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C7 in CA

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Everything posted by C7 in CA

  1. C7 in CA

    USB Camera - Win XP software search

    Here is a pretty good list of webcam software aimed at motion detected recording: http://motion-detection.qarchive.org/ This one looks promising: http://cam-wizard.ledset-software.qarchive.org/ I didn't see anything about password protection, but it could be in there. I've seen others listed talking about stealth mode, but not network storage. So the features you are looking for are available, just not sure of any one package to do it all. I think luxriot supports webcams too.
  2. Please do post the picture. I couldn't imagine anyone having a problem with that. Other then the shock of the big boom I didn't even feel a tingle. I still have that old wrench... I've never been hit by Ethernet, but T-1's come in on 22-24awg and it gets hot real fast if you lean against the punch block. Ring voltage on a POTS line will tingle pretty hard too, especially if your skin is wet. I have a feeling you are insinuating something. I don't know why; I am sure close calls like that happen everyday.
  3. C7 in CA

    How to get it there ptz

    I don't know about WiFi per se, but with the right equipment you can achieve better then 20 miles with radio line of sight. We routinely install links spanning several hundred yards with tranzeo radios and not every install is radio line of sight. The radios are less then a couple hundred bucks each. I would like to do more wireless stuff, but I don't like heights.
  4. Netvision http://www.dmsusa.net/mobile/index.php
  5. You're lucky I don't live closer... Sounds like a place where I would want to hang out. Is this you? LoL! hopefully that isn't cachecreek, but thanks for the "Flashback". I was installing an LB conduit fitting on the hot side of a 480v main switch and stuffed my 10in crescent wrench into a 277v buss bar. I'm still not sure if the big boom came from my short, or the fuse in the transformer on the road, but the ensuing fireball was quite impressive! unfortunately I burned the skin off of 4 fingers. The worst part was when my boss at the time ran up... He looked white as a ghost! I musta really scared the bejeebers out of him. Have you ever seen forged steel welded to aluminum? Interesting to say the least...
  6. Looks good. Gives me the urge to sell Geo's so I too could have company branded software.
  7. Sounds like you are close to getting it working. What IP address did you give the camera? To set up viewing over the Internet is a little trickier then local viewing. Get the local viewing working right and then read up on "port forwarding" to get the Internet viewing to work. Or, just pay the kid next door 20 bucks to set it up for you. People who have done simple home networking could probably set it up in 10 or 15 minutes. To do it yourself could take anywhere from several hours to many days to figure it out. Check out the Computers/Networking forum for networking help: http://www.cctvforum.com/viewforum.php?f=12
  8. C7 in CA

    AVC 760z audio is not recording

    Have you tried this?:
  9. I'm not familiar with .eillance but there is a rep from cctv imports that is a member here. Hopefully he is still around... but anyway, they carry these:
  10. Does anyone know the background to this story? The home owner sure was quick to defend. -- Like he was expecting it. Was he a neighborhood whistle blower, or a participant in thuggery wrong doings?
  11. C7 in CA

    Speed Bump Cameras - Anyone used them?

    Looks interesting. I found spec's on this page: http://www.brickhousesecurity.com/licenseplatecamerareader-portablespeedbump.html
  12. C7 in CA

    Slow connection to the forum

    It's called levity, Levon. Isn't that what I did?
  13. C7 in CA

    Slow connection to the forum

    Thanks for the correction Soundy. I just got another "500 server error" posting to another thread... if anyone is keeping score.
  14. The projector sounds interesting. Let us know how that works out. I have a phone system demo (nothing fancy) and can see how a cctv demo would be very effective. Nothing closes a deal faster then a good demo.
  15. Are you trying to access the DVR through the public IP address from within the LAN? If so have you tried from outside the LAN? I have heard of many people having problems with accessing services through their public IP address while connected within the LAN.
  16. Very cool. How long does it take to set up?
  17. C7 in CA

    Slow connection to the forum

    Hey bud, clear your browser cache... Do that every day A little paranoid are we? Actually I can see that being good, but man would I hate having to enter all those user/passwords every day. I must go to 9 or 10 sites a day that require login.
  18. You are getting bounced back to the router login screen instead of the DVR? Are you using the same model DVR? Have you tried EVERYTHING suggested in this thread? Did you try defaulting the router and starting over?
  19. I agree 110% If I have a problem with my van I don't go to GM HQ Detroit MI. There are like 1000 dealers between me and Detroit that I would expect to help me first. That being said, it does sound like ICRealtime is somewhere in the middle. Hopefully they draw a solid line and simply refer future inquiries back to the customers closest dealer.
  20. C7 in CA

    Slow connection to the forum

    Yes, I'm seeing big slowdowns and server error messages. Not as bad this morning as it was yesterday. But still slow. No errors yet today.
  21. I too would say mud ring. I don't know that you would get all those connectors in a box. 6 bnc's on a faceplate is pretty bulky. But check with your AHJ to assure you can use rings instead of boxes. I'm all for patch panel installs but if you need to trim the budget somewhere you could dress the coax nicely and just come straight into the back of the DVR. (no patch panel) If the cables are marked clearly that is still a nice install. Keep the cat 5 on the faceplate. Splitting the power in the wall would make for a clean install. But would you be able to add cables later? Your clean install is shot if any adds have to come down the outside of the wall. I usually come down the outside and dress my cables nice. Adds can be added to the back of the bundle. If you don't like dressing the cables you could use finger duct. That makes adds real easy.
  22. Nope, I had an RMA number and returned the proper forms with the unit. I have a problem with having another dealer who did not make any money off the sale become responsible for the issues. That just doesn't seem right to me. Any dealer that would is going above and beyond and would earn my respect and future business. When I read your statement it was pretty evident any RMA# you were issued was only meant to be issued to a dealer. Regarding calling another dealer... It's the dealers that add the service to the product. That's the whole point of a dealer network. There probably isn't a dealer on this board that hasn't taken on just such a scenario. Anyway, I hope you get your DVR issues resolved...
  23. C7 in CA

    Can't post a link or PM :-(

    Are you just trying to post a port number like 5060? or the full address like ?
  24. I'm sorry to hear the OP is having a problem with his DVR. But from what I am reading the unit is discontinued, out of warranty, the company doesn't offer end user support, and the unit was sent in despite the fact no RMA was issued. The biggest problem I see is ICRealtime did halfheartedly try to help; but the first email or phone call should have ended the issue by simply giving the OP the name and contact info of the next closest dealer. All this thread is missing is dealer outrage that they were cut out of the loop by the manufacturer/distributor.
  25. C7 in CA

    connecting to DVR after power loss

    Yes, the IP address for your port forwarding needs to match the IP address of your DVR. That is why it is best to static the DVR. In your router settings there should be a way to set an IP range to use for DHCP and what you have left would be your static IP range. The DVR should use an IP in the static range. And that would be the IP address you set for your port forwarding.