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Posts posted by klimsi

  1. Now, I'm even more confused as far as the remote monitoring part goes. Are there any guides on setting this up?


    I don't understand how a secure design should look like.


    Why would I need a "vpn on your phone, tablet or computer where you are viewing your cams remotely" ?


    A better option would be to get a router with virtual lans and connect your cameras to a seperate network from your home or work network. if you want to spend the money get axis cameras or dvr. they are the top most secure as far as security gets with cameras.


    If I go the this route - I can still use the same interent connection, just connect the DVR router before the home/office network? Or should I get a separate ISP for the surveillance?


    Also, can a DVR support SMS notification or calling my number, or do I need a separate device/module for that?

  2. Here's what I want to design:


    • - a few cameras with motion detection
      - a few smoke detectors
      - a DVR that allows to monitor cameras remotely (i.e. via internet) - as far as I understood with a VPN router it should be relative secure from hacking
      - send SMS notification or call my number when the cameras detect motion or the smoke detectors detect smoke


    My main problem is the DVR. I don't know what DVR to get (standalone, PC-based, brands, models, etc.) and what kind of software I would need for the setup I have listed above.
