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Lenel OnGuard - Alarms Only When Logged In

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After migrating from PicturePerfect to Lenel OnGuard, one function that it doesn't do (and we cannot understand how) is you will only get alarms if you are signed in when it triggers.  I have asked numerous Lenel support folks about this and they seem confused why we would even want that which baffles me.

Example, let's say I am not signed in and a building fire alarm triggers and is active.  If I log in right after the alarm started, it will not be in my Alarm Monitor at all...even though it is an ACTIVE FIRE ALARM.  

I don't understand how other clients could use this and that not be a major issue.  If I login, I expect to see all active alarms...not just what triggered WHEN I am logged in.

Another example of how this is a problem, we used to have our monitoring station operators all have their own unique login.  This way we could track who did what.  However, let's say there a number of held door alarms active at change of shift...if user A signs out and new shift user B signs on....their alarm monitor won't show that any doors are held open.  Seems terrible.

Anyone else use OnGuard?  How is this acceptable?

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