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Everything posted by scorpion

  1. scorpion

    Remote View with Windows7 and IE8

    Awesome! If a customer has a hard drive crash and burn you can get them going in 5 seconds flat! OK maybe 10 seconds! LOL! I am still using the TRS 80, and the commodore 64. Should I update???
  2. scorpion

    Remote View with Windows7 and IE8

    MindTwist Great and excellant ideas! I second those procedures! I wish the "average" person coming to this forum could perform those procedures, but I would be afraid of those who reformat, and then they would not have the drivers they need. I fear they would not back up their data, and lose all of the pics, and doc ect. The fun part is explaining to those with Win 7 Pro with the XP downgrade. That gets fun fast! Maybe we should do a sticky on how to do back up, and how to load drivers?
  3. scorpion

    Avtech KPD 674 DVR reset

    AVTECH_David Hello! Welcome to the forum! 您好! 欢迎您到论坛!
  4. scorpion

    Remote View with Windows7 and IE8

    I have no clue what the problem may be. Are you Admin user, or do you have another user account? If yes then go to the bottom IE icon and right click the IE icon. You will see another IE icon. Right click again on the IE icon and click run as administrator.
  5. scorpion

    AV760 poor quality on Video Server E

    There are not problems doing a factory reset other then being careful around the mainboard with tools, and creating shorts and the normal tech stuff. DIY may prefer to have an experienced tech perform the reset.
  6. scorpion

    AV760 poor quality on Video Server E

    Hello. Is your hard drive an IDE, or a SATA hard drive? The different models share the same model number, but are completely different beasts. Yes the DVR is going to have some grainyness to it mostly through remote view. That being said if it is real grainy then the blame is going to be on the cameras. I would borrow an expensive camera and see how this compares to the other cameras. Lens selection may be a problem as well if your are using wide angle cameras, and you may do better with larger number millimeter lens sizes. Has this DVR been connected to a UPS/battery backup? This will help filter out transients in the electrical system. This DVR may have taken a spike. It is still working, but something may have been damamged. I have seen this on older DVRs, and usually one channel will appear more "whitish" then the other channels. Note for others coming to this post from search engines. The IDE version is a dual JPEG / MPEG DVR and the SATA version does not have JPEG. Those needing to integrate video stream, or email snapshots will want the JPEG version although the SATA version is a better machine. SATA drives are cheaper then IDE drives therefore some thought must be made in to which version one selects. The IDE version will be JPEG recording and JPEG network transmission. Expect some grainyness on the video monitor. Tube TVs will provide a superior view compared to flat panel LCD, TFT, and other flat panel technologies. The flat panels are catching up rapidly to tube quality view, but we are not quite there yet. This model uses Video Server E The SATA version is MPEG recording and MPEG network transmission. Expect some grainyness, but not as much as the JPEG version. This model uses Video Viewer. Note: Video Viewer can be used on machines that use Video Server E and has been made backward compatable. It will not work on Video Server S machines.
  7. scorpion

    AVTECH KPD 676 and 678 Video Problems

    Hello. I try to help those with AVTech DVRs. These DVRs are too new for me to provide any details. I am going to guess that the time has been changed on the DVR. I do believe these DVRs would normally wipe the hard drive clean and start recording video from the begining of the hard drive. I have not seen any of the DVRs so I am not much help. I would say do a hardware reset on the DVR and then see if this resolves the issue. If you have any video that must be saved then you may want to use ghost to make a copy of your hard drive in case anything were to happen to the video.
  8. scorpion

