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Posts posted by scorpion

  1. Hello! Did someone say "Scorpion"??


    Comet 9 same as AVC776 same as DVR 9004, DVR 9014 DMR 9, DGN 209



    I cannot find a supplier for those power supplys. If I can get 100 people to order one then I can get some delivered to me. I almost ordered some before the finacial meltdown, but with the downturn in the economy I could not afford all 100 out of pocket.


    If you can find a 5 volt, and a 12 volt power supply then you can place them inside the cabinet. You can get a power cord plate from a surplus device, and wire it to the two power supplies and use a computer power cord to plug in to the back.


    Replace all of the fan in the unit. If the fan dies so does the DVR! It is a 12mm fan over the chip.


    Do not pull the hard drive out while powered up. They are not hot swappable. Do you have the key to open the hard drive bay? Those keys are getting hard to find. A company just recently charged me 15 dollars a key!


    Do not set it for motion detection if you have more than 5 - 6 cameras. If you have more cameras the DVR will always be looking for "motion" and you will not get a responce from pressing the menu button. What you will have to do is press the stop button with one hand, and the menu button with the other hand. 9 cameras will keep the DVR too busy, and you really have to be quiick on the stop menu cycle.


    0 is motion detect and X is no detection


    Here are some of the links for viewers of this post that come here from a search engine.





    Different model manuals, and languages



    Hardware reset



    Video Server S



    Power supply info




    12 Volt 3 Amp 5 Volt 6 Amp


    Jentec Model JTA 0409 Jentec Spec Sheet

    KDM Model KY 05072 http://kdmpower.com/DVR572.html 8 Pin

    Leadman Model KY 05072 http://www.leadman.com.tw/Adapter/KY-05072.pdf Note this shows 4 pins (computer)


    This is for the pin out of the power supply plug.

    1. Gnd

    2. Gnd

    3. Gnd

    4. +12

    5. Gnd

    6. +12

    7. +5

    8. +5


    Networking DVR info


  2. Ghost and Acronis was to transfer the "data" to another hard drive as you mentioned you wanted to keep the video footage.


    Not knowing what was wrong I suggested it in case the hard drive was the problem. You will not be able to read the data as the video is wrapped in a proprietary format. You can read the 1's and 0's but it will not mean anything.


    It would be better to transfer the drive to another DVR of the same model to retrieve the video. You may have problems using the menu to get the video with the time stamps being different, but you should be able to get to the video.

  3. you may have a dead power supply.


    Do you know someone with a laptop with a replacement power cord? They have these universal power supplies with different tips to match various laptops. If you can get ahold of one of these, or buy one then we can rule out the external power supply.


    Disconnect the hard drive. Turn the DVR on and see if it does the same.


    If yes then try the power supply replacement, or you have more problems.


    If it works normally (except for recording as the hard drive is removed) then you need to replace the hard drive and you data may be lost. Try connecting to a computer and copy the data with ghost, or Acronis.

  4. I cannot help you.


    You can take the video output that goes to a tv and connect it to a DVD recorder. Line up your video on your DVR and then record.


    Is this what you are looking to do?


    For PC DVD burning go to your local computer store, or call a techie friend for help.


    Do you have nero or some DVD burning software on your computer?

  5. You have some kind of power issue.


    The external power supply may be bad.


    The internal power supply may be bad.


    The hard drive may be bad.


    Remove the hard drive.


    Does the unit stay on now? It will not record due to the hard drive being diconnected.


    If you still have power issues then it is the power supplies.


    You can go to a computer store, and ask for a universal laptop power cord.


    It will have multi tips. hopefully one of the tips will match your DVR (19 volts). If it works then you are good to go otherwise you need to replace the internal power board, and there are non available.


    They are $60.00 to the trade, and the mark up may be $90 retail just for a stupid board!

  6. There are digital modulators.


    Your hair will stand on end with the price.


    Your customers will refuse the installation.


    The smartest way to set this up is to use an A/B switch type system.


    When one TV wants to see the cameras you are switching between two source materials. You will have your coax input with TV material, and you will have your modulated signal on the other side. The signal of choice will run down the coax to the tv.


    The "switcher" is controlled by IR through the coax back to the switcher at the head end.


    You will need an A/B switch for each TV you wish to switch.


    You can put Hometheater feeds on these also. When it is movie time all TVs can be switched to a DVD (or other options).



  7. Reading from your post is appears to me that you are remote viewing using your router's IP address of

    i then tried using the ip of my router but nothing happens.


    I was not sure if I read that right or not.


    I would use IP chicken to give me my WAN address. Try this number remotely and see if it works.




    Once you have everything fixed, and working remotely then use this.



  8. I have not worked with this particular DVR so I truely cannot answer your question.


    Your DVR is manufactured by AVTech Taiwan.


    In regards to AVTech model DVRs over a period of time I have used, and abused these DVRs beyond typical tolerances. The AVC 760 (sata, or IDE versions) will go in to an attic in the hot Florida climate and they will work. More heat more issues, but they work. There are other brand DVRs that start beeping before I get down the ladder.


