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Hello everyone! To those of you who do not know me I cut my electronics teeth on coin operated pinball machines and video games. It all started in the early 70's when my dad took me to an ice cream parlor. You know the kind! They have tubs of ice cream, and you hand scoop them unlike the modern style where they pull a handle and it oozes out of the machine. Imagine a kid with a nose pressed up to the glass fronted freezer trying to decide from chocolate, or rocky road, or mint chocolate only to be distracted by all kinds of choices of ice cream imaginable, and your dad is trying to pressure you into making a decision right then and there! Bing Bing! Chink Chink Chink! Ding Ding! Flap Flap! Hmmmmmmm! What is this? I turn around, and what do I see? Holy Smokes Batman! It is a row of pinball machines! These things were loud! All kinds of bells, and chimes, and blinking lights! I had to go see right then and there what these machines were! Imagine the frustration of my dad in line trying to get an order to the ice cream clerk, and you have a kid running out of line to look at some dumb pinball machines, and you have to yell to get the child back to the freezer to make an order. I went back to my dad, and got my ice cream, and instead of leaving as planned he allowed my sister and I to look at the machines. My dad pulls his hand out of his pockets, and gives my sister, and I some quarters. Love at first sight! I new that I wanted to spend my life around these machines for the rest of my life! This started a life long trend for me! In high school I was working for a very small ice cream parlor when they rented a back room, and placed some pinballs in there! Nice! I was in hog heaven! Balls would get stuck on the playfield, and I soon learned how to open the door, and pull off a rail, and slide down the glass to pull the ball out, and place it back in the launch area. There was a day when I had to lift up the whole play field to fix something, and Whoa! Here is all of these wires, and solenoids, and light bulbs! I felt like I was looking behind the scenes of the Wizard of Oz! Over a time frame I learned to fix various things on a pinball machine. The ice cream parlor rented the large space to the side of it, and put in video games, and pool tables, and a juke box. They has some video games, and then one day a new game showed up. After it was plugged in and it booted up, and then went in to the "attract mode" and played the now famous tune, and history was made! Four songs I heard played over, and over in 1980 on this juke box was Cocaine by Eric C. (I had no clue at the time what that meant)! Train Train by Blackfoot, and I loved the intro! Dirty Deeds by AC/DC, and Ah Leah by Donnie Iris! I left my home in Florida to go to Texas, and attended DeVry Inst of Tech. I worked for Taco Bueno. This was weird for me as I am familiar with Taco Bell in Florida, but this place acted like an upscale restaurant with a fireplace, and fancy decor! They had a side room where they had video games. Note: This is the first time I ever saw a drive through with it's own kitchen! Bingo! I got a job in the right place! Wow! Frogger, Defender, Tempest, and a funky new game called Donkey Kong! It was the ****tail table style. My friends, and I could not get enough of this game! I get a call from my dad who says "I have a surprise for you"! I say what is it? He says "we are now proud owners of an arcade"! I would love to have a photo of my face at that very moment! I am sure my jaw was on the ground! I felt like I owned DisneyWorld, or something! Remember this is my life's dream coming true at that very moment in time! I came back to Florida to find an arcade with old ancient games. My dad bit the bullet, and put a second mortgage on his house, and bought 9 Games! We bought Mrs Pac Man, Stargate, Robotron, Donkey Kong, Tempest, Frogger, Centipede, Xaxon, and Mr, and Mrs Pac Man Pinball. The place went nuts! I was finding broken machine in the back storeroom. I built a bench, and started working on them. The one that caught my eye was this biggest pinball machine that I ever saw in my life! It was called Hercules! I kid you not the pinball was actually a cue ball from a pool table! Recently I was talking to some friends when the conversation turned to pinballs, and video games. It brought back great memories from a long time ago, and I had to go and create a group on Facebook. I would love to hear your stories about coin op video games, and pinballs, and to hear your stories about the places where you played your favorite games. What funny stories do you have to share? Pinball Machines http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=104384649603181 Video Games http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profile&id=100000472556991#!/group.php?gid=110093019024009&ref=mf Sorry for the ramble! I hope you enjoyed my story! I look forward to hearing yours!
