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Everything posted by G22

  1. G22

    CPU Temps

    I have Prime95... is it the Torture Test that I run? Thx.
  2. G22

    CPU Temps

    Thanks for the tips. I currently have a Zalman CNPS7700-Cu cooler for the CPU. It is that big ass heavy copper one. The RPM's seems a lil low though to me at 1650. I wouldn't touch the stock cooler though. I also have 2 x 120MM case fans for the front and rear... and a dual Vantec (with pretty blue LED's) aiming at the PCI-E video card My next step is moving the PC down into the basement, as it is just too hot upstairs where it is currently. I might even get a better case with more venting/cooling options.
  3. G22

    This sux

    30c with humidex of 38c today here, whatever that be in F. We no speek Fahrenheit here eh. However, I do like my old Olds... all in MPH
  4. BTW eh, your sig is speeled rong, should be... Tekenikel Supourt
  5. Anyone have any URL's of online stores?
  6. You guys need to seriously consider payment plans.
  7. It will Luxriot prob if not expensive.
  8. Interesting. How long has this been? http://catalog2.panasonic.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ModelList?storeId=11201&catalogId=13051&catGroupId=14689
  9. G22

    IDE or E-IDE?

    I should know this, but have only dealt with SCSI and regular IDE drives in the past. I have a Plextor DVD Burner (E-IDE ATAPI) along with its own 80-pin Ultra DMA cable w/blue and black connector. The motherboard is an ASUS with 1 x IDE connector (blue) and 2 x E-IDE connectors (red). ASUS supplies 2 x 80-pin Ultra DMA cables as well w/gray and black connectors. In the ASUS manual, it says ATAPI devices are not supported on the red E-IDE connectors. Which connector do I connect this thing to on the motherboard? Thx.
  10. Is it required to connect the EZ_PLUG 4-pin Molex in addition to the ATX12V (4 or 8 pin) for extra power to a DVR card? Also, what is the diff between the 4 and 8 pin ATX12V connectors? My MB has a removable cap over 4 of the connectors and my PSU has both 4 and 8 pin connectors. Extra power for the CPU? Or perhaps for an SLI setup with 2 video cards? I have a PCI-E video card and just wondering if I need to connect both, or if it hurts to have both connected regardless. I have no intention of running 2 PCI-E cards with SLI, even though this card is SLI compatible.
  11. Prob some card that has Panasonic printed on it but made in Taiwan or Korea.
  12. G22


    Stuff like this Nigerian scam things make me want to vomit. That entire country should be made into a parking lot for starters. They should all be hunted down like the animals that they are. http://www.zone-h.org/nigerianfraud We also had some scumbag from Nigeria recently order $2500 USD in law books to be delivered to a bookstore there. There were obvious red flags. We never shipped anything, Visa was informed and was in fact a stolen cc.
  13. G22


    There was a DVR site that was hacked a while back. I found it when I be googlin. I will be see if I can find it. I think it was even Kanadian!
  14. G22


    Some ppl got nothin better to do than attacking progs like phpbb. Seems like there are more releases and bug fixes than GeoVision.
  15. G22


    We made memberlist.php on our phpbb site inaccessible, websites in profiles hidden (helps in stopping spammers from getting listed), renamed the agreed=true or whatever it be when registering, activated visual confirmation. It seemed to help. We still get the odd spammer signing up though but not nearly as many. I also added many b/c class blocks though in htaccess and iptables. Linux is you friend.
  16. Just as long as the software aint made in Taiwan. Need good ol US or Canadian software eh y'all
  17. Can't we buy our own Linux embedded motherboards and build our own, flash them whatever?
  18. $3790.00 CAD be around $3033.00 USD
  19. Since this be end user pricing, guess I can post it eh. Twas $3790.00 CAD. The 3204 was $2500 CAD and change.
  20. I recently received an end user quote on a March Networks 3108 wall mountable. Holy Ding Dong!
  21. Just the fact that criminals are criminals... makes them all stupid.
  22. G22

    Geo Version 7.2 out soon

    v9.0 is in the works now.
  23. G22

    Geo Version 7.2 out soon

    v8.5 already.
  24. G22

    Geo Version 7.2 out soon

    Version 8.0 is in the works, released next month.
  25. G22

    Donglin Along...

    Few more config options. So far, 720x240+ is actually worse quality in our setup for some reason than 640x480 was. Might have to try Wavelet and see what happens. Right now, it is 720x480 De-interlaced since 720x480 raised the CPU usage up to 85%+. I just finished building my PC for a PC Based DVR for home use. Just need a half decent LCD monitor and a DVR card now. GeoVision is definitely not on my list for DVR cards. I would rather connect my Panasonic camcorder via FireWire and capture that way before ever getting another GeoVision unfortunately.