    The external power supply helps by isolating the power from the DVR. The DVR has an interal power supply also.


    Using the amount of DVRs installed, and separating non UPS / Line filtration (does not include power surge protectors) from non UPS / Line filtration I would tell you that there is a big difference between the two. Using a UPS / Line filtration would be highly recommended. It will help filter out noise, and momentary blips in the power line. UPS will help with brown outs (which is dangerous as spikes) and over voltage moments.


    I am willing to bet that you swapped the DVR, and left the original power supply in place. The DVR may not be the problem. The external power supply may be the issue.


    If you traded out the power supply with the new DVR then call an electician (customer pays) and if you did not swap the power supply then swap that out and give it a try.


    I have ran in to DIY wiring and have had issues. I test with an extension cord to another area and plug it there.


    For a very small price they have those testers that you can place in the wall and it will tell you if the socket is miswired.


    What do you think?

  9. If you have formatted the hard drive then it has to be unformatted in order to go back in the DVR.


    This might be the problem.


    There may have been some sector issues that were resolved during the format process on the PC.


    The DVR wants a hard drive fresh out of the package.


    I would test the DVR with another hard drive to verify that you do not have a hard drive "controller" issue.


    Perhaps there is AC leakage in the power supply that is causing issues?


    Perhaps you can use HD tune to check for sector issues?

  10. I think that is the intent of the bill. I think it is over drafted and they have a bargaining position to whittle down to where they actually intend to be.


    Who knows! It could be a political tool to shake down the insurance companies. Support these individuals in the election and we will make this bill go away.


    So hard to see what is going on behind the scenes.


    I remember back in the day when all drugs stores had to put stroble lights near the cameras. I thought that was crazy! Maybe that was the lead up to this bill.

  11. The Surreptitious Video Surveillance Act of 2010 Arlen Spector



    HEN10303 S.L.C.


    If enacted, this new law would make it a felony to record or view video from cameras in residences.


    It also seems to criminalize a homeowner using his own hidden camera to surreptitiously watch his babysitter with his kids, his

    wife/girlfriend/kids/housesitters/etc while he's away, etc.


    Seems problematic for CCTV security practitioners. Security contractors could be exposed to criminal and civil liability for selling and/or installing covert cameras that are later used illegally.


    Like all federal laws about electronic surveillance, this new proposed law contains broad exemptions for agents of local, state, and federal law-enforcement and intelligence agencies (under existing U.S.C. Title 18, Chapter 119 provisions.)


    We need to band together and lobby against this law.

    If they only wanted to add written notification, or signage then this would be fair.


    As it stands only LE (Law Enforcement), and goverment agencies would be allowed to perform surveillance.


    This may hit the Private Investigator field as well!

  12. I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.


    I ordered a burger at McDonald's and the kid behind the counter asked, "Can you afford fries with that?"


    CEO's are now playing miniature golf.


    If the bank returns your check marked "Insufficient Funds," you call them and ask if they meant you, or them.



    Hot Wheels, and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM.


    McDonald's is selling the 1/4 ouncer.



    Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies, and learned their children's names.


    A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico.


    Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting.



    Motel Six won't leave the light on anymore.


    The Mafia is laying off judges.


    Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.


    Congress says they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal. Oh Great!!

    The guy who made $50 Billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $1.5 Trillion disappear!


    And, finally...


    I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc., I called the Suicide Lifeline. I got a call center in Pakistan, and when I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited, and asked if I could drive a truck!

  13. The answer would be no, most DVRs would not have this issue. You have a first generation DVR, and it was built to be in the budget price range. Back then no one wanted to pay $2000.00 for a DVR, and this DVR was a great value with limitations.


    The new entry level pieces of garbage will run circles around most DVRs from the 2004 time frame.


    Price of hard drives have come down, or the size of the drive has increase by an obcene amount of storage.


    I would say that you are ready for an upgrade.


    You will be in the $2000.00 price range if you want a good commercial DVR.

  14. OK! I see what you are talking about now.


    25 IPS Images Per Second is 12 FPS.


    This DVR does not record 30 FPS per channel.


    Your video is going to be "jumpy", and there is not much you can do except move up to another DVR that has 480 FPS for 16 channels.


    I have AVC777 16cam DVR plus AVC732 webserver (horrible device).

    Yes it is as it was designed in 2003/2004. The marketing would even say "built in VCR, and Multiplexor"! LOL!


    It seems that my recording rate is stuck at about 1fps, at least that's what I see through server.


    It's not a connection problem, as I stated in my first post, because live feed over webserver looks fine.


    Live video is refreshed quicker then the recording rate. Are you using the browser to view, or are you using Video Server S (or the very few that were updated to Video Server E)? Watching recorded video is going to give you jumpy video because this is not a 480 FPS machine (divided by 16 = 30FPS per channel).


    I cannot find it, but somewhere I believe is says the DVR records total at 120 IPS which would be 60 FPS divide by 9 channels (you have to turn off the unused channes) equals 6.66 Frames per second.


    The person who sold you this device, did they tell you this machine records at 30 FPS??????