    Uncompressed Recording

    I support Soundy's post and agree 100%! Switch out the cameras!
  9. I too read that other post. Not having any experience I left my posts out of that thread. I am thinking that the data is there. I am thinking that the time was changed on the DVR, and when the hard drive was put back in the time on the DVR and the time stamps on the hard drive were out of sync. In other words you cannot do a search to find the files that you are looking for. I do not know their situation. I do believe you can stick that hard drive back in and even though you may not be able to search for video you will be able to play video. You may be able to search for a "date time group" and try to figure out what the time difference would be. Based on a time difference you can enter date time groups that get you to the actual video that you are wanting. I have seen this with people who change the time group on the DVR for winter fall back, and spring roll forward. Whether this is your situation or not I do not know, but how would this work for you? Can you press play and see the last recorded video? Can you rewind and go back in "time"? I realize that it may take a long time to get to video that you actually wanted, but that may be the only way. What do you think?
  10. Basically it boils down to money. Who is going to pay some software engineer to put it together? The chipsets in the DVR are different then a PC. Putting the firmware in to a pc will not work, and will crash the pc. I wish I could find old FAE AVTech engineers and pick their brain! What is wrong with the manual? Yes, there are various different models with and without networking, and different audio options. What does the different video channel ports mean? Do you mean loop in and loop out? The manual would at least show you how to use the menu, and what the options would mean. Have you tried the manual to the AVC 772? http://scorpiontheater.tech.officelive.com/Documents/AVTech_Manual_English_AVC772_V1.0_DVR4005.pdf
  11. For those reading this post coming from search engines then the Win XP drivers are on the disc that came with the device.
  12. I would make a copy of the hard drive then put the clone in to the exact original model, and then line up the video then start the record button on the DVD burner / VCR. If the DVR does something to the hard drive then you still have the original hard drive to work with.
  13. It is some form of linux. I would love to create an emulator. We may not be able to make it public without getting sued, but it would help law enforcement with dead DVRs and a case going to trial!
  14. for what operating system? Is this the sw241 ud4?
  15. Hello! There is no documentation for this DVR. Hold on! My wife is whispering in my ear! OH! It appears that there is documentation for this DVR! Oh! It appears to be on my website! Who knew? Scroll down till you see a picture of it about halfway down the page. http://scorpiontheater.com/cpcamtechsupport.aspx Manual: http://scorpiontheater.com/Documents/AVTech_Manual_English_AVC773M_Motion_V1.0.pdf some blurry pics of an OEM under another model number: http://scorpiontheater.com/4004.aspx Hardware Reset: http://scorpiontheater.com/reset.aspx Troubleshooting homepage: http://scorpiontheater.com/troubleshooting.aspx. If you want the video you will have to put it back in to the DVR. You will need to get a VCR, or a DVD burner and connect it to the video monitor out. The DVR uses a proprietary software to scrunch it down to get it to fit the info on to small hard drives. All you are going to get connected to the PC is a bunch of 1's and 0's. You will need an emulator program to see video and none exist.
  16. If your friend can log in then it should work for you. I do not know that brand, but it should be other like DVRs! I would roll back to IE 7 just to see what it does. Maybe reloading IE 8 might get something going. What does your friend use to see your DVR? XP?
  17. I do not know that brand of DVR. If you can see it on the LAN with a laptop then it should work. I was going to say something about allowing active x for unsigned certificates, but you said you allowed all of them. That is usually what the "code error" means. Here is what you might have to do. I will assume you are using windows 7. Go to the IE icon at the bottom and right click it. You should see another IE icon. Right click that and run as administrator. I am assuming that you are using a non admin user on your computer. That is my only guess! Then again do you have Java downloaded?
  18. I will vouch for AVTech. I beat the crap out of them with the environments that I place them in such as attics (Florida) and smoky bars, and and other "unapproved" sites.
  19. http://www.channelvision.com/index.php/AFFINITY™-Digital-Cable-Combiner/View-all-products.html http://www.channelvision.com/index.php/AFFINITY™-Digital-Cable-Combiner/P-0321/flypage.tpl.html Instructions are at the bottom of the page.
  20. The signals are no longer analog, and they are now digital. Throwing in a modulated signal may trash Hi Def signals, or keep the DVR from communicating with the head end server. This will cause on demand video and other services to fail. The best way is to have an electrical A/B switch in line. The normal feed goes through, and then you can switch the A/B switch, and then you modulated signal can travel to the TV. You can have individual switches on each line going to each TV. You can put the switch at the head end, but all TVs will see the camera video (if they are on the right channel otherwise you will have snow) and will not be able to watch the shows in progress. The A/B switch operate off of IR commands. The IR equipment attaches to the coax and sends the signals to be A or B via the coax.
  21. scorpion

    How to reset AVC760 DVR IP address

    Here is what you are asking for: http://scorpiontheater.com/reset.aspx You can do it the way that you want to do, but you are wasting your time. You can change the ip address of the DVR to any number that you wish. http://scorpiontheater.com/Documents/AVTech_Guide_AVC760MenuTree.pdf Advance > Network > Static IP >
  22. Does this mean that your are locked out of the menu also?
  23. There are no block diagrams, or schematics available. What kind of problems are you having? If you have the skills to change these parts then you can track everything down yourself. On top of that most of the parts are unavailable. Take a scope and check all of the oscillators. If these are all working then the DVR should boot up. You will need a BGA rework station to work on the boards: http://www.ec21.com/product-details/Jovy-BGA-Rework-Systerm-RE7500--4217246.html http://laptoprepair.ca/news/476.html
  24. scorpion

    How to reset AVC760 DVR IP address

    I would say the same. Connect a monitor to the monitor out and use the menu pages to check the IP address.