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SamSung CCTV to Linux PC

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k well lets start off with me waking up to my mother asking me to install this security system in her restaurant, I have only the knowledge I've gained of CCTV over the past few hours.


My goal with this is to get up to 8 channels of video into the Linux box, I'm reading about some CCTV software I would like Motion and/or ZoneMinder,

I'll figure out if you can run both together.


If it is possible I would like to be able to record like this.


Monday to Saturday 4pm -12 PM on cameras 1-4

Sunday 9am -11am - 4pm - 11pm on cameras 1-4


motion any time after 11 pm to 630 am on cameras 1-8


Or maybe if is possable/practical to only record motion on any camera at any point during the day, I belive Motion can do this by averaging the pixels in the frames.



So now with the hardware.


There are complete specifications here, if I haven't put enough information here...


samsung com /Products/DigitalVideoSecuritySystem/VideoSurveillanceKit/SMO_150QNXAA.asp?page=Specifications


That's what she bought, The cameras come in on a RJ-25?? (6 pin terminal)


There are 2 outputs, I can stream it (through internet explorer only) across my network. I imagine that Samsung change the MPEG encoding for a codec that the monitor installs.


I don't believe that streaming the video without that web software is possable, yet alone time lapse recording it. Hopfully I don't can't/don't have to do this, the stream is ugly, and I prefer not to submit my network to that constant load.


I would like to take the svideo out

(1.0Vp-p, 75ω (vertical), S-Jack Type, CVBS) does that help?

t goes s-video to the monitor, and has rca audio input/output, a trigger wire (I'll figure out what that is in the manual) and some 4BCA looking connections, All I can find is that maybe it's a RS-4 connectors, it looks like the old network cables from when my dad would bring me old servers from union pacific when i was little, they are female and twist lock onto a male connector.... BNC??? 4BNC?


To make sense of that:


----------------- --------------

----------------- - RCA Audio In/Out (one terminal for each)

----------------- ----------------

-------------- -

s-video In ---------------------- trigger(bare wire) I dunno what this does

-------------- -

---------------- ------------------------

----------------- - single BNC??/RS-4?? In/out (one terminal for each)

--------------------- -----------------------



So first off I need a DRV card that has 8 video channels and can handle recording each channel at at least 5fps... such as these?

I will check for linux compatability after I can comprehend this process.


tuner com/spectra.htm

(would 120fps (4X30) = 15 fps on 8 cameras? I don't think she will want that much but we will see after I gather the total cost, how much hdd space this will consume, and see where she wants to cut corners/go further)


linuxmedialabs com/

(LMLBT44 - $315 -- 8 @ 15 fps still a liittle much)

(LMLBT4M - $149 -- 8 @ 7.5 FPS + a way to connect 4 more cameras to it, can that be done , but seems like im only going to save ~100ish dollars for half the FPS?)


The frame rates i postet up there are for video playback I think or do they all record and play back at the same rate, such as this next one does?


soneri com/DR3004F.asp

(DR3004F2 - $160 / 2 cards -- 4 @ 7.5 fps)


I don't really care about frames per second as I don't want to veiw or record real time video on this machine. I would Like for it to buffer like 20 days ( i have no idea how much hdd space saving these different amount of frames is going to take) I'll put a huge drive in. The more the better.



So all I think I have figured out in the connection is:


svideo ------- RS-4??-in---xxx

---------- ---

----------- --

-- single BNC??/RS-4?? out-----|||| ||||---------

-------------- ---------------------|||| ||||--------- DRV Card


How do I split the 8 channels out of that svideo cable's RS-4 terminal?



In my reading around I've heard about multiplexers, is that what I need to split the channel?


I've seen DVR cards with svideo in, but can I run a svideo directly from the CCTV monitor to the card? I belive no.


Do I need a cable that will split the RS-4 into 8 BNC connections?


Or am I missing something completly here?


Sorry for breaking everything apart as I am using this post to get help and to document the project, and english is not my first language.


Any help, ideas, or points in the right direction would be appreciated.


and sorry for my poor ACSII art skills.

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i think its better 4 u to get a standalone DVR to build yr surveillance system.

it's easy to install and more steady.

u can choose real time one or un-real time one.

almost all the DVR can do motion detation and record in schedules.

CIF(352*288) is resolution.of coz D1 some ones can support.

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I found out that the cameras are running on a RJ-11e connection, and I found RJ-11e <-> BNC converters, that is what I need right?


And would it be ok to split it to where I can still plug it into the monitor and the dvr cards?

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Unfortunately you have and item and an issue which do not work together. The first problem is that the SMO150 (and any one of the Samsung RJ11 based systems), the cameras need that specific monitor to be able to produce a picture. You cannot take the camera and connect it into another device and make it work.


Second, the SMO150QN only has one video output and cannot be split onto more than that. You may record on quad mode or single (switch) mode. But the recording would only be of that image which is displayed on the screen. Bottom line, if an image is not on the monitor screen, it is not being recorded.


Why do I know this? Over 7 years selling teh Samsung DIY line of products.

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