I am looking for motorized disco lights that come from the 70s. Anyone have a Studio 54 in their basement? If you do not have an image of what I am asking then think of this. One A motor attached to a ceiling where an arm rotates around. On each end of the arm is a rotating "dice". The dice rotate, and the arm rotates. Each side of the dice has a different color gel giving the effect of multicolor beams rotating in a dark club. Two Think of a long bar where you screw in christmas light bulbs in a long row, and the light chases back and forth from end to end. Three Color organs. This is where christmas lights are attached to a wooden board. Plexiglass is formed in to a shape of squared off c, and it is installed to the backboard. The plexiglass is about 6 inches from the light source. The plexiglass has a "million" pyramids inbedded on the surface. There are three colors for the bulbs. Bass effects color 1, and mids effect color 2, and high notes effect color 3. Looking at a color organ in action you will see a diamond shape from each light bulb as it is diffused through the pryamids, and the colors flash to the beat of the music. Four Red / blue revolving police lights. Five Mirror balls.
Hello Everyone! I have been doing pretty good considering the economy. I have gone from being shamer sitting on a computer all day and sneaking off to cctvforum with advice, help tips, and chatting with all the old timers to becoming a multi job hard working stiff trying to keep my neck above water. A year ago I warned everyone that I would be shutting down the website (technically two years ago). The website is now up to more than 5000 hits a month, and I have no revenue stream to support it. It has become very labor entensive, and I have no pay to support any staff to answer questions, and to design webpages, and work on getting tech tips, or updated firmwares for the latest released products. I do find it odd that people somehow have mistaken me for one who owns AVTech or CPCam. I do not know how that happened, but it is interesting! I am just a little shop in Melbourne Florida with barely 1000 sp feet. I apologize to anyone who may be effected by the website, or webpage being taken down. I have been restoring a Xenon Pinball machine, and some 80 video games. I have a passion for these old games, and I am hoping to have an authentic retro 80's arcade open soon down to a 45 juke box! Take care, Scorpion
I could not find a pdf on the search engine for the Samsung SCC-931T. I need to find out which set of pins is for the RS 485. I want to wire up the zoom control. http://www.samsung-security.com/Portals/0/GVIProductImages/350/SCC-931T_Spec.pdf Thanks!
Home builders Associations Home builders association would be a waste of money. It is an excellant place to be if you do high numbers with different builders. I would highly recommend the association if you can afford it. Don't do it for the builders, do it for the home buyers. It looks good to have it in your ads! If you want to capture home builders, the path of least resistance is to hit them up on their "showcase" homes, or "parade of homes". You may end up doing a "free" prewire, and then putting in products for the "dog and pony show". After the showcase, or parade of homes you take your products back with you. If the house is a model home then use this as a showroom/office. If it is a spec house then you are only out the wiring (and labor time). When the house is sold then you can sell to the client that buys the home. Expect to be "used" by home builders with this "service". They will take advantage of anything that is free. The only way to crack the "wall" is to offer multiple low voltage services. You will need to do alarm, structured, central vac, pool alarm, intercom, speaker wiring, home theater, whole house audio, and video surveillance. This will allow you to be a one stop shop for the builders. You can be more price competitive by cutting prices on one part of the whole project. On high end condo/houses offer a free door video station system on every house/unit. The builders love it when they can provide more "features" than other builders. The customer may select the builder with more features for the same cost of a house between two builders. The best way to reach "builders" is to do Home, and Garden shows, or Home shows. Builders tend to walk around and look at other exibitors, and when they come across you they want to talk to you about "working together". These are usually "want to be builders, or start up builders. If being with a builder is a must (!) then you will have to open in office in the same building as a builder. Stand alone builders are obvioulsly out, but the others you will see on a day to day basis. They may have some disaster that you may be able to come to their rescue. You may have to do projects on the cheap, and try to make it up by selling more to the client. Such as wiring the plasmas inside the walls, and other after sell, services. Day to day contact is the greatest way IN! Home shows are great because you can talk to prospective home owners. They can hire your services, and