I can get some delivered to me. I almost ordered some before the finacial meltdown, but with the downturn in the economy I could not afford all 100 out of pocket. If you can find a 5 volt, and a 12 volt power supply then you can place them inside the cabinet. You can get a power cord plate from a surplus device, and wire it to the two power supplies and use a computer power cord to plug in to the back. Replace all of the fan in the unit. If the fan dies so does the DVR! It is a 12mm fan over the chip. Do not pull the hard drive out while powered up. They are not hot swappable. Do you have the key to open the hard drive bay? Those keys are getting hard to find. A company just recently charged me 15 dollars a key! Do not set it for motion detection if you have more than 5 - 6 cameras. If you have more cameras the DVR will always be looking for "motion" and you will not get a responce from pressing the menu button. What you will have to do is press the stop button with one hand, and the menu button with the other hand. 9 cameras will keep the DVR too busy, and you really have to be quiick on the stop menu cycle. 0 is motion detect and X is no detection Here are some of the links for viewers of this post that come here from a search engine. Manual http://scorpiontheater.tech.officelive.com/Documents/AVTech_Manual_English_CPD577W_16CH_V1.0.pdf Different model manuals, and languages http://scorpiontheater.tech.officelive.com/Documents/AVTech_Manual_English_CPD576W_AVC776_V1.0.pdf Hardware reset http://scorpiontheater.com/reset.aspx Video Server S http://scorpiontheater.com/videoviewer.aspx Power supply info http://scorpiontheater.com/avtparts.aspx POWER SUPPLY 12 Volt 3 Amp 5 Volt 6 Amp Jentec Model JTA 0409 Jentec Spec Sheet KDM Model KY 05072 http://kdmpower.com/DVR572.html 8 Pin Leadman Model KY 05072 http://www.leadman.com.tw/Adapter/KY-05072.pdf Note this shows 4 pins (computer) This is for the pin out of the power supply plug. 1. Gnd 2. Gnd 3. Gnd 4. +12 5. Gnd 6. +12 7. +5 8. +5 Networking DVR info http://scorpiontheater.com/videonetworkingwithavtech.aspx
  13. scorpion

    KPD676 Password Reset

    Netsecurity Removing the battery will only reset the date time group back to a starting default date, and time group. claires Perhaps taking a knive and gently scrapping to expose the metal to make a better electrical contact?
  14. Video Viewer There is a film strip icon. This is the record to the remote computer. Click on this icon and it should stop the recording to the computer.
  15. If your DVR is a SATA hard drive version then it should work.
  16. scorpion

    HELP!! AVTECH avc760z Not Working!

    Ghost and Acronis was to transfer the "data" to another hard drive as you mentioned you wanted to keep the video footage. Not knowing what was wrong I suggested it in case the hard drive was the problem. You will not be able to read the data as the video is wrapped in a proprietary format. You can read the 1's and 0's but it will not mean anything. It would be better to transfer the drive to another DVR of the same model to retrieve the video. You may have problems using the menu to get the video with the time stamps being different, but you should be able to get to the video.
  17. scorpion

    HELP!! AVTECH avc760z Not Working!

    you may have a dead power supply. Do you know someone with a laptop with a replacement power cord? They have these universal power supplies with different tips to match various laptops. If you can get ahold of one of these, or buy one then we can rule out the external power supply. Disconnect the hard drive. Turn the DVR on and see if it does the same. If yes then try the power supply replacement, or you have more problems. If it works normally (except for recording as the hard drive is removed) then you need to replace the hard drive and you data may be lost. Try connecting to a computer and copy the data with ghost, or Acronis.
  18. scorpion

    Avtech DVR AVC796D

    If it does not look like this post then I cannot help. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20973
  19. scorpion

    copy onto DVD a recorded incident

    Anyone personal friends with him to find out what is going on? I wish there was something we could do to help him out!
  20. scorpion

    copy onto DVD a recorded incident

    LOL! I need a bigger hard drive pehaps!
  21. scorpion

    copy onto DVD a recorded incident

    I cannot help you. You can take the video output that goes to a tv and connect it to a DVD recorder. Line up your video on your DVR and then record. Is this what you are looking to do? For PC DVD burning go to your local computer store, or call a techie friend for help. Do you have nero or some DVD burning software on your computer?
  22. Have you done a hardware reset? http://scorpiontheater.com/reset.aspx
  23. scorpion

    avc761 resets automaticly

    You have some kind of power issue. The external power supply may be bad. The internal power supply may be bad. The hard drive may be bad. Remove the hard drive. Does the unit stay on now? It will not record due to the hard drive being diconnected. If you still have power issues then it is the power supplies. You can go to a computer store, and ask for a universal laptop power cord. It will have multi tips. hopefully one of the tips will match your DVR (19 volts). If it works then you are good to go otherwise you need to replace the internal power board, and there are non available. They are $60.00 to the trade, and the mark up may be $90 retail just for a stupid board!
  24. There are digital modulators. Your hair will stand on end with the price. Your customers will refuse the installation. The smartest way to set this up is to use an A/B switch type system. When one TV wants to see the cameras you are switching between two source materials. You will have your coax input with TV material, and you will have your modulated signal on the other side. The signal of choice will run down the coax to the tv. The "switcher" is controlled by IR through the coax back to the switcher at the head end. You will need an A/B switch for each TV you wish to switch. You can put Hometheater feeds on these also. When it is movie time all TVs can be switched to a DVD (or other options). http://www.channelvision.com/index.php/vmchk/AFFINITY™-Digital-Cable-Combiner/View-all-products.html
  25. scorpion

    help with remote viewing

    Reading from your post is appears to me that you are remote viewing using your router's IP address of I was not sure if I read that right or not. I would use IP chicken to give me my WAN address. Try this number remotely and see if it works. http://ipchicken.com/ Once you have everything fixed, and working remotely then use this. http://www.dyndns.com/