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Viewing CCTV

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Not sure if i posted in the right section but here's my issue and i hope that you guys can give an insight of the problem.


I've engaged a contractor to fix CCTV cameras around my factory and have it linked so that I can viewed it anywhere so as long as I have a PC and a valid internet connection.


Everything was fine at the beginning until lately the allocated address for me to view the cctv cameras are giving me errors. The address returned "webpage not found".


I've inquired with the contractor and the contractor told me that he found out that the settings that was keyed in my router for the cctv were erased entirely and he told me it was my ISP's problem.


It seems that my ISP has been doing some frequent connection resets which led to the cctv settings being erased.


Now, I'm not well versed with all these and the contractor is charging me every time he goes and check the system out as he said, it's not a problem due to him


Can anyone advise me is this even possible or my contractor is ripping me off or he provided me with a crappy system?


Thanks in advance.

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It is possible. If the CCTV system is accessible from inside the network, it is working fine. The fact that it stops working only from outside the network should give you a hint that it is not a problem with the CCTV system itself, but with your internet connection.


If your router is reset, changed, maybe even upgraded, you switch ISPs, etc, your connection will need to be configured again, and that is not the contractor's fault.


You might want to talk to your ISP, get a fixed IP, make them open the ports for you, etc. You are being charged for something very basic to do, you can also get any computer guy to do it for you, or learn it yourself.

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There are many threads in this forum, giving answers for " Port Forwarding". Read them and you will understand what's for CCTVFORUM.Com

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Your contractor is not being unreasonable.


If fact every time you reset your router the settings (such as port forwarding) will be deleted.


I have made a guide that you can use to teach yourself port forwarding.




If you are not IT savy you might want to ask someone to do it for you.


Also i don't see why you should get this done again and again. if done once properly and you don't reset your change your router all should be fine.

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