request that your company performs the services on the house that is to be built. You work for the owner, and not the builder. This is great for money up front! Fict Name Registration In florida they have a fict name registar called www.sunbiz.org You can check this site for new businesses that have filed for a fict name, and send them a "post card". New construction If there are a lot of strip plazas being built in your area then have stickers made that are business cards. Stop at these empty building and stick your business card on the glass window of the door. When someone rents the space they will see your sticker, and you hope that they say to themselves "hey I need an alarm, or electronic locks, or cameras". Bars and nightclubs can give you video cable, telephone, networking, dj booths, dance floors, and you can buy disco lights if you want to venture that far. Newspaper ad. Use pictures of children. This will effect women the most. This will start the process against the man to do something about safety. Women can relate to ads with children. They will think of their own children. Hell has no fury like a women scorned and feels insecure! Show room If you have one use it for other ways to bring in people. I would suggest having a wine tasting. If your shop, or warehouse is not up to it, thats ok, you just need to hang fancy cloth on the wall. You can have an artshow that would bring in a higher class of clients. If you can do a charity event this would get you free advertising in the newspaper, and with radio stations. Its a human intrest story, or you can ask them to be a "sponsor" of the event Yellow page ad This is a must. If all you can afford is just a listing then do it. If you can afford multiple listing then ask for a buy one heading, and get a free heading. If you buy two then you are in four different listings such as BURGLAR ALARM, TELEVISION CLOSED CIRCUIT, SECURITY SYSTEMS, AND SUPPLYS, SURVEILLANCE EQUIPMENT _____________________________________________________________ Chamber of Commerce and Networking Groups What I find about Chamber of commerce and other networking groups is that you will not get much responce. Most times it seems like a big business card swap meet. In the past I have joined a networking group who would meet for breakfast, or for lunch. They required a monthly "fee", and this was used in an advertisment with all of the businesses names on a half page ad. I bumped in to a couple of business owners that I had not seen in a while. During their business "start up" I would try to help as much as I can. I would show people how to apply vinyl lettering to store front windows, vehicles, and on pieces of sign board (it looks like card board). I would have them hang the signs inside their store from the ceiling using mirror ball motors so that the signs would slowly spin. Everyone at the meeting would get in involved with the process, and people were so appreciative that they would go out of their way to send customers my way. These meetings went from the "business card swap meets" to a real networking group. We had a couple of printers that got involved, and all we had to do was pay for the paper cost. One guy donated a page in his thrifty nickle style advertising magazine. Some would show people how to use MS publisher to make business card, and flyers. If the group you join seems dead, I would suggest moving on to another one. I hope this sparks an idea or two!
Have a computer friend check the hard drive. See if it is getting voltage to the hard drive, and try a replacement hard drive. Use a new hard drive and do not format it from a computer. Just place the new hard drive staight in to the DVR. Use a universal power supply for laptops that can be bought at a computer store. This will test to see if you have a bad power supply connected to the DVR. The next step is to test voltages off the internal power supply, and then check all of the oscillators are working. If the oscillators are working it should boot up.
http://www.itnews.com.au/News/71750,cctv-camera-sees-under-clothing.aspx CCTV sees under clothing. By Iain Thomson The ThruVision T5000 can spot items underneath clothing at a range of up to 25 metres. All materials emit different terahertz waves, allowing the cameras to differentiate between sugar and cocaine, for example. Clive Beattie, chief executive at ThruVision, said: "Acts of terrorism have shaken the world in recent years and security precautions have been tightened globally. "The ability to see metallic and non-metallic items on people out to 25 metres is a key capability that will enhance any comprehensive security system deployment." ThruVision claimed that privacy campaigners should not be alarmed since the human body emits terahertz waves at a frequency which the device does not scan, meaning that personal body details are not revealed. This contrasts with millimetre wave radar such as the Secure 1000 systems being tested at Heathrow which provide clear pictures of the body under clothing. Dr Liz Towns-Andrews, director of knowledge exchange at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, said: "Astronomers use T-ray cameras that can see through dust and clouds in space, revealing what lies beyond. "This is a first-class example of how fundamental scientific research can be applied to benefit the whole of society. "Who would have imagined that research carried out by space scientists to study the stars could be used to protect the public from terrorists and therefore save lives? The impact of this will be remarkable." Copyright © 2008 vnunet.com
