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camera electronically deters spiders

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I forget where I saw this camera online but it had me shaking my head. It was a IR bullet with a tiny speaker that supposedly emits a frequency to deter insects from camera. I would love to see a test performed on this camera sounds like snake oil to me.


just found it the camera is clinton electronics model ce-b707 and it states:


Anti-Spider Technology:

Emits a special high frequency signal that

detracts spiders and other insects. This

technology deters spiders from creating a

web over the camera which in return

reduces service calls.

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That sounds awesome!! I hope its not loud though, or all the neighborhood dogs will be going crazy!!



That could be a benefit? No surprise packages when you're walking thru the grass. Had one neighbor that had an afgan. That animal left deposits that would put a horse to shame! Definitely not bio-degradeable!

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Ever try one of those bug/rodent deterents that you plug into your wall inside, which work under the same principle? I'll save you the trouble- they don't work. Neither will it work on a camera. Save your money- it's just a gimmick. Problem with spiders isn't that they park themselves right in front of the lense, it's that they shoot the freakin webs across the field of view 6 inches in front of the camera. I rarely see the spider, but I see the floating webs every night.


Here's the best investment I bought besides the cameras themselves.


An 8' telescoping extension pole-



And a microfiber dust head attachment-



The pole is 8'. The dust head straightened out is a foot. I'm 6' and with my arm extended, that's 8' of just me. All together that's 17' of extending power. From the ground, I can dust all of my cameras including my highest ones. And the funny thing is that spiders seem to be smart. If you keep wiping away the webs, they get annoyed and move on, as though they get it- this spot costs me too much work making webs. And they just move on. And then it gets cold enough and the SOB's up and die. THAT will be a welcome change!



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