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Posts posted by 3RDIGLBL

  1. I've installed a number of these and have had to send back two so far. One camera was taking down my POE switch, power non Poe and switch worked fine but turn on Poe to that camera and switch shutdown. New camera was fine. My second camera had focus issues. The camera was an interior 8134 and one side of the picture could never come into focus. I would turn the small lens and the left side would be clear but the right was blurry and vice-versa. New camera fixed that one as well.


    I would say this one would have to be returned.

  2. I had to quote another 16 camera job out using exacq. I have not been giving a chance yet to really use Avigilon because of it's lack of support for as many cameras as exacq.


    This customer has a mix of Arecont and Axis. I was all set with the Areconts but the Axis cameras they have are not on Acigilons list but are on exacq lists.


    Another score for exacq on my end. We just sold a 19 camera job using Vivotek cameras and guess what? No Avigilon support. I'm sorry I'm selling products that customers are willing to pay for and there not supported.


    I had finally made the jump from Acti to Vivotek and am not going back just because Avigilon supports Acti.


    So in summary for me exacq wins for more third party camera support. I'm still working on getting some smaller Avigilon packaged systems for small businesses but no luck yet.

  3. Hi Tom,


    What would it be like to "go hybrid"? What does that mean? I just want a solution that won't be horrible. I tried buying IDS Falcon framegrabber cards that convert analog to IP, but because of the way they use the interrupt on the PCI bus, they give terrible frame rates (1 frame per 5 seconds) with 24 cameras hooked up. My thought is that if I get everything on IP, more possibilities will be open to me, and eventually I might find some software that will not stink. Most software I've tried or seen, does. None of them are slick, intuitive, easy, and reliable. Instead, they're ugly, convoluted, and there's no way a non-computer-person will ever be able to use them effortlessly and comfortably.


    I looked at Luxriot. Is that what you mean by hybrid?


    Because resolution is not crucial for most of these cameras, my plan was to get 8 inputs via two of these for $700 total:




    or one of these for $750:




    or whatever I can find that's cheapest.


    Then, if each of the channels is truly separate and independent and at D1 resolution, then I can hook up a few old-fashioned multiplexers -- those things are cheap! -- before feeding into the video server, making 6 of the inputs actually a 4-paned grid of 4 cameras at CIF resolution. That's my tentative plan; one of them, anyway. Thus my question as to whether each input functions as a separate IP camera with a separate IP and port, and whether all of them can stream at full resolution all at the same time.


    Anyway, again, I just want something that won't stink. Maybe that will be awesome, if possible. I've tried doing it myself, blazing new paths with this IDS Falcon idea, but that failed so badly that I would like someone who has some depth of experience to help me get something set up that will actually work, that we'll actually be happy with. I know that there's many guys here with security businesses and I'm hoping some of you will have the know-how in this area that you can help me out and make some money selling me on your solution. Thanks.


    Where are u located ?


    Does anyone else see where this one is going?

  4. One day I Had to drill 32 holes in red brick in order to put anchors in for my swimming pool cover. I thought well I don't want to go spend too much money buying a hammer drill so I went to a local Ocean State Job Lots (surplus store) and bought a drill for maybe $30. Brought it home all excited about the deal I just got and the money I will save over all doing this job myself. I drilled 1 and half holes before the gears totally stripped out. Well I did not have to ponder too long wondering what just happened. I knew......I wanted to save a buck and now it will cost me more in the end because of the frustration, time wasted and hassle with returning the piece of junk.


    I went to a local hardware store and bought a nice Makita hammer drill. To this day about 10 years later I still have that same Makita and use it often. It is a quality tool and I have never ever purchased another usable tool at a discount store.


    I guess what I am trying to say is not to expect Porche performance from a Pinto. Any analog camera will look like crap on a 42 inch tv anyhow and doing some quick searches on this forum will take you to posts explaining why this is.

  5. I hate these cameras, there are better in this price range.

    What others have you found in the price range? Im still looking.


    I don't fight so much with the Arm Electronics cameras and they are in the same price range. I have the issue as you though which is why I have so many of these CNB cams out there. Last two jobs I used Arm and it was so much easier without all the frustrations.

  6. Has anyone had any luck with running an IQI 863N camera? This is no cheap camera and I'm finding that I can get video from it but it dumbs it down in resolution. They do not list this camera as a supported camera directly but I assumed going from 853 to 863 would have been a no brainer.


    ONSSI monitors this forum so I'm hoping someone can tell me when this camera will be fully supported. Otherwise I have a very expensive doorstop!

  7. This is hilarious. I live in Canada but not Canadian, my wife is Canadian. We both got a kick out of this. I guess I already follow what he says since I live and breath in Canada most of the time LOL. I might regret saying this but in my opinion the U.S lost the values it was built upon and we simply bend over to grab our ankles while the rest of the world takes us for a ride, and we punch them in the face if the ride gets too rough. I don't understand the decisions that the country makes or why they make them, I just know that I don't dare venture out over seas for vacation due to the way the rest of the world seems to see us as Americans.