Hey I was given some old tube analog cameras from an old buddy. They do not have any lenses. Can I use my granmother's glasses and take the lens out and use them on the cameras? My grandmother had stymatism. Will that effect the view? Should I use those glasses, or should I find an old pair that has transiton lenses? Will the transition lenses help when the sun shines in to the cameras? I found some old teletype wire (it is really old) and can I use this to connect the cameras to my VCR? How do I get the 4 cameras to connect to the VCR at the same time? I can modulate one camera and connect it to the coax input, and I can take another camera and connect it to the composite video input. I was thinking about getting an IR blaster and a 555 timer IC and creating some kind of circuit that will switch the VCR from coax input to composite input and back to the coax and to keep repeating that command. Now the VCR can record two cameras. Can I use a washing machine relay to connect two cameras in the composite input? The relay can toggle back and forth between the two cameras and then send the video to the VCR! Now I can record three cameras! Now to figure how to connect two cameras to a modulator! The cameras do not have any mounts so I was just going to duct tape them to the house. Is there such a thing as water proof duct tape? I would really hate to have the cameras fall off after a rain storm! I have some of those old fashion hangers. You know the kind. They are made out of some kind of metal. They are not cool like the new plastic hangers. I could use the wire hangers to hang the cameras from the soffits. The cameras have a hole for a screw. Could I use a dry wall screw and wrap the wire from the hanger around the drywall screw and then insert the screw in to the hole? If the hole does not hold the drywall screw then I might try some JB Weld to hold it. Sounds like a pretty cool system! Now I can protect my prized Odyssey pong video game system, and my TRS 80 computer from being stolen from my basement apartment. No. I do not live with my parents. I let them move in with me, but I charge them rent therefore it was only fair to let them have the main floor. Them moving in worked out real good. My wireless picks up their internet. It is nice to have an internet that is a strong signal. Trying to use my neighbors internet sucked as I only had one bar, and it took forever to download anything. What advise do you guy have? I really appreciate your PROFESSIONAL opion! No. Not really. I am going to set this stuff up just the way I want regardless how much you bastards hen peck me in to spending money for a system when this cool stuff will do the trick! Thanks in advance!
Analog Cameras without lens. Can I use eyeglass lenses?
scorpion replied to scorpion's topic in Security Cameras
ak357! How is everything in the wonderful world of Canada?? -
Analog Cameras without lens. Can I use eyeglass lenses?
scorpion replied to scorpion's topic in Security Cameras
Hardwired! How are you doing! I have missed you guys! OK! Not really! Who enjoys being mocked, ridiculed, and flamed on a forum?? LOL! I thought I wrote some funny lines, but you stole the whole show! "You are overthinking this, just feed each of your cameras into some old TV's lined up in a circle, and record them with your cousin's camcorder mounted on a scanner assembly". Mirror ball motor? "Gorilla tape holds up really well. Metal coat hangers are awesome for mounts, and if you hook them to the high voltage anode on the camera tube, they will provide theft resistance, as well" Now cut that out! I spewed my drink through my nose and on to my laptop's keyboard! Why did I not think of those lines? That was great thinking on your part! LOL Keep em coming! I sure miss all of you guys with the quick wits and the cheesy one liners! -
Analog Cameras without lens. Can I use eyeglass lenses?
scorpion replied to scorpion's topic in Security Cameras
The Toss! Great come back! Too funny!! jxk716 I will make a video tour for you. I do not know if they still have VCR tapes at my local dollar store or not. If I find some I will load it in to my shoulder mounted Video Recorder and post it to the forum! NotoriousBRK Framed and signed? Hmmm? I like that idea. I wonder what kind of paper to use, and the frame style. Maybe a ribbon to look important. Something we all can hang on our shop walls for our customers to see! Glad I could make you all laugh! Take care, -
