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  1. jemv

    Floureon support

    Reading many posted requests for password rejection help , there must be thousands of these machines either scrapped or disabled not only in the UK. Surely there must be someone with the ability to reverse engineer the OS to return the units to their intended purpose. Also eliminating the ability to "phone home" S
  2. Having used a Floureon 8 camera DVR since 2019 with no problems . The unit recently stopped being accessed by iphone , also refusing to accept the login password for the system. The memory "jogger" showing blank . The Floureon website give a link to their "support" site but as yet my emails remain unanswered . Looking at various web entries it would seem that this is the norm with poor or zero feedback . Does anyone know the secret of how to get a reply from the company, or how to enable the unit to factory reset. There appears to be a firmware update which I am wary about using as this may render the unit completely unusable. The QR code that appears after being locked out links to nothing. Model no A6808NHS-C-UK manufacturer DONGGUAN MINGHONGKAI