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DigiNet Center & DigiNet Site

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i've just bought a P-III 800mhz with Windows XP and 4 cameras with diginet site, and Center.. i've got the programs installed and the cameras setup.. but i'm getting no picture and every time i try to close the program it reboots my system... it's driving me nuts can someone give me a hand with this plz??

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P3 800Mhz with Windows XP is definately one of the issues ..

The other maybe that it is a clone and not an original card.

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Thank u for responding. and yes i'm pretty sure it's a clone.


well, i bought it from another biz owner, and it's a Compaq built desktop style PC.. i've got the picture now, my problem was my BNC cabling, it was crappy or broken.. unsure which it was.. but the picture is working fine now.


My only real problem now is that it's going to fill my 10 gig partitioned HDD now..(C:\ is 10 gig with windows installed... D:\ is 10 gig dedicated as a structure for diginet) i've also found.. it's not diginet center turning the PC off. it's diginet SITE that does it.


also if i can ask, does the length of the BNC cord matter? because i'm using 2 cameras, each with 50-75 ft. of cabling.

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