Manual http://www.voiptalk.org/products/pdf/manual_7170_english.pdf Flashing a Friztbox http://rukerneltool.rainerullrich.de/ruKernelTool-HowTo-7170-from-AnnexBgerman-to-58.04.82AnnexAenglish_EN.pdf I need to change the setting of router Fritz Box. The setting were set by another person. I can't connect to router using cable, may be standard port or address were changed. So the only option is to switch to factory settings. Usually there is a button which deletes all the settings. I read the documentation and they tell to call the number #991*15901590* on the router. Do I have to connect telephone to router? The fritz.box 7170 is always available on (Just set the IP address manually in the range of 169.254.1.x) Info from this website: http://www.nat32.com/nat32e/htm/fritz.htm Introduction Fritz!Box is a very powerful DSL Wireless Router with several unique features: •Certified firewall protects all your local computers. •Acts as a private telephone exchange for two lines and several telephones. •Supports VOIP Internet Telephony from any attached phone. •Supports IEEE 802.11g++ for added range and speed. •Excellent DSL throughput, even at high bit rates. •Traffic Shaping allocates DSL bandwidth fairly amongst applications. •Most models allow USB Drives and Printers to be attached. •Functionality can be extended by starting programs on a USB storage device. NAT32 Builds 1048 and later have Fritz!Box control and configuration support via a upnpc command. Full details of the latest Fritz!Box models are here: Fritz!Box Home The Fritz!Box Fon WLAN Annex A Version (Part Number 2000 1681) works perfectly in Australia and other countries that have non-ISDN (POTS) telephone networks. It comes with English firmware and instructions and can be ordered from: Sipgate (UK). Tips and Tricks •When using a phone with the Fritz!Box, you may hear a continuous buzzing noise when you try to make a call. This is mains hum caused by an earth loop of some sort. To get rid of it, substitute a normal CAT5 unshielded twisted pair Ethernet cable for the red shielded cable that came with the box. •To turn on the Telnet Server in the Fritzbox, pick up your phone and then type: #96*7* •Update: The Telnet Server was omitted from many recent firmware updates, and so the above may not work. To fix this problem, download this file: http://www.telefonsparbuch.de/software/fritzbox/TelefonSparbuch_Telnet04.30.tar and install it on your FritzBox as a firmware update. Start the Windows Telnet Client •To start the Telnet Server when your Fritz!Box boots, enter the following commands: echo '#!/bin/sh'>/var/rc.user echo '/usr/sbin/telnetd -l /sbin/ar7login'>>/var/rc.user cat /var/rc.user > /var/flash/debug.cfg •The sequence #96*8* turns off the Telnet Server. •To install and start an FTP Server on your Fritz!Box, see Tuning and Hacking the Fritz!Box (In German). •If you have a 7170 Fritz!Box, it is already running an FTP server that you can use to access a USB drive. •To map that drive to a Windows drive letter, download and install the free NetDrive program from here: Download NetDrive •The NetDrive help file (in Windows CHM format) is available here: NetDrive Help. •Tip: If NetDrive doesn't start automatically at boot-time, locate the netdrive.exe file and rename it to webdrive.exe. •Be sure to check for the latest firmware for your Fritz!box here: Fritz!Box Firmware •If you are using Internet Explorer 7 (or later), be sure to add to the list of trusted sites, otherwise the firmware update will not work. This is because the pathname of the update file is stripped by IE7 and the firmware file can then not be found. •Open the Fritz!Box DSL packet trace window. How to Edit Configuration Files Start the Windows Telnet Client •Start the Fritz!Box editor nvi. •To edit say the voip.cfg file, enter: nvi /var/flash/voip.cfg • Type / to search for text, i to enter edit mode, then make the needed changes. •ESC returns to command mode, :w saves the file, :q exits the editor. •Command reboot restarts the Fritz!Box. • Command exit exits Telnet.
Hey old timers! I need some help over at Security Cameras. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=31483 What do you think? Thanks in advance!
Hey guys! I need some help over at the security cameras! viewtopic.php?f=5&t=31483 What do you think? Thanks!
A hardware reset will not "kill" your DVR. I will assume that you reset the DVR but used the wrong "contact" points. If this is the case then you will need to look at the parts in that circuit and see if the parts can be replaced. If you were doing a proper reset and the DVR died and you have no lights then we need to start here: You have an external power supply. What is the voltage coming out of it with a volt meter? Does the brick power supply have a green led light on it? Some do and some do not. If it has a light is it lit? If you have proper voltage coming out of the power supply then I would open the DVR and check the voltage at the hard drive. If you have voltage at the hard drive then I would take a brand new hard drive (do not format with a computer) and see if the DVR works. If yes then you are good to go. If no then the internal power supply needs to be repaired. If not the power supply then a crystal or something has died and there is a dead "oscillator". Is it worth buying a modern H.264 AVTech DVR?
