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I installed 10 cameras using cat 5 & ballens ... orange / orange white = Power +.... Green / green white = - neg. Video + = blue /blur/white ...Video - = brown / brown white.


I used one pair to each + & - (video and power


images look good in hand held - at the DVR end balens - Plug them into the DVR - all sorts of diagonal lines on the images... any suggestions?

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But at the DVR (head end) balens the image is fine on the hand held monitor.


I will try Blue + B/white - tomorrow - But I think it may be a ground problem in the building

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Baluns work best on a 'twisted' pair. The pairs you used is not a twisted pair. Try just the blue and see what happens.

If you still have lines, it's possible the DVR is PAL and the cameras are not.

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I second the comment to only use one pair for video. In Cat(5/6/7) cable, individual pairs are twisted but there is little-to-no pair-to-pair twist. Plus, each pair has an impedance of 100 ohms. If you use one pair as (+) and one pair as (-) for the video, you have no twists and the impedance will not be 100 ohms. The twists act to cancel out noise picked up in the cable. Without the twist, you will likely get noise. You will also have impedance mismatch, which will cause its own set of problems.


This does not apply to power, only to video so you can use one pair for power (+) and one pair for power (-).

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