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KMOON security cameras

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A friend had given and kindly installed 2 cameras outside when I was having some issues with stalker 6 years ago.  Unfortunately,  he has passed away. 

But I am having some problems with my system.  I was thinking I was hacked . My password changed and  everything is different. It's doing weird things. My names  went back to factory settings and it wont allow me to be the admin. 

I don't know if I need to use the dhcp, is that safe?

When I look in the log , it shows all kinds of log ins that were not me!

I really don't know if I am doing it right !

Any help or suggestions for me wouldbegreatlyappreciated. Thank you 😊 



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Hi … xmeye are prone to hack and have been for a few years

if your cameras are still showing then just buy a new recorder…. 6 years for your last one also shows it will no longer have support 

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