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Posts posted by qman

  1. I know, i want a 40" Plasma with Crystal Clear Crisp Video, Real Time, and if in 3 months i want to view something from then, i want to view it 3 months later, in the same crisp real time image on that plasma - oh yeah, i want ti be able to see the persons wrinkles if they have any, yep, that clear


    Hey, did you get to view the club yet?



    And remember, I want it all as cheap as posible, even free if you could...







    The Al-Net system is something relatively new to the Western Market, you guys have no IDEA how much effort it took me to make the company let me distribute them to the US, basically, is one of those "European Proud ****" that they don't want to have "their hard work for their country, have the Westerners benefit from it", it was the biggest bull**** I have ever been it, but thank god, the old man died, and the son, who took over the company, was a real business man, and after a visit to Poland and russia, where I saw this things in action, the son, was convinced that I was serious, and I'm now comited to sell 100 systems a month, and so far, I'm selling around 350-400 per month, because they are that good.


    I'm trying to set up a temporary website folder so that I can have a link to download the client software, in the meantime, please email me so that I can send you guys a copy of it



  3. OK, as simple as this...



    I take the camera, I splice both ends to a cat 5, example:


    Blue/Blue White----------- Video


    Orange/Orange White----- Power.


    I then take the other end, the one going to either the DVR, Multiplexer, Quad, ETC, I splice it into a rg59U, and into a power supply, that has 12V, 500mA.


    now, I thought that the problem was all the slpicing, so I stared to use siamese cable, make the ends ?(bnc, Barrel Plug) to both ends, and the same thing.. it does not happen often, but when it does, it drives me insaine.



  4. TO all installers and dealers, just answer me this:


    Would you pay $45 for a dome camera, color, sharp CCD, .01 LUX, 420 TVline 3.6 lens, small, black case, 1 year warranty?


    How about $75 for a 12 LED, same as above spec, but in a Bullet case?


    Or maybe $199, for a Sony Chipset, 24 LED infra, the new 920mm LED's, 400TV Line, .001LUX, ARMOR DOME,(nice one too).



    Just asking, I'm setting up my business as a small distributor, so please, help out, thanks!!

  5. I can sell you a ALNET DVR CARD, 4 PORT PCI, 10fps per camera, but since you are only using 2, then it will be 15FPS, and it does store it in the hard drive, plus you can check it thru the internet, but the only drawback is that you have tu use their software, which is provided by them.


    the cost: $249.99 + Shipping.


    The audio thing, I know for a fact that in CA, if it is in your house, only the people that live there need to know about the audio, but not the video.


    I can also get you the consealed cameras, pinhole lenses, color, in either a clock, or a smoke detector, how about a fake plant?, all for around $150-300, depending if it's wired, or wireless, CMOS, or CCD.


    You can e-mail me at: hermin@shscomputers.com


    Let me know, thanks!!

  6. Actually, I can get you 4 COLOR DOMES, CCD 420TVlines, Sharp Chipsets cameras, .01LUX and a 4 Port, ALNET COMPUTER BASED 30FPS DVR System, with 80GIG hard Drive(Aprx. 14 days rec on Motion only, 640X400)with both regular monitor and spot TV monitor(use a regular TV with VIDEO input, cheaper) for $1400.00


    Send me an E-Mail for more info.


    That's about the best in a DVR complete with all the cameras that you are going to get, go to www.alnetsystems.com for more info on the DVR, and also, you get a 2 year warranty on all items.

  7. Hello, first of all, thank you for MAKING a forum like this one, Google sent me here.....


    I know that a lot of people are trying to get DVR's and that there is a lot of competition out there, but check out




    I'm the only US distributor, and I also sell geovision, but I like this card the best, give me an E-mail for the demo software,




