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Erron S.

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Posts posted by Erron S.

  1. You should be able to get training from the manufacture of the DVR. Most of the larger companies (including 3xLOGIC) hold training classes about once a quarter. They are typically focused on their software but do cover the broad range of IP networking and what else pertains to a typical install. Have you tried calling the manufacture and see if they hold classes?

  2. Well, I have a thought...


    The 726 is a managed switch. Is it set to disconnect or drop a connection when the bitrate (whatever value is set) has been exceeded? I'm wondering if maybe the imported camera has a small compression rate and a lot of movement is making the filesize/bitrate skyrocket in turn making the switch drop that connection.


    My 2 cents anyway..

  3. Hello Zach,


    First off, welcome aboard! You'll find a lot of really nice people here as well as many seasoned veterans in the industy.


    I whole hearted agree with you on the 'clients are often friends' statement. Most of the clients I have are indeed friends. In fact the guys from Absolute Security we're just here in Colorado to go snowmobiling and a bit of training on our gear just a month ago. In fact that is what makes companies stand out from the crowd not only in service but the ability to back up your products you install by being able to trust and have trust in the people behind the product. Bravo to you!


    I truely appreciate Soundys plug for our gear and I'll also say that ultimately you have to find the products that work for your clients and what their needs are. Reading the industry magazines and attending trade shows will certainly bring you up to speed in what's available out there. Then you have to make the decision on what/when/where you buy your gear from. How do they train on their products, do you have to pay for this training and how do they back up their gear after the sale are just a few things to consider.


    You certainly sound like you're off on the right foot. Good luck!

  4. A couple of things came to mind as I read through this thread.


    There are companies that are sending IP over coax and doing it very well.



    There's one thing we really need to consider when we look at these new and 'easier to install' technologies and that's the installers worth in the industry. What I mean by that is over the past 3/4 decade or so the DIY market had increased and began to make it harder for a dealer/installer to make a buck in the industry. What's the dealers 'worth' if you can have your brother-in-law install the system? (meaning no extensive knowledge is needed for a cctv install) This is what can and does put many dealers out of business. How many times has someone lost a job to Sam's Club or the like? Something to consider as we promote these 'plug and play' technologies. It does make it easier on the installers until the end user market gets a feel for it, then it's just the end user doing the install.


    Having said that, what I'm seeing in the market place is a few things. Either the dealers are getting more education on IP infrastructure and growing their 'value' to the end user or they are hiring guys that are aready trained in networks. I'm also seeing a number of network admin types getting into cctv because it's a fairly easy adjustment when they have IP knowledge already. Not to mention that most new buildings are installing networks for not only the internet but also for phones and cctv gear. They are planning ahead from that standpoint and that looks to be the forseeable way of wiring a building. Have any of you guys seen new construction that pulls coax during construction as a 'just in case' measure? I sure haven't. Not only that, but any medium to large sized building typically has an IT guy on staff or on call just to handle their IT infrastructure after the install is completed.


    Either way, it will be interesting to see if any of these new technologies take hold or if the IP standards will prevail. Time will tell that's for sure.

  5. I've seen a number of times it's the plastic itself. A lot of various manufactures will use a polycarbonate that has a tendency to 'haze' after when installed out in the elements. I'm not sure if it's a UV thing or temp thing but I have seen it quite a few times. You may be able to polish out the haze with some plastic polish but your best bet is to replace it with glass if it's not in a vandalization prone area.

  6. Wildcat, We're in Westminster bud. If you want to see some of this technology first hand give me a ring. We don't sell to end users, we're the manufacture so no strings attached. Just thought I'd offer you a place to see IP/Megapixel/DVR's/NVR's and analog cameras in person.

  7. I'd agree with Tom on the 'first IP install'. This is something that we teach here are our office and honestly its rather a crash course being so short. We do 3 days on the DVR/NVR's and another 3 days just on IP and networking. If this is your first crack at it, you certainly want a good IT guy with you as well as the job sites IT guy. He probably knows their particular brand and make of switch inside and out.
