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Everything posted by kalpesh_nikumbh

  1. kalpesh_nikumbh

    axis 206

    The latest firmware for this product is version 4.40.1 http://www.axis.com/techsup/cam_servers/cam_206/firmware.php Kalpesh India
  2. kalpesh_nikumbh

    CCTV Camera problems

    If the camera has set on NTSC and is viewed on PAL monitor ( & vise versa)... may this proble occures !! Have you checked that?? I don't think there is manoj problem in d cam. small stting issue only Kalpesh India
  3. Welcome!! Kalpesh India
  4. kalpesh_nikumbh

    Are all IP cameras megapixel?

    definitly not!! Kalpesh India
  5. kalpesh_nikumbh

    5 hour buffer offset

    Why just insisting on NVR...?? Kalpesh India
  6. kalpesh_nikumbh

    5 hour buffer offset

    So isn't that solution suggested is not worthy?? you can have stand alone/ separate 8 chanell switch for networking!!! What did you say? Possible solution: why cann't you go for Client-sever archtechture!! Let live strems record in server centrally... and have three PCs with AXIS Client software!! ( where in those three display monitos been pluged!) Instead of viewing live ...Playback the respective cameras with conveniont time to you!!! Kalpesh India
  7. kalpesh_nikumbh

    hello, Tina from China, welcome to enjoy Olimpic

    Thanks for the Invitation Tina!! Welcome to the forum!!! Kalpesh India
  8. kalpesh_nikumbh

    A Site to Security

    Hi Welcome !! Kalp.
  9. kalpesh_nikumbh


    wel come!! Kalpesh India
  10. Hey thewireguys!! You wanna suggest 2 replace 4 camers with single!! That's nice!!! If that cannot possible and req....4 diffrent cams in difrent areas.... option 2 : But as he said ...budget is very low...he cam go for AXIs 207.. cheepest & Coolest MPEG-4 IP cam in AXIS. On prise could not comment ...since i works in India. Kalp.
  11. kalpesh_nikumbh

    Curved electronic eye created

    http://www.crn.com/hardware/209904446 what did you say!! kalp.
  12. kalpesh_nikumbh

    Whats the difference between the sent and out box

    Cool dopalgangr, After reading this..... my i exactly looking like ...what you have added in your avatar!!! your ans. is yes!!! Kalp.
  13. kalpesh_nikumbh

    Video analytics for penguins

    Hey Scorpion !! I shared this with my friends here in mumbai , India...and they thought it's coool!! May be such ( rigid) tech. can be used for counting no. of commuters in the local trains here........ they are very much overloaded all the time. kalp.
  14. kalpesh_nikumbh

    Curved electronic eye created

    Cool!! a ship with marines and garment with button!! Kalp.
  15. kalpesh_nikumbh

    axis 206

  16. kalpesh_nikumbh

    axis 206

    Ooooooooooops sorry wrong file attached!!! Kalp.
  17. kalpesh_nikumbh

    axis 206

    Hi zmxtech, Go to Setup on the web page ...it's very simple bro!! Kalp.
  18. kalpesh_nikumbh

    PTZ camera which connector ?

    so Option No 1 : PTZ with video over coaxial + the PTZ controol signal over same cable with some properitaory protocol ( coaxitron etc) Option No 2 : PTZ with video over coaxial cable PTZ controls --> cables from Pan tilt motor ; motorised zoom lens cables to PTZ receiver ....which then pass RS485 control signal from this RX to DVR/keypad!! PTZ motor cables includes AUX + , UP , Down , Left , right , auto & ground Zoom lens cables includes zoom in , zoom out , focus far , focus near kalp.
  19. kalpesh_nikumbh

    Geovision vs Kodicom

    certainly would write about Kodicom.... 1. PC / card based Diginet system 2. Linux based KSR system... till 2 yrs back ..when client use to ask upto cool 4 x 80 GB hard drives... KSR s where fine .....but suddenly they upgrade there firmwares...and here all problem start... they now supports 4 x 500 Gb..but just useless!!! about Diginet...ya ! i always have good experience with the product... only major problem was the heat generated during the continuous operation of the system.... If you have special industrial casing (Like Pelco DX series DVRs have)....they are dam Good. belive me our service center in india use to replace avarage 1 KSR every day!!jocks apart. Have no experience with Geovision yet. Kalp.
  20. kalpesh_nikumbh


    Hey scorpion!! So what happen to him then?? is he got the access there??? Kalp.
  21. kalpesh_nikumbh


    Wel come Keith sir!! u r of my father's age!!! he also started working around that time only... I born in 1980!!! but studied those tube type devices....never saw them!! may be that time those cameras needs to carry over shoulders!! or like DG sets?? Kalp.
  22. kalpesh_nikumbh

    Hi all

    Feel Safe....................... Kalp.
  23. kalpesh_nikumbh


    Wel come!! Cheers!! Kalp.
  24. kalpesh_nikumbh

    AVC 760 and mails of the future

    Check out your DVR Time zone... by default it is what d manufacturr's have!!! Kalp..
  25. kalpesh_nikumbh

    Hello from Jakarta, Indonesia

    Wel come peter!! Kalp.