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how do I calculate ROI?

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Have you read a vendor's literature and wondered if there ROI calculations are accurate?


Have you been asked to make an ROI calculation to justify a purchase?



I notice that there is a lot of talk about ROI calculations but not enough good information on how to calculate one.


I wrote a review to help: http://ipvideomarket.info/review/show/83


Here are the 4 main principles I identify:


- Understand the alternative to this proposed investment

- Understand the full cost

- Understand the technological deficiencies of this investment

- Verify that operational assumptions are correct



Do you provide ROIs to customers? If so, how do you do it? Have there been any issues you have seen with it?





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To the extent that crime is or will be increasing, the value of security should increase.


However, I am not sure that this will help sales of new CCTV systems. Recessions usually result in companies decreasing capital expenditures. As a new system or an upgraded system is certainly a capital expenditure, I think there will be pressure by many to make due with what they currently have.



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