Scorpion Theater Website is now discontinued
scorpion replied to scorpion's topic in Digital Video Recorders
LOL! Are you done with the thumbscrews? Please not the salt in the wound trick! LOL! Do I feel guilty. No. I feel more sad. Economic reality is what dictates my activities rather than my own true "free will" to do as I please. I would much rather be helping, or getting in to a good banter on a subject. A bad day on CCTVForum beats a good day of work!!! Take care! -
Paper towels verses hand dryers I have a friend who is pathetic! He is a germ phobe from hell. I have learned alot about "germs", or the imagination of germs, and real germ facts from him. A long time ago I finally could not take it anymore with his compulsive behavior. He admits that he does have a problem, and it is over the top. I can see where he uses a paper towel to open the bathroom door, or to kick it open with his foot. I can see using your elbow to activate a button on a hand dryer. I finally hit him right between the eyes! At first he was pissed (thinking that I am making fun of his uncontrollable behavior). He took me on a world wide tour of my behavior. He waited in time. I did not know that he was using his cellphone to track my behavior. He sat me down, and showed my some video shots. We went to a fastfood restaurant. He showed me buying food, paying for the food, stopping at the ice dispensor, and pouring a drink,and sitting down to eat. I thought it odd that he stopped at this restaurant as he usually avoids this place like the plague. Sorry, no pun intended. The video showed customers that were guilty of not washing their hands before eating their food. These people would be the first to complain if the worker who prepared the food had not washed their hands. Why the double standard he wonders. He showed me video of the ice dispensor. It had ever so slightly a blackness around the ice chute. He says this is bacteria that is growing. He showed me video of the soda nozzle that had blackness inside the nozzle. He showed me video of gummy deposits in the drink station drain from syrup build up. He showed me video of the floor where a french fry was in the corner. This was during breakfast time, and they do not serve french frys! He wonders why people make fun of his compulsive behavior, but they do not take food safety serious? If you think the ice machine nozzle is dirty then what is inside of the bin? Do they ever really stop ice production, and actually clean, and sanitize the ice tub? No he says unless they get a stop production order from the health dept during their inspection. He says to look at the seam between the ice machine on top of the drink station. Do you see any growth of any kind? If it is on the seam area then it may be in contact with the ice that you pour in to your cup, and drink. What about the syrup, and soda water that flow from drink nozzle. Do not people care what they drink? He showed me water dripping from an AC duct, and the ceiling tile was wet. I asked him about hit, and the AC may need maintenance because the water is coming from the vent, or there may be a drain pipe that is leaking above the vent. Any ways the water was ever so slightly dripping on people as they passed under. There was a pass through door that was not on its hinge, and needed some serious screws to get it back together. There were ceiling tiles that were missing all together. There was no soap in the bathroom. They had a hand dryer, but if it was a paper towel dispensor he was sure it would have been empty. He showed video of a food production employee rubbing his forehead with the cheap plastic gloves on his hands. The employee did not change his gloves. He showed me video of a person that was washing their hands. They did not dry them, and they just put on gloves. Think about the water dripping out of the glove on to your food as they make it he says! He did not have video, but he says the three compartment sink in the back would normally be a mess. They are supposed to prerinse the food out of the food bins, and containers. They then should wash it in extremely warm, soapy water, and then they should be placed in to clean water to rinse the soap off the containers, and then they should be put in to a third sink where it shall stay for 60 seconds in a sanitizing solution, and then it should be placed in a manner to allow it to quikly air dry. He will guaranty that they do not prerinse the dishes, and the first compartment will actually look like some kind of "soup", and the soap will have been dissipated, and the dishes will not be cleaned. The rinse water is now "contaminated with water from the first compartment, and therefore the dishes are not rinsed of soap, but now are being rebathed in lettuce, catsup, and oily residue, or whatever. The sanization compartment may never have received santizer out of lazyness, or it will have dissipated, and is no longer effective. The dishes are probably dipped in to the soup, the dirty rinse water, and dipped in to the sanitization compartment without the effectiveness of time, or effective level of sanitizer, and the food container is most likely refilled with new food while the container is still wet, and then the food product is placed on your food. Hmmm! Food for thought. I asked him if he prefers paper towels, or air dryers. He says that he has heard that "germ contaminated air" is blown all over the place, and it will get all over your clothes. OK! I have heard of that! He says that paper towels have chopped up rats in them, and why would you dry your hands with rat pieces, and eat food? Wow! I say! Damn if you do, and Damn if do not dry your hands! He says that if they have a paper towel dispenser then he is clothes are still "contaminated". Stop! What? Explain please! He says that the stalls doors are too small, and that his clothes get rubbed up by the door, or the stall wall. He fears pulling down his pants because they may come in contact with the toilet, or the floor. He freaks watching people put down attache cases, ipods, or cell phones on the floor. He knows that these are going to be placed on the counter while these people order food!! He says that you are now going to come in contact with the bathroom floor without the aid of any hand washing what so ever! He says go ahead lick the counter where the cash register is! You might be sucking a baby's diaper where a mom set the child while making an order! Is it not a common joke that babys always have full diapers? If the air is so dirty that you cannot use a hand dryer then you are doomed any ways. If you open the door are you not swirling around the same air, and breathing it in, and getting it all over your clothes? The same happens when you are walking out, and someone is walking in, and you pass each other creating a breeze! He wants to know what is actually in the tray liner with the cute advertisments, and promos. Is it really sanitary? Should you be eating those frys from the paper liner on your tray? How is that tray being washed? It is probably just being wiped off by a dirty towel between customers. Maybe if you are lucky it will be washed. Oh! Then again it just might be stuffed in to a dirty sink, stuck in dirty rinse water, and in to a sink with no sanitizer, and the tray liner gets wet while being stack between the trays. Wait! If they did not wash it, then did the tray actually come in contact with the top of a trash can, and the crew only wiped the top of the tray, and stacked it on top of another tray? Is the tray liner contaminated from the dirty bottom of the other tray? The employee that is wiping the trays, and placing tray liners on them suffering from a cold? They cannot afford to lose a days worth of work, and the boss probably threatened them to show up, or do not show up at all. Hey! I think they just wiped their nose on their shirt sleeve! I bet they are going to sneeze any moment all over those nicely stacked trays! OK! I have had enough! I do not care about paper towels verses hand dryers anymore. I am going to go, and barf now!
