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donald may

someone broke into my house, plz help picking out spy cams

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someone broke into my home last week, Im looking to get some spy cameras to put around the house incase if it happen again. the house is around 1000 sqf. what type/brand do you recommend?

im looking for something small so i could hide it around the house.

budget is under $1000 usd.


any help is greatly appreciated.

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Instead of installing spy cameras why not put up highly visible cameras instead? The reason being is that it is far better to make your home an unpalatable target to thieves rather than to act as a trap. As an example, my home is a couple of blocks north of a bar frequented by young people. I have footage of the drunken idiots doing all sorts of drunken idiot stuff (vandalism, urinating on vehicles, etc.,) captured by my low light armor dome on one corner of the front of my house and the low light bullet on the other corner. About a month ago, as an experiment I decided to install a 4-9mm vari focal IR camera at the corner facing the direction the drunks returning from the bar come from. All of a sudden they are passing by quietly and the neighborhood in general is quieter at 2am on a Saturday.


While catching thieves, vandals, common half wits on camera can be fun it is still far safer for you, your family and property (not to mention the time it saves) to have them move on by an bother someone else.

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I completely understand your point. I don't know who broke into my house but for some reason i think its someone that i know or someone that is close to me. I have nothing valuable for them to take but i really like to know who it is. from your experience does those little tiny spy cam have decent quality? what i mean is that with decent lighting in the house will i be able tell the face and law enforcement can regonize the burglar?


oh and btw, i stay in in apt. and i don't think i could install any cams outside : \

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tomcctv, those are exactly what im looking for. do you know which one is good or is there a certain brand that come or your mind?

i did some searching and found something call the Micro Eye but there are serveral version of it and doesn't know which one is the latest version.

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If you don't need a permanent system - ie. you just want to catch this one person and aren't worried about having camera coverage all the time in your house, I'd go with something like the covert PIR cam as well, such as in the flyonthewall.co.uk link. You might want something that you can plug-in to power just so you're not constantly swapping batteries, but that sort of thing will allow you to pop up a couple of inconspicuous cameras with no additional wiring needed, get the footage you need to prosecute, and then either store the cameras for future use, or sell them off to recoup some of the cost.


I've seen similar types of cameras built into all manner of everyday devices - smoke detectors, desktop pencil sharpeners, computer speakers, clocks... the one company whose products we used to use has since vanished from the market, but there are plenty of others out there.

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If you want to catch the person you will have to ID them, you will need HI-res and good night capability or lighting.


the spy shop rubbish will only do half the job.

You will have to work out the choke points and placements to get a good head shot. [no not 50cal]


A SVAT PI1000 mounted at head height near the main door might do the business. Most thieves are stupid ! tho you will need to test it on yourself at day/night etc till you have a good picture.


my 2c

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