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Help with Aventura !!

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I am new to this forum.


I hope someone can help. I have been dealing with PC based dvr systems for about ten years now.


I am trying to help a customer right now who has an Aventura DVR. I have aventura parts lying around my shop from units which I have pulled off of jobs.


I figured out that the problem with his dvr is that one of the capture boards is bad. I replaced the capture board with one from a dvr lying around in the shop. Now I get a warning saying " your software has not been registered" . The system still works, and I can see the video footage.


does anyone know how I can register this, or get rid of this prompt.


Also does anyone know where to download Aventura software?


Thanks in advance!

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Aventura dont give out software. you will have to contact John or matthew at aventura to register.


but if you have just changed cards you can remove the chip from the old card and put it back in the other card


you should see it in the top right of the card with writing on it (the only chip that pulls out on card) this has the registration code on that the software is looking for

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I do not see any removable chips on these cards, or on any of the cards that I have in my possession. Do you think that Aventura will help me to register these cards since I have not directly purchased them from Aventura?

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I do not see any removable chips on these cards, or on any of the cards that I have in my possession. Do you think that Aventura will help me to register these cards since I have not directly purchased them from Aventura?


It used to be done by "License file"

u might have to pay for number of channels u need

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The system was already licensed for 24 cameras. All I did was replace the card. Seriously .. this Aventura is nothing but propitiatory junk. I called these clowns once before about 2 years ago and they wanted $500 for the software for there bs cards. They suck

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