Last night I found a 1964 Williams Stop N Go pinball machine. Used and abused, but in pretty good shape for being 47 years old. http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?gid=2386 I agree with you about detracting from the original game design. The Smithsonian Muesum will only take a game in its original state with worn paint and other "bruises". The only reason I would go crazy with LED and extra graphics is that it is going in a long row of other pins. I plan on highlighting some of the more important games. The 1970 Baseball by Gottlieb is the first to have the rollover switches in the playfield. For people walking around and looking at pinball games I want them to actually stop and look at the game. I plan on making plaque cards for each game describing the history, and about the people who designed them. Nothing really stands out about the game itself. With the graphics it will cause the disinterested viewers to look more so, and it will stop the sports fan. It would help identify it being a 1970 year machine as well.
Hey! How is it going? For the new year I am going to try and open a 6500 sq ft italian restaurant with games and pins. We are going to try and open the old family gameroom. I have been surprised at how many games I can find on Craig's list and how cheap they are. I rescued a 1970 Gottlieb Baseball from a garage. It has severe rust on the legs, and some wear on the playfield. Everything was there and it worked! Here is a youtube video of what it looks like. I have been debating if I should leave it in its original condition and charge two plays for 25 cents, or if I should pull the playfield, remove everything, sand it down, repaint the worn areas, and then put a multi layer polyurethane clear coat and then install LED lighting to give it color to match the playfield paint, and to liven up up the back glass. Space Mission really looks great in the video This pinball is the first to have the star shaped rollovers (seen in the video around the bases in the center of the playfield). I had debated to also paint in the faces of the 1970 World Series. I did not know how people would react seeing Johnny Bench, Tony Perez, Pete Rose and also the first African American Umpire Emmett Ashford. Then again would it be considered plasphemy to change an old game like this?
Thank you to everyone for your concern. In this bad economy I have to keep my nose closer to the grindstone. I cannot seem to find time to hit the forum as much as I have in the past. I sure do miss the good old days when work was easy to find, and I could hit the forum 2 or 3 times a day. If you listen to the doom and gloom about the economy then I guess it is time to buy rain barrels and hook them up to the down spout, plant a garden, and learn how to make bread from scratch! Here is to wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! For those of you who are looking for a new hobby then try this: http://www.planetchristmas.com/ http://www.planetchristmas.com/talk.htm Lots of electronic things you can do. Create animated lighting to dance in unison to music, and you can broadcast with an FM radio to the cars going by, and you can set up wireless systems and do the houses on either side! If you weld you can make your own stars, animals, snowman or a Santa and line them with Christmas lights, rope lights, or LED lights. You can take plywood and cut to shape and paint them and then drill holes to place Christmas lights through the holes. Now do you leave them static, or do you make them chase? You can take a flag pole and hang lights from them to make a giant Christmas tree. It is more fun to have individual light strings hooked up to a controller and make the tree "dance"! http://www.google.com/search?q=youtube+animated+lighting+light+o+rama&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=&oe=#q=youtube+animated+lighting+light+o+rama&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&prmd=ivfd&source=univ&tbs=vid:1&tbo=u&ei=PTj-TPsYgbSVB6TSrc8I&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCcQqwQwAA&fp=1073dee50e2364b2 Take care!
