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Everything posted by zmxtech

  1. zmxtech

    Why can't I read this license plate?

    your problem would be solved by a Number plate CAM for sure.[REGx etc] The pictures you posted are high in gamma and need to be reduced a bit. -contrast and brightness up too high -might be set for better night use? the resolution of 712x480 pixel depth 16million is great. >the plate data is only 29x11 pixels -not much! -you need optics You cant read the Number plates or get any fine details because your images are being degraded by high compression -mpeg etc You can solve this by using the whole image not 20% like you have. I would aim a No plate cam\color overview at the choke point at the start of the court then you will get the cars in the same position each time and a nice full frame. -use a 10-50mm lens or so to get it right. you still need a wide angle overveiw there also. my 2c
  2. zmxtech

    Sony ex-view in australia

    hello, im after some bullets/domes with IR it seems the Sony HAD ex-view have the best specs -cant find any here in melbourne Australia ? movable IR cut filter types would also be useful Any clues ? thanks.
  3. hi folks, For years I have been using many types of PC based capture cards the software is always buggy. my latest 8ch card is a shocker. no other software will work with it. and it locks up or freezes [kvc-v8008A] might try a faster machine 3ghz + not 1.7ghz -early days still. At the moment for a single cam I use an avermedia card and Xp using supervisioncam as the motion sensing software for digital stills 320x288 or so [thats run for years no probs] caught heaps of crooks at 3am ! The only problem is it wont go any higher in res -it will do it yes but the picture interlaces /breaks up -I have tried all the software on the market looks like its a hardware problem. [bt848] it will record DVD size movie ok I also looked many DVR cards -like the geovision DVR cards but they dont do digital stills [yet] only low res movies -newer ones do DVD size I think dont want movies -or any type of compression . digital stills are great at .1 seconds -you can pick out vital detail there seems to be nothing out there maybe I should design a megpixel cam and my own software ? just spent the day testing the latest batch of webcam/video motion software and suprise-suprise all the same cant do bigger than CIF size and again only some do snapshots @CIF for xmas> 8ch DVR card that will motion detect and ONLY do snapshots 640x480+ Am I asking too much ?