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video evidence

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Hi all, is half D1 and 6 frames a second any good for using as evidence? or does it all have to be 25-30fps at D1 resolution?, My 16 channel dvr records all the channels on motion set, so fps isn't so good 5 or 6.

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How does the quality look during playback? Also, how does it look if converting to a different format? Can you see all the information you require? How does it look when you zoom in? How do still shots look?


I've used grainy and somewhat distored B&W video tape from time lapse VCR as evidence of employee theft, burglaries and robberies.

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Probably like most other people on here. I would prefer to use a higher resolution with lower frame rate. So if half D1 is the highest rez your DVR can be set to then use it but if it can go full D1 I would do that. I prefer to use atleast 15 fps and I prefer to never go under 7 FPS though, but thats just me.

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it really depends on the application and location.

I know people recording at 1fps in highest quality and its fine, they have used it for evidence for the courts before.


Personally I prefer the fastest and highest quality I can get.


Some DVRs will use a smart motion feature where it adjusts the frames based on how many cameras are detecting motion, so for example if the card is 120fps and only 4 cameras are detecting motion, then it will record at 30fps each of those 4 channels.

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