LOL! The U.S. can afford to print up another Trillion Dollars and pass it around to everyone here on this board!!! I kind of like that idea! Wait until my children and grand children get the bill!
Holy smokes! Time sure does go by fast! Where am I at now? I just bought a new engine for the Jeep. Price of a long block plus core charge plus shipping to CA to FL.........(Oh boy! I do not want to look at that bill! $3700! Yikes!). I bought a used van as the Jeep Liberty is too small for the bigger jobs. I worked triple time, day, nights and weekends and the van is paid for, (4000). My next goal is to pay off the Jeep which has a balance of some $2000. I have wanted to stock up on canned goods, but I just cannot seem to scrape the money together to do so. I have been wanting to buy a large volume water filter. I do not know if I want a Katadyn, or a Berkey. I have wanted to buy some "survival items, but I cannot seem to scrape any money together to get them. At least I can use my camping equipment as a base line and add what I need. I am ready for QE3 and I am ready for super high inflation and the fall of the American dollar. I do not know if I am ready for the U.S. dollar to be taken of the world reserve. That is going to be painful if it does happen. This will place us in a situation where we will be equal to what "we" (US citizens) would call a third world country. I am a big boy, and I can pull my britches up, and take anything that comes my way. The only thing that I have to figure is what to do at that stage. Planting a garden (WWII victory garden?) is doable. I do not know if this small hole in the wall city will allow chickens, and goats in a residential neighborhood, but if we fall far enough down then I guess code enforcement will not be receiving a paycheck and they may not show up for duty, and I just might get away with it. If that is true then one has to stock up on bullets! Looks like we are in for some fun times! I just wish that I was the type to have bought gold many years ago. Now is the time to buy but at $1400 an ounce I'll just have to sit out on the gold rush! For those who read this post in the future then one has to remember that at this time the U.S.A. does not look like it has a strong military. Other Counties are testing these "new" waters to see how far they can push things as they have felt that they have been surpressed by the U.S.A. Global Muslim Brotherhood is now on the march. They are using other groups to front their agenda, and they are moving the chess pieces knowing that they may loose some pawns on the way, but the checkmate is the ultimate goal towards the U.S. http://globalmbreport.com/ Egypt has changed leaders, there are riots in Algeria, Libya, Yemen, Tunisia, Jordan, and many other countries that are not reported in the U.S. Turkey is getting ready to do another Flotilla to Gaza. How you feel about the MB, or if weapons are taken to Hamas, or your political leanings toward Israel, it is still going to be chaos that will effect everyone in some way one way or another around the world. Saudi Arabia is surrounded by enemies, or will soon be surrounded. Iran wants to attack them from the east, and they want Hamas to attack from the north, and they want Hezbollah to attack from the north. The Shiite Muslims in Yemen will attack from from the South. Egypt (whoever finally rules) will attack from the East. Somalia pirates will be embolden. The strait of Hormuz will be closed, and the Gate of Tears or called Bab-el-Mandeb strait will be closed, the Suez Canal will be close and one will have to wonder if the U.S. will receive any oil. Hopefully we can get oil from the Tupi Oil Fields off of Brazil. What will be the price of a barrel of oil then? The collapse of the dollar, and hyper inflation? If one is knowledgeable, and is prepared then it should not be to painful. http://www.shtfplan.com/ This is where we sit today looking to the future and wondering if there will be riots in the U.S. or not? In the U.S. the socialist, the communist, the anarchist, and muslim brotherhood are putting their differences aside to gather their forces together for the process of bring down America from being a Republic. Your political view will determine whether you see sunshine, or storm clouds. What do you all think?
Hello fljaweiu! Welcome home to a group of the like minded!
Who is the Bosch Divar Expert? Thanks!
AVTech Video Viewer: Latest version titled
scorpion posted a topic in Digital Video Recorders
Hello! A new version of Video Viewer titled has been released for AVTech DVRs. It has some very interesting features. When you pressed FULL SCREEN in the older version of Video Viewer you would get a full screen of video on the PC monitor, and nothing else. There were those who would panic as they did not know how to get rid of the full screen as there were no icons to press. You would press ESC on your keyboard to get out of the full screen. The latest release of Video Viewer has several tool palettes on combined on to one place when you press FULL SCREEN. This will now save you from having to toggle through various screens to accomplish tasks. Scroll down to the middle of this webpage for some screen shots! http://scorpiontheater.com/videoviewer.aspx What do you think?