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Everything posted by steve6690

  1. steve6690

    Diffuse IR Floodlight

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PRISMATIC-ACRYLIC-3MM-THICK-LIGHTING-DIFFUSER-PMMA-/170593237322?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item27b826394a I'd be tempted to try a cheap fix like the one above.
  2. It's unclear so I'll ask whether you've tried all the cameras in port 1 ? Plus, have you tried the known working cable on all 3 cameras in port 1.
  3. Here's a tip. Leave her. If you don't feel safe it is time to go. Agree with the above. This is not the way forward I'm afraid. As a police officer of 15 years I can tell you that the violence will always get worse unless she gets professional help. Confronting her with video evidence won't make her change. If you are gathering the video evidence to give to the police, don't waste their time unless you are prepared to follow through with legal proceedings, and if it's got that bad that you need to use video you should pack your bags and leave now. Do you want her to stab you and say it was self defence ?
  4. steve6690

    Why I Love my Job.

    I love my job because I never know what's coming and every day is different. I'm fortunate that I get paid to do exciting stuff that other people pay to do as a hobby.
  5. steve6690

    bad neighbor privacy invasion

    I don't think this forum can give you the help you need.
  6. You are specifying the path for manual recording. I can also do that on my laptop. Event triggered recording is different and it seems to me that it can only happen if you have a separate hard drive or partition that does not also contain the operating system.
  7. I am new to this myself and have had the same issue. After some research and twiddling with things I have come to the conclusion that event triggered recording only works if you have managed to assign a hard drive for it in the camera setup. In my case I have tried to assign the local C: drive on my laptop but it does not appear as a drive in the setup page so I cannot select it. However, when I plugged a usb drive into my laptop it did appear and I was given the option to format it. Unfortunately I need it so did not go ahead and format it but I think it probably would have worked. Have you set up a drive and formatted it ?
  8. steve6690

    LJD Dome

    Got one cheap and stuck on the front of my garage to point at my car. It's a day/night with ir cut filter as listed here : [mod edit]no store links[/mod edit] It seems ok but I'm suspicious because it was a real bargain and I'm tempted to have a half-dozen more. Has anyone had experience of these and are they any good ? thanks Steve
  9. http://www.neal.co.uk/suspect.htm try these people. They supply UK police evidential video/audio recorders. They may be able to help.
  10. The speed is not the issue. I'd use SATA, but only because of the thinner cables and the resultant airflow/cooling advantages.
  11. steve6690

    Computer Port Scanner

    http://www.paessler.com/ I use prtg free version on my home pc. It seems to do a lot of stuff..[/url]
  12. steve6690


    Or just PM one of us your computers external IP address.
  13. steve6690

    gv-800 webcam problem

    The only thing you now have to do is be careful which Active X controls you allow to be installed on your machine. If you don't need it to be on there, I would advise that you leave it off your machine.
  14. steve6690

    gv-800 webcam problem

    Hi, the problem is with your Internet Explorer Internet Zone security settings. In Internet Explorer. Select Tools, Internet Options, Security. Select Internet, then click on "Custom level". Change the following options : Automatic Prompting for Active X controls - set to "enable" Download Unsigned Active X Controls - set to "Prompt" Initialise and script Active X controls not marked as safe - set to "Prompt" Click on Ok and then try the Multiview again. This time it should ask you if you want to install the Active X and when you click yes it should work. HTH Steve
  15. steve6690


    How are you trying to access it ?
  16. steve6690

    What kind of Vehicles do you DRIVE?

    Yep,cost of living is an absolute joke here in the UK. I saw on the news today that we pay the highest price in the world for our natural gas. The price rises over the last year have been ridiculous.My wife is German and it really hits home when we go and visit and see that food is half the price and other necessities are much cheaper too.
  17. steve6690

    What kind of Vehicles do you DRIVE?

    Pah ! I laugh in the face of such things..... until the fine drops onto the doormat
  18. steve6690

    What kind of Vehicles do you DRIVE?

    2001 BMW 525i SE First decent car I've owned....
  19. steve6690

    Geovision starts, then "Start Server Fail!"

    If you decide to use a spyware program I'd avoid Spyware Doctor. I tried it but when it's running, Geo Webcam fails to start up. My DVR is not dedicated so I have to use Av software. I had problems with Norton (doesn't everybody) and Bitdefender so I now use AVG free edition which seems to run happily with Geo 6.05. SpyBot S&D is OK but Spyware Doctor found a few things that it didn't find.
  20. steve6690


    I can recommend Zyxel routers. Mine runs 24/7 and is solidly reliable. I've set up a couple now and they've been great.
  21. steve6690

    Please list your Favorite 2 websites

    http://www.bmwland.co.uk/ http://www.advanced-driving.co.uk/
  22. I am no expert but I think Geovision provides this feature if you install the Geo Center software on the monitoring PC. http://www.geovision.com.tw/english/3_1.asp?stable1=Pro&sfiled=pgid&pno=15
  23. steve6690

    LJD Dome

    Thanks for that baywatch. For the money I paid, I think I'll grab a couple more.
  24. Forget that, I was using Firefox browser and it seems to only work with Internet Explorer. I can see both your cameras fine now.
  25. I can get as far as your lovely green login screen. http://frankiefung.gotdns.org:8888/ I'd have a look through your documentation again. I bet you have to open additional ports to allow the video stream to leave your router and go into the www.