    Funny video ak " title="Applause" />

  8. so after you install systems you can just log into them whenever you like?


    For us it depends. Most of our customers allow us to have the access and we have our own admin user and pass. We have a few that prefer not and would rather pay a trip charge if they need help.


    Having the access especially if a PC based system allows us to provide a much faster service for the customer. Sometimes I can remote in while on the road and take care of something within minutes of the call.


    We do not make a living logging in whenever we please, we tell them that we could randomly login to check on status once in a while. This has allowed us to find issues before a customer even knows there is one. They love it when we show up unexpectedly with a new camera or what not and when they ask why we are there they are completely floored with the service. Most customers never check the cameras for long periods of time so we do it for them as a courtesy if there ok with it. Most are completely fine with it.

  9. I have a bunch of these 24vf's. It is a messed up camera and I don't sell them anymore. I've sent back a large number of them. Trying to get the camera to remain in focus between day and night is nearly impossible sometimes. There is inconsistency in the cameras, buy two and one may be fine and the other may have day and night focus issues.


    The inbetween is terrible just before switchover.


    I hate these cameras, there are better in this price range.

  10. Don't tie your low voltage wire to a line voltage conduit. I got one site I visited where the whole length of a long hallway has the low voltage camera wiring ziptied to the conduit. Popping up some ceiling tiles wires are sitting directly ontop of the florescent light fixtures and they called us to see if we can go fix some video noise issues.


    After spending a few hours we told them we would have to re-run cables because the whole job was not done correctly and the noise could be coming in from anywhere along the way.


    Stay away from line voltage as much as possible like folks are saying here and if you have to cross then cross perpendicular to the cable and/or conduit. Try to stay at least 12" from any line voltage.

  11. I think youre being quite harsh i think the black lady is quite fit lol


    I have always felt sick at the thought of black puddin' but this is a step too far.


    Black pudding click the link if you don't know what it is. It's a kind of 'Boudin' or 'Blutwurst'

    literally translated as 'blood sausage"


    Had that on my breakfast plate every morning when I had visited Ireland for 10 days. We stayed in B&B's every night and every morning our plate came to us with black pudding but it also went away with the black pudding in the same place! LOL

  12. Hardwired this is awesome.


    Looking forward to giving this a shot tomorrow. Are the different profiles all setup within that same setup window you attached an image of?


    Customer views a number of cameras at a time but let say anytime they have a multicamera screen can we have the lower res and when they double click to show just one camera it will display in full? It seems I can do this but not sure where to look at this. I'm no Milestone expert for sure. I've stayed far away but I got one customer with it and I didn't install it. They have this slow sluggish performance so I'm hoping this will help.

  13. I'm not the one who has been trained and certified. The customer whom is requesting the server is. They will be installing ONSSI. I called the customer this evening and said are you serious??? THis software required a server this size? He says ya the last one they built was a quad core.


    I told him I could offer a system half the cost that was better than this offering but they insisted on sticking with what they were trained and certified on.


    I'm glad I'm not the one messing with it. But I still need to find the hardware and software for it. I ran into the same support issue.


    Is it really not supported on anything other than server 2003 and 2008? Man they are behind times...

  14. I have the Hardware Requirements Document for Ocularis V2.0 and it appears the clients will run on Windows 7 Pro or Ultimate 32 or 64Bit but the Server and RC-P only mention Windows Server 2003-2008. Can you even buy 2003-2008 server anymore?


    3 messages into ONSSI and no call backs. Working with ADI I finally got this document and it's all that it says it supports. Is ONSSI that far behind?


    Guess I'll have to locate 2008 Server since I need a XEON Quad core with 4GB of RAM! Seems like this is a supercomputer for 16 cameras. Don't ask it's an RFQ I'm working on and all I was told was a computer that will run ONSSI! I've never used ONSSI in my life so I'm forced to figure out what hardware and OS I need for a 7FPS 90 day retention.

  15. Ya I would take Key West right about now!!! Hell I would take a zero temperature...


    This from accuweather this morning. Think I'll be working inside today HA!













    Damn it gets cold here. I miss Boston weather LOL

  16. Who uses Black Berry anymore?


    Surprisingly many still do. Like me Gotta support Canadian enterprise!! Oh wait then that would mean I should be jumping ship to Avigilon DOH!


    I was pointing out the few things preventing me from jumping at the moment. I've been selling exacq for a couple years now and I know it pretty well. I've become used to the fact that it just works with everything so I'm having a tough time with the conversion. It's just nice to tell all my customers yes it will work with that....and there is no cost adder to allow it to work with your mobile phone!
